- JeeNiNe Media:“Beautiful gameplay, from start to finish" The Grim Sleeper:"his onikiri reminds me about gabri." Gate:“oh well now you are here, I am not the No1 pvper of UK anymore.”(只是个玩笑) Panecky:"Nep, truly; you inspired me.So, thank you." Vmbra:"i know it is not all of you, still sick dragonslayer ss play" Lxtxncy:"Your a beast dude, jesus" Tocco:"Ulysess is the strongest pvper you meet here,show him more on video pls" Ulysess:"God speed of swaping and creation" bobiwan:"i want to be strong like you" Leafar :"you are my teacher, thank you." Slackjaw:"Nep is Cute and strong" BlackBirdOfLordran:"I’ve watched this an unhealthy amount of times" Dark fantasy:"same." Linkberg:"你是惊人的老人(you are amazing elder)" a fawux: "Very creative with both your weapon variety and editing. You really have your own style." Pate:"Dear god what a beast,this is legitness" Sunsetwaulnt:"sick tech, need to learn." Up to fate:"Pure art ." Ibarbo:"so much emotions" Nekoの魂:”very very good.“ HaviLand Desised:"you got me shocked" T Ξ С К М Λ亡者:"I N S P I R A T I O N I N T E N S I F I E S." Jnigo寒意: this being your last in dark souls 3 makes me very sad but also exicted for your future in dsr !! but this is a very fitting end for your ds3 career, a variety of everything and fantastically edited as always by you, nep! Okami:”only you can do this,elder." iamamish:"Your spacing is top tier af" Opha:"i know that swap but....No, not again." Bussy Patches :"Nepelder?That dude brought so much shit to an English audience." Th3wh4mmy:"Bruh,Hentai Lolicon!" 自我介绍:Nep,Edler系2016年游戏发售初便开始魂三的一名玩家,任黑魂三吧主至今,先在国内练习决斗,后专精入侵,背刺与里技,开创流派武器库,风格独树一帜。 与好友所创里技踏步L2,首个战技替换目录,黑骑斧替换连招,被西方卡bug研究组Souls glitch lord 的管理员们铭记。 Th决斗水平较逊一筹,在19年初彻底退坑前与vmbra以剑枪对半叶,还有北美社区公认韩国顶级大剑玩家jnigo以纯th战为平手,回坑短暂时间内与世界最强几名玩家有过对战,在残血处理,黑骑盾鸦短拳套,绳壶,射弩上差距非常大,后有意识的去学习并且介绍老狼场地规则进国内。 被西方的比赛举办者信任,合作举办中澳pvp比赛,其余时间被邀请参加西方比赛或是比赛主持,因硕士课程无时间彻底退坑作罢。 开头信息部分来自discord,部分来自youtube,评论者均有一定水平,亦或是世界顶级pvp玩家。 以上,为一名龙血骑士与她偶然相遇的流浪剑客,结伴数年的旅程。 虽早已结束,如今完美画上句号。 环夜星速,逐日烬辉。