死亡空间吧 关注:41,782贴子:886,524



http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/278041.page 老外的推断越往后越搞笑。

1楼2010-07-01 11:56回复
    总结那个帖子: 其中有认为是 广告中的 软饮料。
    For quite some time, it was widely believed that Peng refered simply to a futuristic soft drink, as the woman in many of the posters can be seen holding a can. 这个推断是因为许多广告招贴中出现的女人手持饮料罐。

    2楼2010-07-01 11:59


      3楼2010-07-01 12:02
        If Peng was indeed a commerical product, then it would make sense that all of the posters advertising it would contain an image of said product, as well as the model promoting it. However, this is not the case. This poster, for example, shows the model alone, and a complete absence of any sort of recognisable product. But, as I will now explain, that does not neccessarily mean that one is not there, being advertised. It is just of a different sort. 作者也提出了上图那种说法。 单独出现的模特,看起来并不是宣传产品。

        4楼2010-07-01 12:04
          Another idea regarding Peng is slightly more colourful than the above mentioned one, and it is the idea that Peng represents either the model herself....后面百度不让发了。

          5楼2010-07-01 12:06
            You will notice the provocative position that the model is standing in, and the positioning of the word Peng. 有些宣传画中的Model看起来据有挑逗意味,也标注有 Peng 这个字眼。
            In this context, the use of the frequently common slogans such as "There's Always Peng!" and "I Love My Peng"(这两个口号很多场景可以看到), which are perfectly plausable(这个字拼写有误 plausible --- a. 貌似真实的,貌似有理的) in the context of advertising a consumable product( 看起来确实挺像产品名的,尤其是"我爱我的Peng"这句), take on a whole new different meaning with regard to what they are referencing and implying.
            Here, unlike with the above idea, there is evidence outside of immediate subjective interpretation of the artwork that supports it. In Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions of the game, some graffiti can be found in bathrooms that says: 第11章某厕所里可以发现以下句子
            I give great Peng! 10 PM right here.
            有时间,有地点。Peng在这里似乎成了 某物 或者 某行为 。而且还指明了 做这个事情的时间。

            6楼2010-07-01 12:16
              爷们在厕所里会聊什么? 在墙上写上这么个句子,似乎Peng是指某种"情 百度 色"活动。
              There are also other examples that reference what are possible personal RIG numbers as giving good Peng. (看,giving good Peng 某种行为)

              7楼2010-07-01 12:20


                8楼2010-07-01 12:24
                  再下面一个推论是 Peng 是一种药品,还是和性有关。
                  Again, with a fixed number of people living in such close quaters for such extended periods, libido 力比多(http://baike.baidu.com/view/882880.htm?fr=ala0_1) would be something that would have to be dealt with. In such a socially static environment, it is possible that not everyone would be able to find a willing or compatable partner, certainly a long term one. A drug, perhaps Peng, could provide the same sensations of pleasure, substituting and maybe even negating the need for real physical intimacy. It would do doubt be of eminent interest to the CEC to inhibit or control such an aspect of their personnels lives that, if left unchecked, could lead to all sorts of disruptions and problems. CEC用Peng这种玩意给员工服用?

                  9楼2010-07-01 12:27
                    Then again, it could simply be a run of the mill pleasure high that the crew can take to destress and relax, something which would have much the same calming effect on efficenct and productivity. Again, in this instance, the slogans such as "There's Always Peng!" and "I Love My Peng" still make perfect sense in context; no matter how lacking opportunities may be, or how stressful a day might be, there is always Peng to rely and fall back on, and people love it.

                    10楼2010-07-01 12:29
                      Oh, and by the way, an interesting piece of trivia. There is an object designer and artist credited as working on Dead Space called Peng Wang, but the idea that Peng is simply a call out to him seems a little bland and unrealistic to me. Besides, the trophy certainly doesn't represent what is a him, and neither does the image on the posters.
                      其实个人觉得,丫的都被耍了............ DS的游戏设计师名单里有一个叫 Peng Wang (音 王鹏)........ 估计为了彰显个性,把自己的名字满世界贴。就算你老外觉得Peng某(男性)不应该以女性形象出现在海报,别忘了,我们还有让人自豪无比的“hao chi ji le 好吃极了。”

                      11楼2010-07-01 12:33


                        12楼2010-07-01 12:36

                          13楼2010-07-01 12:38

                            14楼2010-07-01 12:39

                              补张图。 右边 I give great peng......

                              20楼2010-09-14 08:42