用存档清理工具打开存档提示这问题,有大佬知道怎么办吗 C:\Users\28536\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\Save3_89E2CF18_0_E5A79CE6B5AA_Tamriel_021146_20241104132110_82_1.ess姜浪 the level 82 Nord male, in 天际 on 059.46.43 (1374/3499 xp). Version string: null Form version: 78 Time: Mon Nov 04 21:21:10 CST 2024 Total size: 53.8 mb (16.6 mb with LZ4)</li> Papyrus size: 42.5 mb ChangeForms size: 10.6 mb Total ScriptData in load order: not available The savefile was successfully loaded. Read 6.0 mb in 16.6 seconds. SKSE co-save was loaded. Potential problems were identifiedStack countThere are 417733 stacks and 420796 frames. This may indicate a serious problem, but it can also just mean that Papyrus is overloaded because of low FPS or too many mods doing things at the same time. Frame count<a href="script://followeraliasscript">followeraliasscript</a> occurs the most often as a stack frame (413210 occurrences)</p> Frame count<a href="script://SKI_ConfigManager">SKI_ConfigManager</a> occurs the second most often as a stack frame (1144 occurrences)</p>