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每次用散兵,幽灵甲的爪钩或者敌人使用爪钩大概率闪退,有啥原因吗?(MOD只订阅了小白必备合集)我在网上找了很久,只看到有人说Better Grappling可能会导致这个问题,有懂的大佬说一下这个MOD真的会导致爪钩闪退吗?如果不是的话,有其他可能吗?渣笔记本,一个一个MOD排查巨费时间……

IP属地:四川来自Android客户端1楼2023-06-24 21:36回复
    我记得better grappling是优化落点选取的?

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2023-06-24 22:00
      《been getting random crashes with skirmisher grappling, sometimes when shooting and sometimes with whiplash, this is My last log from a grappling crash, anyone can translate?》来自这个荭迪帖子的办法:首先尝试,禁用 Free Camera Rotation 模组, 禁用所有新增或改变地图的模组。
      《Please Help! My game crashed when use grapple》21天前,nqminhuit在荭迪发了这个帖子,提供了一些有价值的内容。
      nqminhuit测试后认为,崩溃来自X2WOTCCommunityHighlander v1.24.0这个核心模组,下面是他的测试过程:
      u/Iridar51 after a few days binary search, I think the mod "X2WOTCCommunityHighlander v1.24.0" is causing the grappling crash, here how I reproduce:
      load my previous save backup, which has no grappling crash after finish the campaign
      add some mods: "X2WOTCCommunityHighlander v1.24.0", "[WOTC] Alien Hunters Community Highlander v1.24.0", "Stop Wasting My Time - WotC", "[WotC] Gotcha Again", "[WOTC] Tactical UI Kill Counter Redux". Because I suspected these mods causing the crash
      after a few mission with grappling spam there is no crash yet
      then I tried to add a random mod which should not affect the campaign: "SQUID BE GONE!" then loaded the game, saved it, then remove that squid mo
      at the next mission (defend Avenger from chosen Warlock) I encounter the grappling crash, at this time i had 5 mods
      "X2WOTCCommunityHighlander v1.24.0
      "[WOTC] Alien Hunters Community Highlander v1.24.0
      "Stop Wasting My Time - WotC
      "[WotC] Gotcha Again
      "[WOTC] Tactical UI Kill Counter Redux
      I tried to use binary search to find out which one, and finally I think it's "X2WOTCCommunityHighlander v1.24.0". Because if I disable it there is no crash even though i spam grappling a lot, when i enable it again, it crash at random.

      IP属地:浙江4楼2023-06-25 01:20
        顶上去一下,我明天看看highlander v1.25.0版本更新,是不是解决了这个小概率问题。不一定是因为这个,我去发布页看看。

        IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端5楼2023-07-06 21:39