海猫鸣泣之时吧 关注:55,832贴子:2,588,550




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                            IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端14楼2024-11-26 01:38
                              from what you've said, i guess you have no patience finishing the rest of this awesome series, please allow me to take the liberty of spoiling you the truth of Umineko...
                              the truth is quiet bitchin and faggy, just like you anyway, to put it bluntly,: Beatrice, Shannon, and Canon are actually the one and same person. in another words, Shannon, who's true name's Sayo, dresses herself as Canon the Boy Scout, and Beatrice the Golden Witch. you must be asking that same freakin' question as i did when i first learned about the truth: How could a girl with big boobs like Shannon turn herself into a damn Boy Scout? Guess what, because that freakin' massive bosom is fake...
                              actually, pleaae forgive my crude antics, obviously i didn't ask that stupid question. i read the whole episode 7 from start to end, of course i know why and it has a very solid reason. and when i said that the truth is bitchin' and faggy, undoubtedly i was lying. Umineko is a great work, i totally enjoy it. but still, the part i said that you are bitchin' and faggy wasn't joking AT ALL!!!
                              Sorry, but you are still bitchin' and faggy...
                              so where we are now, oh right. Shannon, the amazing dresser, the tragic heroine, a brillient mystery-genre composer, the source of Rokkenjima Blast, the cruel Grim Reaper, but also, the most kind-hearted damsel in distress, an outcast of God who's suffering physically and mentally, twisted by the whims of fate, and finally seduced by the devil...
                              so i would give you a quick run-through of the truth;
                              1870s - Meiji Restoration, Ushiromiya family became rich.
                              1890s - After the Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan was ceded to Japan. Ushiromiya Kinzo's family moved to Taiwan.
                              1923 - Great Kanto Earthquake, Ushiromiya family became sucks becaus of it.
                              1920s - Kinzo were chosen to be the family head but he's literally a puppet.
                              1940s - Kinzo joined the Japanese army despite he were married and got 4 kids. what a dick!
                              1943 - Because once majored in architecture or whatever in college and shit, Kinzo were saved from being sent to frontline as cannon fodder, instead he were assigned to a team that were sent to Rokkenjima for a special mission, lucky bastard, oh by the way, the special mission was: to set up 100 ton of heavy bombs under the island as trap to blow the hell of the Allied Forces should they send their troops to Japan's homeland. And since we all know from history books that the Allied Forces never tried any landing operation over Japan, intead they air-raided Japan thoroughly and finaly ended the war with 2 atomic bombs, so it's safe to say that the 100 ton of explosive was actully a lost course.
                              1944 - a damaged Italian submarine arrived at Rokkenjima with 10 ton of gold and 20 or so Italians asking for help. Gramdma Beatrice was also in this submarine. and since Kinzo was the only Japanese soldier who could speak English. Kinzo and Grandma Beatrice become friends. and Kinzo fell in love with her despite he were married and fathered 4 kids, what a shigbag. and then Kinzo dicked out a scheme in which he pitted the Japanese soldiers against the Italian soldiers. then he waited in the dark with Grandma Beaterice until most of them were dead then Kinzo showed up and killed the rest of motherfuckers who knew about the gold. then Kinzo left the island with Grandma Beatrice.
                              1950s - Ushiromiya family became rich again because Kinzo seized the golden opportunity of Korean War.
                              1950s - Kinzo bought the island of Rokkenjima, and built 2 big mansions. one is outside the woods, lived by he and his family, the other is deep in the woods, lived by his lover, Grandma Beatrice.
                              1950s - Kinzo had sex with Grandma Beatrice. Beatrice was pregnant after that, but died of giving birth to her daughter, also known as Mama Beatrice.
                              1960s - Kinzo had sex with his very own daughter, Mama Beaterice, Mama Beatrice also pregnant after it, but she didn't died of giving birth, and she gave birth to a baby boy.
                              1968 - Ushiromiya Rosa accidentally encountered Mama Beatrice when she ventured deep in the woods, Rosa entered the mansion in the woods and briefly became friends with Mama Beatrice. Can't resist her curiosity towards the outside world, Mama Beatrice left the mansion with Rosa, but her brave adventure ended sadly with her untimely death when she fell from the cliff by accident.
                              1969 - Ushiromiya Natsuhi was demanded by Kinzo to adopt a baby boy, the child of the late Mama Beatrice, a basdard of Kinzo himself and his daughter. due to hysterically mental breakdown caused by not blessed with any child after 10 year's marriage, Natsuhi pushed a maid off the cliff while the said maid was holding the very baby boy. the maid died instantly, but the boy survived with his genitals severely damaged.
                              1970s - under Genji's arrangement, the magically survived baby boy was given a name: Yasuda Sayo, and sent to a Ushiromiya sponsored orphanage “Fukwin House”, and raised as a girl.
                              1976 - Yasuda Sayo, with the blessed name Shannon, was admitted to work at Ushiromiya family as a maid in a tenderly young age.
                              1970s - Shannon fell in love with Ushiromiya Battler.
                              1980 - after his mother's death, Ushiromiya Battler stopped attending the family meeting util 1986
                              1980s - after losing her first love, Shannon suffered severely mental illness. actually i think it's a pressure explosion, consider that she's been an orphan her whole life, being picked up by her fella maids, and then all of sudden her final only hope was taken. i know some piece of shit might say, “hey it's cool, i wouldn't suffer any mental illness just because of this, cuz i have a strong heart”, okay okay, you are strong, but could you keep you mouth shut when you friends play sodomy on your ass cuz i don't hear your bitchin' noise.
                              1983 - Shannon started dressing as Canon, with the help of Genji, Kumazawa and Nanjo, she successfully pulled if off and let everyone believed that Canon did exist. at the same time, Shannon created a persona, who performed the role of a witch based on the Rokkenjima's tales. then by imagination and self-deception, Shannon entrusted this witch persona with her love towards Battler, thus, Shannon herself could regain her peace by pretending everything's okay whereas everything's not okay.
                              1984 - Shannon solved Kinzo's epitaph and became Beatrice the Golden Witch, also inherited the 10 ton of gold which was still hid under the island. Kinzo died finally.
                              1985 - Shannon started dating Ushiromiya George. meanwhile, Canon started having a tacit love affair with Ushiromiya Jasika. and Beatrice the Golden Witch befriended with Ushiromiya Maria, they create their own magical world.
                              1986 - Battler returned to family. George decided to propose to Shannon. Because the internal conflict, Shannon no longer had her peace. in her mind, Beatrice was still deep in love with Battler, but Shannon can't easily let go of George either, and Canon was begging for a chance of he with Jesika. three souls were locked in a mortal conflict. although everything she wanted was to find happy, but since she was originally a boy, so she couldn't have children, which rendered her affection with George impossible. and although she was actually a boy, due to the early incident she went through as a child, it's hard to believe that Canon and Jesika's love could bear any fruit either. and finally, since Shannon herself was actually a child of Kinzo, she was in fact George, Battlsr, and Jesika's aunt. her affection with any of them would be consider incestuous. consumed by despsir and hatred towards her fate, a crazy thoughts shot through Shannon: kill them all... Kill every last piece of shit who made me suffer...but is that really okay, is that really what i want? to make the ones i love suffering as i do?
                              finally, Shannon decided to make a gamble, the rule is simple: to solve the epitaph, solve it, everyone happy, fail, everyone died.
                              1986 - Rokkenjima Blast - this is what happened that fateful day in Rokkenjima,
                              Maria read the witch's letter to everyone after dinner.
                              the adults decided to try to solve the epitaph.
                              George propose to Shannon, Shannon accepted the ring.
                              the adults solved the epitaph, Shannon dressed up as Beatrice and gave adults the money and the bombs under Rokkenjima.
                              adults argued about the money and gold.
                              conflict broke up, Eva killed Natsuhi.
                              Hidyoushi killed Clauss
                              Kyrie killed Rosa, Hidyoushi, Eva and Beatrice, but Eva and Beatrice later survived as the round was mix in duds.
                              Rodulf killed George and Gonta.
                              Kyrie killed Jessika, Nanjo, Genji, Kumasawa, Maria
                              Eva killed Kyrie and Rodulf.
                              Beatrice saved Battler.
                              after the bombs exploded. Eva, Battler, and Beatrice survived.
                              Beatrice and Battler escaped the island by boat.
                              Beatrice jumped overboard, attempting to commit suicide, Battler jump too, trying to save the witch...
                              Eva became the sole inheritor of Ushiromiya's wealth.
                              the end.
                              i am pretty sure no one's gonna read this, and that's the sole reason why i wrote this. cuz this place has too much piece of shits and sons of bitches who know nothing but satiating their own hypocrite morality. yeah you may think i sound like one of them, but trust me, while i am one or not isn't the issue here, for the truth is,.there are really a bunch of bitchin' ass here, so arguing is meaningless and... if you want advice, i would tell you to right anything in english, cuz that way only educated dickhead would reply you, and you two golden spoon can rot in the septic tank together.... that was a joke, now serious time, the real advice is, be a decent and kind-hearted person...

                              IP属地:广东15楼2024-11-26 06:17