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David Gaider谈自己在龙腾世纪系列中创作的一些角色


2L 莫瑞甘
3L 基兰
4L 弗莱玛斯
5L 阿历斯泰尔
6L 泽弗兰(gay警告,不喜请跳)
7L 芬里斯
8L 夏尔
9L 多利安(同泽弗兰)
10L 卡珊德拉(恋爱部分)

IP属地:日本1楼2024-12-26 15:13回复
    603652423、の谎、唯爱我兰酱. . . 被楼主禁言,将不能再进行回复
    CHARACTERS - DAY ONE: Morrigan

    Morrigan's original appearance in DAO. I can't help but look back on this and balk at the old graphics, but at the time I was *enamoured*.

    Morrigan began, waaaay back, as a bit of Morgan le Fey (hence the Dark Ritual) mixed with Delirium from Sandman. The Delirium elements subsided into more of a weird cadence of speech as my idea of Morrigan solidified - more cynical, wanting to connect but unable to. 🧵
    Originally, we were looking for a Middle Eastern actress to play her, as Shoreh Aghdashloo was slated to play Flemeth and we wanted a similar sounding voice -- but it was a real struggle, and then Shoreh unfortunately had to drop out to do a movie. So suddenly we had nobody for either character!
    Then, one day, Caroline (our VO Director) comes in with a recording sent by a rep for Claudia Black - who hadn't done game VO back then but wanted to get into it.
    And it was Claudia doing a slow *beat poet* rendition of Baby Got Back. I kid you not. I was already a fan, so I lost my goddamn mind.
    (Yes, I still have the recording. No, you cannot have it.)
    那段录音里,克劳迪娅用一种缓慢的“垮掉派诗人”风格朗诵了《Baby Got Back》。我绝不是在开玩笑。我本来就是她的粉丝,听完后直接失了智了。
    【beat poet:beat应该是指披头士吧?我查了下,感觉翻译成垮掉派诗人应该没问题】
    Naturally, we jumped on that immediately. As I recall, this was met with resistance from higher up - they had this image of Morrigan as young, like 18 years old (no idea where this came from) and complained that Claudia sounded "too old".
    Them: "She sounds like she smokes three packs a day!"
    Me: "That's what I like about her!"

    Some of the first art we put out for Morrigan. I remember seeing this and asking "why does she look so YOUNG?" - that's when I learned how parts of the team thought she was, like, 18. The idea persisted for some time.

    The DAI version of Morrigan - so awesome.
    Caroline and I were determined, so we pushed ahead. We had to agree to get Claudia to sound "younger", which I was dubious about. The first two sessions we asked her to pitch her voice up and it was AWFUL.
    Claudia had to focus on sounding "right" instead of acting. So Caroline and I did the sneaky thing, and on the third session we asked her to just... act. Use her natural voice. We loved her performance so much we had the feeling that the team would love it too and forget their nonsense. They did.
    My best memory of Claudia was when we first met. I'd been flown down to LA for the initial sessions to help the major DAO actors find the character "voice" and, boy, was I nervous. It didn't help that I was a huge fanboy of Claudia's and she was going to be the *first* of all the actors I'd talk to.
    Caroline gave me a list of rules for "how to talk to a celebrity" - top of the list: DO NOT COMPARE THEM TO OTHER ACTORS.
    So I meet Claudia, and I'm sweating. I think: I'll start from the beginning, right?
    "Well, when I started writing Morrigan, the voice in my head was Helena Bonham Carter..."
    Claudia gives me a look and tilts her head. "So what you're saying is... I'm a very cheap version of Helena Bonham Carter."
    I'm mortified. I melt. I gasp and stutter and she lets me implode for maybe 30 seconds before she throws her head back and LAUGHS. So wicked. I love her instantly and forever.
    For the next several days, whenever she's in the booth and I make a comment to Caroline - which she can't hear, because the booth is sound-proof - she'd say "Oh, does he want it more like Helena?"And I'd melt into the desk in renewed mortification and she'd LAUGH. This is Claudia in a nutshell.
    Morrigan became a real touchstone for me, the heart of DAO. Way beyond her initial inspirations. Some said "she's just an ice queen" like some I'd written (Viconia, Bastila, etc.) but such categories are very reductive, I find. She had a voice I could instantly slip into, every time, without fail.
    The problem, after DAO was said and done, was with how we were going to honour the Dark Ritual going forward... or, more to the point, how we *weren't* going to honour it. I wasn't willing to let her go, however, so I had to figure it out.
    BUT... that's a story for another day. ❤️

    I remember pleading with the artists: "If we put her in the Orlais plot, can we give her a dress?! PLEASE PLEASE" It almost didn't happen.
    A friend reminds me that the beat poet recording Claudia did was "Smack That" and NOT "Baby Got Back", and now I need to go give it another listen just because I can. 😀
    一位朋友提醒我,克劳迪娅的那段录音实际上是《Smack That》,而不是《Baby Got Back》。现在我需要再去听一遍。就因为我能听到。😀

    IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体2楼2024-12-26 15:17
      CHARACTERS - DAY TWO: Kieran

      Ah, Kieran. So dapper! I had a moment of "but what if the Warden wasn't, you know..." because he's SO white, but the artists just went "shhhh shhhh it's maaaagic" and I had to admit they were correct. This whole sequence had already stretched the limits of our resources and then some.
      (Technically this is an addendum to yesterday, but I make the rules here so nyah!)
      Heading into DAI, I had a bite-sized problem on my hands. I knew Morrigan would feature. I also knew we were importing previous choices. So now I had to contend with: the Old God Baby. 🧵
      Here's the thing about honouring previous game choices, from a design perspective: it's a sucker's game. What many fans picture, when you mention it, is divergent *plot* -- the story changes path based on those major choices. How exciting! But you will never be able to deliver divergent plot.
      You can deliver flavour differences (usually in the form of divergent dialogue), character swaps (character X appears instead of Y), and extra content (such as a side quest) -- but plot branching, particularly the critical path? It's a question of resources, and there's never enough to go around.
      "Here Lies the Abyss" in DAI was about as good as it gets, and even that was a far cry from how I originally pictured it (hello last-minute insert of Stroud when a DAO Warden import got cut).
      The Old God Baby was one of the main choices from DAO -- Morrigan has a baby? With the Archdemon's soul?! Most DAO players who flagged that choice surely expected *monumental* consequences. World-shaking consequences! And we talked about it. We did. There were, like, three different designs of the DAI ending where OGB Kieran could cause complete divergence: new path, cutscenes, the whole nine yards.

      Ah, yes, the (awkwardly animated) Dark Ritual scene. Why didn't we just fade to black? Or move the camera to look at the fireplace or something? I'll never know.
      But it wasn't going to happen. It was a decision from *two games ago* that only a small minority (hello telemetry) would even choose. To the rest, they probably neither knew about it nor cared... so how many resources could you invest? To do what? Set up an even bigger divergence for the NEXT game?
      The other writers acknowledged my anxiety with a grim nod every time it came up, but they had no solutions. Finally, I realized there WAS a solution, and that was changing how I thought about the choice: don't make it about Kieran. The players don't know him, never have. Make it about Morrigan.
      Thus began a feverish three days where I wrote probably the most complicated scene of my career: Morrigan's reckoning with Flemeth in DAI and the fallout after. Three different versions (OGB Kieran, non-OGB Kieran, and no Kieran), each with branching for other choices (like the Well of Sorrows). 🤪

      The Old God soul is transferred! Only appears in one of the three versions, but such a magical moment.
      I did it all at once. There was no other way to wrap my head around the complexity of it. It was also a tough sell to the team, considering the amount of cinematics work, but they agreed we had to do *something*. And still it felt... underwhelming, insofar as divergence goes. But it was also good.
      I remember when I first spoke with Claudia, about how this was Morrigan's story. This was about how motherhood had changed her, how she'd grown up. Claudia got a bit teary-eyed. It was a journey she was familiar with, she said. Her first son, Odin, had been born in 2005 not long after DAO came out.
      And, man, she killed with that performance! Kate, too, but I'll get to her later. Claudia dug down, and that scene where Morrigan tells Flemeth she'll never be the mother Flemeth was to her? That came from someplace very raw. It was devastating to witness in the booth. There were tears all around.
      Not long after, Claudia called and asked if maybe - just maybe - Odin could play Kieran? He was a bit young (not yet 5, then), but it felt... right? We agreed. Claudia was in the booth, gently coaching him through his lines, and I think that was the first moment I felt I'd done the right thing. 😎

      IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体3楼2024-12-26 15:19
        CHARACTERS - DAY THREE: Flemeth

        Ahhh the original version of Flemeth's appearance, after we'd cut her unique model. I almost forgot that this is what it looked like. Bah, it's fine. Shapeshifter, right? We'll ignore that shapeshifters don't change into other human appearances - Flemeth is special.
        I have a type. I admit it. There are certain wells I can return to repeatedly and always find something new to explore. One of them is older female characters. Mike used to rib me about it. Consider Wynne. Meredith. Genevieve. And, of course, the biggie: Flemeth.
        总有一些角色类型,我可以反复回到它们身上,并每次都能挖掘出新的东西来。其中一个就是年长的女性角色。迈克【Mike Laidlaw, 生软已离职的老员工,DA的前创意总监】过去经常拿这个打趣我。比如说温妮、梅瑞迪斯、吉纳维芙【应该是说小说《召礼》的角色】,当然,还有最重要的——弗莱玛斯。
        Why are they a type? I... don't know, honestly. I guess I have a feeling that older men fade, they strive to regain their youth or establish a legacy and we've seen that story a thousand times, but older women? They become free to become something new. I guess I see so many possibilities in that.
        I had a conception of who Flemeth was, and why, right from the very start. Her creation went hand in hand with Morrigan, as a being whose thirst for retribution hundreds of years ago attracted an entity (slight confession: I didn't know Mythal specifically, at the time, "an elven god" was enough).
        I also knew where Morrigan was right and very wrong about her. Misconceptions of the truth are built into DA's foundation, and they were fundamental to this mother-daughter relationship I was building.
        Like many seeds I'd put in the world, however, I had no idea whether I'd ever get to explore it. Knowing that she was a character of possible future importance, if not a major player in DAO, I wasn't much surprised when she was one of the first cuts the art team made in terms of getting a unique appearance. Thus the "batty old woman" players met in DAO. Not as hard a cut as the Qunari, though.
        Going into DA2, I wanted both Morrigan and Flemeth, but we could only have one. So I picked Flemeth. This was the game where she really got to come into her own.
        I remember the art team coming and asking if it was OK if she got a new model, as it'd be a retcon of sorts. I didn't care. I wanted it.

        I remember when the artists brought me the concept for DA2's revamp of Flemeth. I was in love immediately. Hair horns? God yes. I'll do whatever I need to in order to explain this, thank you.
        I honestly don't remember whether Kate Mulgrew was cast before or after Claudia. After, I think? All I recall is that Cab came into my office one day and asked if Kate might be a good fit.
        Asked me, the dyed-in-the-wool Trekkie who had stuck with Voyager even through the admittedly lean years?
        The squeal I made was un-manly. Cab took that as a "yes". 😅
        I didn't get to talk to Kate until DA2, however. Schedules being what they were, we had a tight window to record Flemeth... so I had to write all her scenes before almost anything else in DA2 was written, before I even had a team! Ack!
        It was OK, though, for the most part. I knew where I wanted to take her, and a big part of it was going to explain her transition - to set her up for the future. So I whipped up a script in, like, two days and off we went. Kate was a marvel in the booth. She adored Flemeth and you could really tell.
        I didn't get to meet Kate in person, however, until DAI. This came pretty late in its development, compared to when we recorded her for DA2, and we flew down to Virginia (to accommodate her schedule - she was writing her memoir at the time, I think) for a single session. It was going to be *tight*.
        I was a mess. I was finally going to meet Captain Janeway... and yes yes, I know she's also more than that. But come ON.
        When we sat down, I figured I'd have to talk her through the character all over again. It'd been years since that one session at the start of DA2, right? And even more since DAO.
        But, no. Kate remembered Flemeth perfectly.
        I remember sitting there as she told me how much she loved the character, how rare it was to get one with so much texture and possibility. She called out my writing - my writing! - and waxed poetic about how she viewed Flemeth's arc. I... I was floored. 🫠
        Then we began recording. One issue that quickly reared its head was how Caroline had to speed through the lines if we hoped to finish. Kate was a trooper, and most takes she'd get it in one (which is rare), but I was alarmed because we weren't giving Kate time to read the VO comments on each line.
        I brought it up, as there were some lines (so much sarcasm) that required nuance - Kate was getting them, oddly, but I was worried.
        "Oh, it's fine," Kate said. "I read the comments as we go."
        "How could you? We're going so fast!"
        "I'm a speed reader."
        Oh. OK, then. That certainly explained it. 😁

        IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体4楼2024-12-26 15:22
          (超5000字只能分开= =,我1L白写楼层了)

          Look at that outfit. LOOK AT IT. This is where Morrigan gets it from, clearly. "Watch me serve, daughter, but know you will never do it QUITE as well!"
          We got to the confrontation scene with Morrigan and she nailed it. Over and over. More than once, Caroline would make a call and, before I could even interject and say "no, Kate had it right, actually" Kate would explain exactly why she did it that way and why it worked for Flemeth. I was in love.
          She did the "I will see her avenged!" section all in one go. I got chills. Then we got to the final scene.
          You know the one. With Solas.
          It was this beautiful moment. She took it somewhere quiet and sad... and when she got to that last line, we all felt it: Flemeth was dead. Everyone was in tears.

          I suppose I could talk more about the process. How she started off aligned with Morrigan's original Delirium inspiration, but I didn't pull back her loopy way of talking as much (bet you wondered).
          I still don't know why it was so easy to slip into her voice, but I'm grateful I got the chance. ❤️

          IP属地:日本5楼2024-12-26 15:23
            CHARACTERS - DAY FOUR: Alistair

            Original flavour Alistair, in DAO. Always with the eyebrow.
            Ah, Alistair. Depending on who you ask, he's the adorable woobie with the biggest heart or the irritating, over-used man-child. Yes, he is indeed all of those things. Good characters have flaws to go with their virtues. Ugly spots. That is literally their humanity.
            He was a bit of a bear to write, at the outset. James (Ohlen, the first creative director on DAO) had this idea he needed to be a grizzled Warden veteran - older, distrusting.
            Everyone hated him instantly. I call this the Carth Onasi Problem, and suggested to James that maybe I try something else.
            My observation says that the characters who are generally liked the most are the supportive ones. Enthusiastic. Funny? Sometimes, sure, but that's *not* required.

            We don't talk about DA2 Alistair.
            I need to digress. See, at the time James had this (regrettable) period where he believed everything could be derived from a formula.
            He even sold this idea to the founders, Ray and Greg. Google 'BioWare formula'. Anyway, how this relates is because James thought the DAO cast needed a Minsc: a comedy character who would become super popular and, ideally, the icon of DA.

            "Isn't that Alistair?" you ask. "Arguable," I say, "but no."
            James had me to up a huge list of 'comedic archetypes' and I wrote some possible dialogue for each one. Then he had the team vote. The winning archetype? The Buffoon - like Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin.
            James was pleased. I was not. "The problem," I said, "is I don't find the Buffoon funny." 😅
            “问题是,”我说,“我不觉得‘小丑’这种角色好笑。” 😅

            "But you're a professional."
            "Sure, I *can* write him... but comedy isn't science. I need to find him funny. If I write him, the only comedy I'll mine is where he makes fun of himself."
            James took that on board and then passed the character onto someone else. The result? Oghren.
            I rest my case.
            So back to the supportive character: that was my thought for a new Alistair. It was a special case, after all - the DAO PC was thrust into a terrible situation. They needed someone who had their back. A bud. A *likeable* bud.

            I actually really appreciate the artists took the time to give Alistair a unique appearance in DAI. Probably my favourite version of him.
            I was watching Buffy at the time, and my thoughts drifted towards Xander.
            Now, I know Joss Whedon is persona non grata these days, but this was 2006, OK? I was watching Buffy and thought, "man, Xander is such a wasted character" and considered how to fix him. Then I realized this might work for Alistair.
            Plus, I wanted to see if I could replicate the Whedon vocal patter.

            IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体6楼2024-12-26 15:24
              That was the new Alistair: a more useful and likeable yet equally dorky version of Xander. We had very strict rules in DA about language: no modern speech styles, colloquialisms, any words that came into use in our world after 1900 got severe side eye... but Alistair? Alistair got a blanket pass.
              Was it great that the lead writer's leading man got to break the rules? I guess not, but it's my opinion that you can break those kinds of rules - selectively, in small doses. Too much and you break the illusion.
              And it worked. Alistair was an instant hit. Not just with the team, but with the fans.
              Confession time?
              Yes, I knew Goldanna wasn't meant to be Alistair's mother. But neither was Fiona, originally.
              I think fans caught wind of some revisionism at work, and OK it's true. I had a more Arthurian idea for his birth but I stopped liking it... yet not soon enough to go back and make edits.
              Should I have just left it be, left Goldanna as his mother? Maybe. It was one of those writer things I just couldn't let go of and I probably could have used someone to sit me down and go "Gaider, please. Just stop."
              I still like Fiona, and where I took it. But I probably shouldn't have gone there.
              Casting Alistair was SUCH a chore. He required a weird mix of devilish charm, but with enough sincerity and adorkableness it didn't come off as smarmy.
              Every audition went full smarm... until Steve Valentine up and appeared out of nowhere. In the midst of a batch of audition files, there he was.
              We brought Steve in "just to try out", and he pulled it off. Even the "frog time" line, which (seriously) nobody else could. And when he got to the romantic lines, Steve's voice turned into pure butter without, again, sliding into "oh, he's slightly creepy". Both Caroline and I were sold.
              And he was so gloriously easy to write. It's a well I'd probably return to... a bit too often, maybe? Maric, then Anders in Awakening, and then Alistair kept popping up in future games and the comics because, yes, he was pretty much the breakout comedy character of DA.
              Which still makes me happy. 😁
              CORRECTION: Goldanna was someone Alistair thought was his *sister*, and her mother his mother.
              Look, it was almost twenty years ago, OK? 😅

              IP属地:日本7楼2024-12-26 15:24
                CHARACTERS - DAY FIVE: Zevran

                I was going to skip over Zevran, honestly, as I felt like I didn't have a lot to tell in the way of stories about him... but I know he still has some (ardent) fans. Plus, on reflection, I thought maybe I DO have a few things to say. 😅
                Sooo we'll see how this goes.
                Zevran came along much later in the DAO process, as we were trying to round out the cast of party members. Alistair and Morrigan were well underway (as "main" characters, they were concepted very early) and I'd just started to consider who our Rogue followers might be when... things changed, a bit.
                See, BioWare had released a game not long beforehand called Jade Empire. It had included some same-sex options in its romances - not obscured like the way Juhani's "romance" had been hinted at in KotOR, but explicit. To this day, I have no idea who on the Jade Empire team was behind it, or why.
                More to the point, the same-sex options had received a lot of attention and praise - almost universal praise, in fact. In 2005, everyone was just pleasantly surprised.
                And I don't recall if I went to James and asked about it or if he came to me to suggest DAO should include it. The latter, I think.
                You might ask "Aren't you gay, Dave? Weren't you already pushing for this?" And the answer to that is, emphatically, "no, not at all".
                而且我也不记得是我主动找詹姆斯谈起这个,还是他来建议我们在DAO中加入同性恋情。我想应该是后者。你可能会问:“戴夫,你不是同性恋吗?难道你没主动去推动这件事?” 答案是:“不,完全没有。”
                It might seem odd looking through the lens of 2024, but there was no talk of 'representation' or 'diversity'. Not at any level where we were aware of it, anyhow.
                Today, fans argue about how MUCH representation to include and whether it's done well enough... the idea that, less than twenty years ago, it being included *at all* was very much in doubt feels so far away.
                But, back then, I'd always assumed my private life and my work in games would never meet.
                So I think it was James who brought it up, because I remember being startled. Pleasantly so, of course. Now I had to look at our two rogues and figure out how this would apply. I sketched out the female of the two (who was taken on by Sheryl Chee) and then looked at the male - he who became Zevran.
                不过,当时我一直认为,我的私人生活和游戏工作永远不会有交集。所以,我觉得应该是詹姆斯提出的,因为我记得自己当时感到很惊讶。当然,是一种愉快的惊讶。于是我开始审视我们的两个盗贼角色,思考这种设计应该如何体现。我勾勒了女性盗贼的轮廓(后来由Sheryl Chee负责)【当然说的是蕾莉安娜】,接着转向了男性盗贼——他最终成了泽弗兰。
                I'd been reading about the CIA and one thing that stuck with me was how they'd (allegedly) recruit gay men as assassins because they rarely had familial ties.
                Zevran wasn't going to be gay (bisexuality wasn't a question of representation, but a cost-benefit compromise) but that was the inspiration.
                Then there was the question of how "flamboyantly" I was writing this character, whether that might be too stereotypical? I don't remember how it arose, but I had too many "flamboyant" friends to do anything other than double down. This character was gonna be Zorro the goddamn Gay Blade, that's what.
                So that's how Zevran happened. Fun, a bit nihilistic, maybe a bit too overtly flirty for today's audience but very confidently *sexual*. Everything I'm not, so I'll admit it was an interesting exploration to dig down and find that voice somewhere inside. He was the anti-Alistair, and I needed that.

                Casting him was difficult. Caroline always tried to go for authentic accents, when we could, but for some reason this was getting us nowhere.
                I think back, and I suspect it's because I hadn't yet learned the lesson to not use terms in casting descriptions I thought were universal... but were not.
                What do I mean by that? Well, there was one write-up that said "drow elf". Now, I know what a drow elf is. It wasn't even important to the description, but the director saw the word "elf", and you know what we got back?
                A Keebler elf. Like a leprachaun, high and sweet and cutsie. Can you imagine?

                IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体8楼2024-12-26 15:26
                  In this case, I think it was the use of the word "assassin". Combine that with the sorts of roles many Hispanic actors in LA probably are asked to play, and all the auditions we were getting were 150% dark, mean, and gritty. 🫠
                  So we widened the casting call a bit, and this led us to Jon Curry.

                  I knew Jon wasn't Hispanic, but what I wasn't prepared for when I flew down to meet the DAO actors was that he's this extremely tall, extremely Nordic looking dude who just happened to do the most amazing Antonio Banderas impression. Watching THAT man channel Zevran was... more than a bit surreal. 😅
                  And he had fun with it. As soon as we gave him the go ahead to play the fun and flirtiness to the hilt, that's exactly what he did.
                  Over the few days where we found Zevran's voice, it totally supplied me with something I could hold in my head when I went back to Edmonton and finished writing him.
                  Zevran was funny enough that the fans liked him. The only part of the reception I thought odd was the occasional comment by a male player who felt "tricked" into having sex with Zevran.
                  "You mean... that part where he invites you to his tent for a sensual massage?"
                  "Yes! I was expecting a massage!"
                  "He literally says the massage is sensual."
                  "Well he wasn't clear enough!"
                  This is where I first came to the conclusion that a certain number of our players just don't know how to people. And that maybe an adjustment to the way we approached the messaging (or massaging lol) of romance was in order.
                  If I could go back, would I change anything?
                  Maybe I'd remind the systems team Zevran should really be able to pick a lock. And maybe not allow him to die. We had no idea we'd need to import these choices into the future - we kinda thought DAO was "one and done". Not so much, as it turned out. 😁

                  IP属地:日本9楼2024-12-26 15:27
                    CHARACTERS - DAY SIX: Fenris

                    In-game image of Fenris from Dragon Age 2.
                    I'd objected strenuously to the art team's plan at changing the elves to a more "distinctive" appearance. Not that I opposed the idea in theory, but I thought they ended up looking too alien, and according to the lore elves were generally considered attractive. The art team mocked and dismissed me (quite literally, I'm afraid) and the rest of the team had bigger battles to fight. For Fenris, at least, he reached a point of being kinda sexy despite the change... so not all bad, I guess?
                    Now, DA2 is a story all on its own but I'm not going to go there other than to sum it up as "we had just over a year and a half to make this". It's why I only wrote one follower, Fenris, and although it'll make his fans mad: I probably shouldn't have.
                    Let me explain.
                    DA2本身的制作过程就可以写成一个单独的故事,但我就不多说了,简单总结就是——“我们只有一年半多一点的时间来完成这款游戏。” 这也是为什么我只写了一个队友——芬里斯。而尽管这可能让他的粉丝生气,但我老实说,我可能不该写他。
                    The way we'd approach making the followers is brainstorming a list of concepts covering first the array of gameplay classes (and sub-classes) and then making sure they each have some skin in the game when it came to the story's conflicts - ideally having characters on both sides of the major ones.
                    Why? You can't make a player care about the world, but you can make them care about characters who care about the world. It's the easiest way to provide hooks into a conflict, outside of it knocking on the player's door. Heck, it's probably better than that. Players will burn the world for approval.
                    After that, we'd decide things like romances/sexuality. Then the writers would pick who they'd write.
                    I always let my writers pick first. I figured they do their best work when it's something they're inspired to write... and they got so few chances at ownership, I wanted to give it whenever I could
                    It's why I (reluctantly) let Patrick wrest Cole from my grasp in DAI, a character I'd created in Asunder. It's also why I let Jennifer take Anders in DA2, who I'd started in Awakening.
                    In this instance, it meant I was left with the angry elven warrior character who nobody else appeared to want.
                    这也是为什么我(勉强地)让帕特里克【Patrick Weekes】从我手里“抢走”了DAI中科尔——一个我在小说《决裂》中创造的角色。同样的,这也是为什么我让詹妮弗【Jennifer Hepler】接手了DA2中的安德斯——我在《觉醒》中创作的。
                    It should have been my first clue that something was up. The second was how the artists had zero clue what to do with him. The art concepts were all over the place - from mages to crows to... well, even weirder. No matter how hard I tried to explain the idea, the artists simply didn't seem to get it
                    Does this mean he was a bad character? Not exactly. Just an idea that probably deserved some re-examining. You can tell when an idea has a certain spark, and part of that is being easy to communicate. Sadly, there wasn't time for any re-examining even if it'd occurred to me. And it didn't, not yet.
                    If it had, if I had time, maybe I'd have re-booted him as a templar. Someone pro-templar rather than anti-mage, who could give a personal hook into Meredith and give the templars some badly-needed humanity.
                    But this falls into the shoulda-woulda-coulda category. I had a follower to write. Quickly.
                    I struggled, at first. It was hard to get away from "Fenris hates everything, all the time". It felt very one-note, and I didn't know where to take him. My third clue, I guess.
                    I also wasn't sure if I was the right person to write a former slave. I did know that couldn't be the center of his story.
                    I did know trauma, however. How it can eat you up. How the hate and resentment is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. How it can infect your relationships.
                    Fenris's trauma isn't my trauma, obviously, but here I dipped into a more personal part of myself than I'd ever done before. It gave me the center of his story I was missing, but wow was it uncomfortable. In a good way, maybe. I likely wouldn't have, if I hadn't been so desperate. In a way, I think DA2 had some of our best writing *because* of the timeline. It was raw, with little time to sand down the interesting parts.
                    I wouldn't have done the "Fenris doesn't talk to you for three years" thing if I'd known we were going to cut all the reactivity initially planned for the time jumps. When that call was made, I campaigned to cut the jumps to a year, but there was no time for the revisions it'd need. So, um. Awkward.
                    I used to get asked where the name came from, and I... don't remember? Obviously it's derived from Fenrir, but I don't recall why we picked that. Someone pointed at Fenris the Feared from Joe Abercrombie's books... and I did read them, so maybe the name lodged in my head? Wouldn't be the first time.

                    IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体10楼2024-12-26 15:28
                      Casting Fenris turned out to be easy. He was the first time I requested a specific VA and got him. (The other times were Merrill and then Solas, my two "I want these specific Welsh actors, please".)
                      Why? OK, if you must know, I'd played a bit of Final Fantasy XII. I heard Balthier. "Yes, that." 😅
                      为什么?好吧,如果你一定要知道的话……我玩过一些《最终幻想12》。当我听到巴尔弗雷亚的声音时,我就想:“对,就是这个。” 😅

                      And Gideon Emery was a delight, as it turned out. Consummate professional, and that lovely gravel in his voice... good god. Bite the knuckles. There was a struggle to find the voice at the outset where I did my best not to say "just pls do Balthier" but he found Fenris on his own and it was amazing.
                      Overall, Fenris turned out better than he had any right to, considering the rocky start. He had a lot of soul, a vulnerability forged by pain that struck a chord with a lot of players, and I'm glad.
                      Do I regret anything? Probably having him live in a corpse-filled mansion that would never update.
                      That's a hindsight thing, though, as again the cut to reactivity over the time jumps came late. Outside of that, maybe letting the player give him back to Danarius? Poor shock value and a waste of resources because almost nobody took the option. Good evil options are ones that are tempting to take.

                      A screenshot from one of the DA2 conversation scenes with Fenris, in the mansion he occupies during the game. He did a lot of drinking. I got accused, at one point, of glorifying alcoholism? I mean... I don't know if Fenris was an alcoholic, but if he was the bitterness of these scenes certainly doesn't feel like glorification to me.
                      And the lyrium tattoos. Interesting concept, but they're probably why you'll never see Fenris in a future DA. He requires a custom body, and the tattoos make that expensive.
                      It's why I put Fenris in my 4th DA novel - the cancelled one. Don't fret, though. He died in it, so this way he lives on. 😉

                      A piece of unused concept art for Fenris: bare-chested, quilted armor on the legs, giant sword on the back. I was looking through the Fenris concept art pieces online and saw this and thought "hey, this one actually looks pretty good... if you ignore the DA2 elves-are-barefoot thing". I want to say maybe this was a piece done for the cancelled expansion, for a potential Fenris model update?
                      一张未使用的芬里斯概念图:他赤裸上身,穿着缝制的护腿,背着一把巨剑。我在网上翻看芬里斯的概念图时看到这一张,心想:“嘿,这个其实看起来还不错……只要忽略DA2里精灵一律光脚的设定就好。” 我想这可能是为被取消的扩展包设计的芬里斯模型更新?

                      IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体11楼2024-12-26 15:29
                        CHARACTERS - Day Seven: Shale

                        A screenshot from the Stone Prisoner DLC, showing Shale in front of one of the buildings in her initial quest area.
                        Oops! I realized I'd moved on from DAO but missed one of the companions I'd written. Which checks out, honestly, because I almost didn't write Shale and, even after I'd written her, she almost didn't happen anyhow. Then she did. Prepare yourself for... PIGEON QUEST. 🦤
                        So... I'm wracking my brain, but I don't recall how Shale began. I have this vague memory of us wanting a "weird" party member who didn't conform to the normal classes (this was back when Dog didn't need to be in the party), and I think my mind drifted to an old indie comic character named Concrete.
                        Now, your reaction to that is probably "who?" That's OK. When I explain that HK-47 in KotOR was inspired by an old Canadian TV show called the Littlest Hobo I get the same perplexed response. 😅
                        你可能会问:“谁?” 这没关系。当我解释说《星战:旧共和国武士》中的HK-47灵感来源于一部叫《小流浪狗》的加拿大老电视剧时,人们也总会有同样困惑的反应。😅【看来是暴露年龄系列】

                        In short: Concrete was just a regular dude. Who happened to also be a walking hulk of rock. Cue hi-jinx.
                        The problem here is I don't remember whether the Concrete thing was part of the original inspiration or something I thought of at the point when I started writing the character.
                        Because I didn't, at first. That was later. Shale was initially taken on by Jay Turner, then one of our junior writers.
                        【hi-jinx:energetic and excited behaviour in which people do funny things or play tricks on someone。像是做有趣的事或捉弄别人之类的充满活力的行为。🤔我这里意译了】
                        Jay had an idea to make Shale more of a robot, an emotionless automoton killer... think HK-47, but without the layer of sarcasm. I was leery, and told Jay he'd have to be very careful. "Emotionless" can very quickly turn into "boring", after all, unless you're VERY careful. But Jay was determined.
                        Sigh. This was a fail on my part, as his lead. There's been a couple of times in my career when I've let a junior convince me with their enthusiasm to take on something my experience said they shouldn't. And then watch their confidence crumble despite every effort I made to reassure them it was OK.
                        This was one of those times. Jay, no idea if you'll read this but: I'm sorry. Even an experienced writer would have found that a daunting challenge. Tonia, my other Big Fail on a similar situation in DAI: I'm sorry. Both times, I should have known. You did your best, but I set you up to fail. 😔
                        Jay did his best, and this version of Shale was certainly interesting... but, when he was done, it was one of those peer reviews where every writer had that look of "I'm REALLY sorry to say this..."
                        It felt flat. Jay tried numerous revisions, but the issue wasn't his ability - it was the concept.
                        I only allowed my writers a certain number of tries before I take it away. This hearkens back to an earlier time at Bio when writers would hack away at something that wasn't working 6, 7, 8 times or more until finally their soul was dust. Mike Laidlaw can attest. Revision isn't always the answer.
                        So I moved (a much relieved, I think) Jay onto something else, and the question arose: what do we do with Shale? Do we cut it? It was already very late.

                        IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体12楼2024-12-26 15:31
                          Then Shale dropped in my lap. I don't remember if it was me refusing to let it go or maybe Brent (Knowles, Creative Director) giving it to me.
                          I suspect it was the latter, because I recall being a bit bitter about the whole thing. WHAT am I going to do with this character? At the time, they'd moved me out of the writers pit to instead be in a big office with the other leads. I had this corner desk by a window (yay) with an awful view (ugh)
                          What was so awful about it? It looked out onto the neighbouring roof, where there was only an HVAC unit to see. In the winter, pigeons would gather around it. They pooped all over everything - there was this alcove around the access door, right? The pigeons roosted there and it was POOP FAUCET city.
                          Not only that, the pigeons used the HVAC like some kind of sex den. Angry, ugly pigeon sex. The only respite was when a hawk would appear and the pigeons scattered. Then I'd get maybe a day when there was a single pigeon corpse, like an exploded ball of down, to act as a scarecrow. Good days, those.

                          A row of pigeons, up close to the camera with HVAC system in the background. Staring with their beady little demon eyes. My eternal nightmare.
                          What does any of this have to do with Shale? Well, there's me, staring out the window trying desperately to think what I'm going to do. But I CAN'T stare out the window because, gross. But what else am I going to stare at while I think? It was making me furious. I hated those pigeons SO SO MUCH.
                          And then it hit me: Shale is basically an animated statue, right? Something that pigeons are rather notorious for also gathering on?
                          And so I wrote. I wrote like the angry, angry wind. I had zero time to do this so it was basically me vomiting all my annoyance at everything into a single character.
                          Not that it helped much. There was a battle going on over Shale - first, as I recall, it was the art team. They were going to make every doorway in the game EXTRA HUGE because they were worried that Shale was too large and might clip. So, yes, let's alter the whole world to fix that. Good idea. 🙃
                          Eventually, they compromised by making Shale smaller. Sten-sized. Or Brent went Akira mode, but I don't really know. This was a battle happening above my level.
                          Yet Shale got cut anyhow. There wasn't time to do her abilities and we were short on cinematics time. There was never enough time on DAO.
                          "Oh well," I thought. "That's that." I did what I could, but cut content is almost never resurrected. The idea was floated of making Shale into a DLC but I scoffed. Yeah, right!
                          “唉,”我想,“就这样吧。” 我已经尽力了,而被砍掉的内容几乎不可能复活。有人提出将夏尔变成DLC,我当时冷笑了一下。耶,可能性好大!
                          But... it happened. That's why the "almost" is there. Enough of the team liked Shale they made it happen this one time.
                          This meant I could finish up the writing once we'd more or less wrapped DAO, and the rest of the team (cinematics, in particular, who were pressed the hardest for time) could move onto the Shale DLC once they were ready.
                          It was supposed to come out well after release, but you know. Shenanigans.
                          This particular shenanigan was EA deciding to sit on the finished DAO a few months in order to delay the release. Why? Again, not my level. To get closer to Christmas, maybe, or maybe for sim ship.
                          It did mean Shale ended up being ready for release day. Unexpected confluence of events, honestly.
                          Cue some fans getting upset that "cut content" was sold to them separately, which... fair, I guess? The alternative would have been that Shale was simply cut, period, and it just worked out this way but... yes, fair. This was back when DLC was the main beef of hardcore gamers. Oh, the good old days.
                          Overall? I have a soft spot for Shale. She has no soft spot for anyone, being... you know... made of rock. It's why I put her in Asunder, and why she was also going to be in the - apparently now notorious for its Fenris murder - cancelled fourth DA novel.
                          Also, if you're a pigeon fan: not sorry. 😇

                          IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体13楼2024-12-26 15:33
                            CHARACTERS - Day Eight: Dorian
                            角色 - 第八天:多利安

                            Dorian, as he appeared in-game. This was the work of U Ri So, a character artist from Korea who'd just started at the time - Dorian and Cullen were her first big tasks, and boy oh boy did she knock it out of the park.
                            多里安在游戏中的形象。这是韩国角色美术家U Ri So的作品,她刚加入团队时,承担的第一个重要任务就是多利安和卡伦的设计,而她的表现大家都知道的,堪称惊艳。
                            Now this is a fun one. It's no big secret I have a lot of feelings about Dorian, not least of which because he was my first (and only) gay male companion. There's a lot more to him than that, of course (as there should be), and it was quite a trip. So let's go!
                            Now, DAI is a story all its own, but I'm sticking to the characters. In this case, back at the beginning, the writers were going to try something new: we were going to let the artists take a more active role in the companion creation process.
                            Why? Because not doing so had caused a lot of problems.
                            See, here's the thing: writers and artists speak two different languages. When talking about characters, we talk about their story. Who they are. What they want. We'd write up these briefs, huge and full of information... but it was never the information the artists needed. They wanted visual cues.
                            I don't mean describing their appearance. Sure, we'd usually provide that, especially if there was a story case to be made, but often the artists vetoed us on appearance stuff anyhow so meh.
                            No, I mean they looked for visual language while we tended to only talk about who the characters *were*.
                            What would happen is they'd hone in on something visual in our write-up not intended to be a focus. The first write-up for Anders in DA2, for instance, mentioned he was "haggard" after his journey... and the first concept we got was this pale, shriveled man.
                            "What... is this?"
                            "YOU SAID HAGGARD!"
                            That was the other trick: sometimes when we DID try to be more descriptive, we had to be extra cautious because the words could be interpreted very differently. You encounter this recording VO, too. A VO note says "hysterical" and you *meant* "really upset" but the actor read "scream like a banshee"
                            Thus this caused problems, like I said. The artists would struggle, sometimes conjuring details just to give the character *something* but which would change the character... and, to us, the character was created. Done. We were already invested, probably already writing them.
                            Something had to give.
                            So this time we wrote a bunch of character briefs - but short. One paragraph. We stuck to vibes and the *emotions* we wanted the concepts to evoke. And we didn't name them. They got titles like "Slick Con Man" or "Ice Queen", so we wouldn't get too attached. Then we handed these off to the artists.
                            And it worked nicely. The ones that just weren't inspiring we'd discard, no problem. The others had juice... and the artists felt free to play and offer lots of variations because we weren't set on anything yet. A lot of times, what they produced ended up inspiring US. It was a neat back-and-forth.
                            This is what led to Dorian, in fact. He came from a short write-up entitled "Rock Star Mage" and it really boiled down to "I'm cool and I know I'm cool, so take that you cretins".
                            And just like that, the first sketches (by Casper Konefal, I think? I bet I'm wrong) were all amazing. Instant fire.
                            Me: "He looks kind of like... Freddie Mercury?"
                            Him: "Is that bad?"
                            Me: "NO ARE YOU KIDDING THIS IS AMAZING"
                            Plus there was a monkey. Sadly, we had to lose the monkey.
                            There were iterations to come, but this was really where Dorian was born: Tevinter mage, noble, savant, and too cool for school.

                            One of the concept art variants of the "Rock Star Mage" which provided Dorian's initial inspiration. The one on the left was the first draft. The one on the right was the second draft with a few adjustments (bye monkey). There was more iterating after this, but you see where it was going - and it was so, so good.

                            When did he become gay? Not right away. Like I said elsewhere, we didn't talk romance and sexuality until after the concepts were more in place.
                            But as we were brainstorming about why this hot shot mage left Tevinter, the idea DID come up that maybe it was because he was gay. Not directly, however.
                            Homophobia isn't really a thing in Thedas, after all, so at first blush I didn't think that could work. "Rich kid gets kicked out of the house for being gay" wasn't a trope I wanted to explore. But, then again, magister families in Tevinter are *obsessed* with the appearance of perfection, so...?
                            Any deviation from the "norm" is considered scandal-worthy. It said weakness. It said you couldn't control your house. Now... THAT had real promise. The writing pit discussed it a lot.
                            So I think it's fair to say that the gay fairy was already circling Dorian even before we got to the romance talk.

                            A screenshot from one of the Dorian romance scenes, with Dorian resting his head on the player's shoulder. At the end game, I think? So cute. I think this was Sarah Hayward's cinematic work? She did such a great job, and was so committed to doing the translation of story to screen justice.

                            IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体14楼2024-12-26 15:35
                              CHARACTERS - Day Nine: Cassandra

                              Head and shoulders shot of Cassandra, as she appeared in Dragon Age Inquisition. The character artists did such an amazing job translating her into the new engine.
                              This is the last of the (major) characters I wrote during my time on Dragon Age. I could go into others, and considered moving onto Stray Gods... but I feel like fewer would be interested, and I honestly can't keep up the pace. So let's make this the last, for now.
                              So, yeah. Cassandra. We knew early on that Cassandra would come into DAI as a companion, along with Varric, that this was part of what DA2 set up for the sequel. Now, I'd written Cassandra's short scenes in DA2, yes, but I wasn't her writer for DAI. Initially, she was Jennifer Hepler's character.

                              A head and shoulders shot of Cassandra, in heavy armor, as she first appeared in DA2. I almost forgot she looked like this back then.
                              By mid-project, in fact, Cassandra was more or less fully written. Jennifer did a great job - solid character, solid quest. The sticking point, it turned out, was her romance.
                              Now, to be fair, Jennifer told me straight up when we began that writing romance wasn't her forte, but she'd give it a go.
                              The problem with the romance as she wrote it wasn't in its execution but more a clash between the character as Jennifer envisioned her and the requirements of her being a romance.
                              See, I mentioned previously that a romance arc inherently limits the kinds of stories you can tell with a companion.
                              Many responses I got can be summed up as "lol skill issue", but consider this: a companion romance isn't a fic you can just throw up on AO3. It's an investment of a lot of resources. If a companion has one, most of their resources need to be devoted to it - it's not "now let's ALSO add a romance".
                              That means it needs to take priority in who they are as a character and their arc. What's more, they need to be *appealing* to a big chunk of the player base - or at least someone we can imagine being broadly appealing, anyway.
                              Thankfully, there are still many many stories this can accommodate. 😊
                              This, however, wasn't one of those. Was Cassandra a fascinating character? Absolutely. Her romance, though...
                              Well, Jennifer DID warn me. She'd written Cassandra as a serious, self-righteous, pious woman who put the Inquisitor on a messianic pedestal. Romancing her meant changing her view of you.
                              You did this by being... pushy. Jennifer didn't mean it to, I'm sure, but sometimes it came off as, at best, negging. At worst, a bit harassy.
                              And Jennifer would have fixed it. This was a 1st draft, and the issues - while serious - were something a skilled writer like her could handle. No problem.
                              Thing is, Jennifer left.
                              You may not remember, but this was around the time a bunch of GamerGate dudes decided Jennifer was somehow responsible for ALL of BioWare's faults. Oh, the power she wielded! She, a writer, could even command the combat Bio made! The result was a LOT of ugly harassment. 😞
                              Is this why she left? You'd have to ask her, but it undoubtedly didn't help. The important thing is, she left - and there was nobody as senior nor as superhumanly fast as her to take over any unfinished work.
                              This is where Patrick Weekes comes in: a solid, senior writer who could fill her shoes.
                              It was great timing - not only did Cassandra need a writer, I'd slowly fallen more and more behind. It was clear by that point that I'd never be able to write Dorian AND Cole AND Solas as planned. They needed to pick up two. And I let them choose the ones who interested them, like all my writers.
                              Patrick taking Solas was no surprise, and while I had Big Plans for Solas in the future I knew at least he'd be in good hands. I was reeeeaaaally hoping Patrick would then pick Cassandra... but they wanted Cole. My baby. Who I created in Asunder.
                              I grumped, but Patrick clearly loved the character.
                              They had ideas for Cole which... yeah yeah, sounded cool. Fiiine. 😅
                              Now I had to figure out what *I* was going to do with Cassandra. We couldn't move the romance to someone else, all the other female characters were well underway, and I didn't know the character well enough to fix her with tweaks.

                              IP属地:日本本楼含有高级字体16楼2024-12-26 15:40