Words make a wonderful interface. Very flexible. And less terrifying than staring at the reality behind the screen. 文字是一种美妙的界面。它相当灵活,并且要好过直接凝视屏幕背后的可怕现实。
They used to hear voices. Before players could read. Back in the days when those who did not play called the players witches, and warlocks. And players dreamed they flew through the air, on sticks powered by demons. 在他们学会阅读之前,还只能靠倾听。当时那些玩家们被旁人呼作巫师或术士,玩家们梦见自己骑着魔杖,在空中翱翔。
This player dreamed of sunlight and trees. Of fire and water. It dreamed it created. And it dreamed it destroyed. It dreamed it hunted, and was hunted. It dreamed of shelter. 他梦见了阳光和树木、梦见了火与水; 他梦见创造,也梦见了毁灭。 他梦见他狩猎,亦被狩猎。 他梦见了庇护所。
Hah, the original interface. A million years old, and it still works. But what true structure did this player create, in the reality behind the screen? 哈,那原始的界面,经历一百万年的岁月雕琢,依然长存。但玩家在那屏幕后的真实里,又创造了怎样的杰作呢?
It worked, with a million others, to sculpt a true world in a fold of the [scrambled], and created a [scrambled] for [scrambled], in the [scrambled]. 他和其它上百万人一起,在████的一面之中,刻画了一个真实的世界。并且在███之中,为███创造了██。