大家晚上好,D系10级重坦 Kpz. 07P(E)在今天加入超测。

This vehicle is armed with a 120 mm gun that can cause 420 HP of damage per shot. The penetration value of the standard shell is 260 mm, while the special shell penetrates 325 mm. It has an aiming time of 1.7 s, a dispersion of 0.33 m, and a reload time of 12 s. The view range is 410 m.
In terms of survivability and mobility, this vehicle differs from its German counterparts. The thickness of the frontal turret armor reaches 190 mm, the hull armor is 140 mm thick, and the upper glacis plate is completely covered by a dozer blade acting as a screen. The vehicle's durability is 2,200 HP. It also offers a top forward speed of 50 km/h, with a specific power of 16.8 h.p./t.
这辆车配备了一门120毫米火炮,每次射击可造成420点伤害。标准炮弹的穿深值为260毫米,而特种炮弹的穿深为325毫米。它的瞄准时间为1.7秒,百米精度为0.33,装填时间为 12 秒。视野范围为 410 米。
炮塔正面装甲厚度达到190毫米,车体装甲厚度为140毫米。车辆的生命值为 2,200。它还有 50 公里/小时的最高前进速度,单位功率为 16.8 马力/吨。

This vehicle is armed with a 120 mm gun that can cause 420 HP of damage per shot. The penetration value of the standard shell is 260 mm, while the special shell penetrates 325 mm. It has an aiming time of 1.7 s, a dispersion of 0.33 m, and a reload time of 12 s. The view range is 410 m.
In terms of survivability and mobility, this vehicle differs from its German counterparts. The thickness of the frontal turret armor reaches 190 mm, the hull armor is 140 mm thick, and the upper glacis plate is completely covered by a dozer blade acting as a screen. The vehicle's durability is 2,200 HP. It also offers a top forward speed of 50 km/h, with a specific power of 16.8 h.p./t.
这辆车配备了一门120毫米火炮,每次射击可造成420点伤害。标准炮弹的穿深值为260毫米,而特种炮弹的穿深为325毫米。它的瞄准时间为1.7秒,百米精度为0.33,装填时间为 12 秒。视野范围为 410 米。
炮塔正面装甲厚度达到190毫米,车体装甲厚度为140毫米。车辆的生命值为 2,200。它还有 50 公里/小时的最高前进速度,单位功率为 16.8 马力/吨。