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IP属地:上海1楼2023-04-10 11:03回复
    Global MBA
    Approximately 6-8 weeks after the deadline for the assignment, your unconfirmed mark should appear on your eVision account. If you sought and were granted an extension, then approximately 6-8 weeks after the extension date, your mark should appear on your eVision account.在作业截止日期后约6-8周,你未确认的分数应出现在你的eVision账户上。如果你寻求并获得了延期,那么在延期日期后大约6-8周,你的分数应该出现在你的eVision账户上。The mark that you will be able to see is unconfirmed, and although it gives a good indicator of the results you should expect to receive, please note that until your mark has been confirmed at the awards board it could still change; it could go up or down. The awards board takes place c. 8-10 weeks after the assignment deadline date, and after this has taken place, you will see the confirmed mark in the days following in your e-Vision account.你能看到的分数是未经确认的,虽然它对你应该得到的结果提供了一个很好的指示,但请注意,在你的分数在颁奖委员会上得到确认之前,它仍然可能发生变化;它可能上升或下降。颁奖委员会在作业截止日期后约8-10周举行,在这之后,你将在你的e-Vision账户中看到确认的分数。Here is some more information about when results are published and how to access them in eVision以下是关于成绩公布时间和如何在eVision中访问成绩的更多信息In respect of the awarding a degree following completion of Entrepreneurial Action关于完成创业行动后授予学位的问题If you have successfully completed the course, then your certificate and transcript (assuming you have completed your MBA) would normally be posted approximately 8 weeks after your course had been awarded.如果你已经成功完成了课程,那么你的证书和成绩单(假设你已经完成了你的MBA)通常会在你的课程被授予后大约8周内被邮寄。Whilst you wait for your certificate, you will be able to print/download a copy of your award transcript from your e-Vision account via the results tab (once your course has been officially awarded).在您等待证书期间,您可以从您的e-Vision账户中通过结果标签打印/下载您的获奖成绩单副本(一旦您的课程被正式授予)。

    IP属地:上海2楼2023-04-10 11:04
      Anglia Ruskin University
      ARU MBA via LEVEL 7 DSML
      Part-Time Program
      Anderson Education
      Bring Global Education to Your Doorstep

      IP属地:上海3楼2023-04-10 11:05

        IP属地:上海4楼2023-04-10 11:05