再下面一个推论是 Peng 是一种药品,还是和性有关。
Again, with a fixed number of people living in such close quaters for such extended periods, libido 力比多(
http://baike.baidu.com/view/882880.htm?fr=ala0_1) would be something that would have to be dealt with. In such a socially static environment, it is possible that not everyone would be able to find a willing or compatable partner, certainly a long term one. A drug, perhaps Peng, could provide the same sensations of pleasure, substituting and maybe even negating the need for real physical intimacy. It would do doubt be of eminent interest to the CEC to inhibit or control such an aspect of their personnels lives that, if left unchecked, could lead to all sorts of disruptions and problems. CEC用Peng这种玩意给员工服用?