我把SCI论文投给了期刊,提交完后,编辑问我:“Which academic institude do you work in? I see your mailing address is Xinjiang ”我用中文回答道:“Im a graduate student from XinJiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences”,虽然我是新疆大学的,但是为了不被编辑拒稿,我宁愿假冒中科院新疆理化所的,等论文接收了再改单位。语气看似很凶的编辑也变得轻声细语的说到:“Excellent”。编辑收到一位小姐姐的邮件,也是一同以中国科学院投稿的,编辑看我们也是一个中国科学院系统的,便说:“You two are lucky, in the same university huh?”,小姐姐听到也来了兴趣问我:“Which major are you in? Which research institute are you in?”,我回到:“software engineering in Xingjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences” 小姐姐兴奋的说到:“What a coincidence! But I havenot seen you before, I major in that, too”,接着问到:“What class are you in?”看似很稳的我突然慌了起来,支支吾吾的回道:“Normal class, what about you, little sister?”,这时我的背部已经打湿了,原本笑眯眯的小姐姐脸突然垮了起来略有尴尬的说道“Aha,I am from Base class. ”我暗暗松了口气。编辑笑容也更明媚了,说,“I thought you were no from the xinjiang university, what a rap college! Recently some students pretend to be CASer and change institude to XJU after manuscript being accepted.”小姐姐眼神中透出鄙视的轻蔑地说:“What XJU is a rap colleges ! They donvery deserve to be CASer people up people.”一听到中科院这2个词,编辑投来羡慕的眼光,我顿时吓得脸色苍白,不过还好编辑没有注意到。我们两个一起在离开了期刊主页,我急急忙忙的打开新疆大学贴吧,把刚才惊心动魄的事情发到了贴吧里,不敢在期刊主页停留一秒。浏览新疆大学贴吧时突然发现刚才那个小姐姐的帖子。小姐姐私信我,脸色一红说道“原来你新疆大学的啊”。吓死我了,家人们谁懂啊!