Today I'm starting a post of AUTUMN FLIRTING. This is a new quarter I've rarely visited before. Hopefully it could broaden the coverage of the forum posts. Have a nice weekend !
. [Flirts From Autumn] . Authored by MooreYuan 18 Aug 2024. . Autumn flirts boil and carny At the moment most sunny At the moment wet or horny Watch the wiggly, willow waists Watch the eyes of lusts Casting erotic hot glances . Among the kissing gusts Pond water falls in a blast Silent rippling, gentle thrusts A valiant hero just passing To a fast pace, he's struggling But falls deep into the scene .
In spring, the lake water is clear and appears shallow. Autumn flirting lies in that water in a pond is murky and of bottomless nature. The switching follows the laws of nature that's easy to explain.
不知老哥的flirting当作何解释,使用一下我的六级词汇做一个小小的探索,以助你兴。中元节快乐! Ronald Reagan used to love telling his audiences, 'The most terrifying words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."' He was wrong. There is no more terrifying phrase for a guy to hear than a girl saying 'We need to talk.' You don't know for sure what's coming, but you know damn well it's not going to be good. It's like Room 101 in '1984,' where you had no idea what was in there, all you knew was that it was going to be the worst thing in the world.
Ancient myths or legends are good for our speculatoons, but sometimes they lay a conflict to what I've learnt in sciences. Air temperature is dropping fast in autumn so as to the water temperature is lower in the top layer of a pond than that at its bottom. Density starts to operate, sinking the surface water down, and the bottom up, and then we see a murky pond.
. [Autumn Beauties On Hill] . Authored by MooreYuan 24 Aug 2023. 【Last Year 】 . On a hillslope winds a trail I spotted a dancing hiker' tail Who turned around smiling To the young who is gazing . But her smiles overwhelming Over the mountain scene Interrupting the boy's stiff gaze And threw him in a daze . Then, he got on his feet Rush backward and fleed But bumping into a little tree That the angel excited to see .
Autumn, or fall in the slang of North America, means 秋 in Chinese, which has some close relations with the romance between married men and unmarried girl, such as 唐伯虎点秋香,秋胡戏妻,秋翁遇仙记,秋天的童话
On a long hiking trail, waits a huge romance. You could meet those smiles, but possibly a Bear, a real, live one rather than a toy. Today you have a popular product, called “bear spray”. NOTICE a sign "Be bear aware". .
I heard stories talking about Black Bears in Northeast of China. I ever heard the noise of a night bear searching for food in the USA campground. Banana skin is the most charming stuff to attract a bear.
Many young men think it a romance to be visited by such animals, an enrichment in their experiences of a true life, just as they're expecting angels to dive deep down by their doors. Such dreams are not bad at all. I'm not laughing at all.
. [Just Waiting There] . Authored by MooreYuan 20 Aug 2024. . Autumn presents good fortune Everyone picks their own Fallen on whom the luckiest tune? That pretty figure is a fantasy A new recall seems a mercy That nothing looks so juicy . Waiting patient by this pond Imaging the leaves to respond But many have turned blonde Let's go to East Sea Let's make sincere pleas Don't be all time penned in dreams .