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IP属地:河北来自Android客户端1楼2025-03-06 08:30回复
    The grav-gun is a devastating weapon based on ancient and forgotten technology. Manipulating the very nature of gravity itself, the gun turns a target’s mass against it, crushing it to pulp under its own weight. This is especially shocking when used against heavily armoured infantry like Terminators, the hapless warrior brutally crushed by the bulk of their ceramite plates until only a crimson trickle remains of what they once were. Space Marine Chapters are among the few warriors of the Imperium to be gifted with the use of grav-guns, and it is a sacred honour for such a potent weapon.

    IP属地:河北来自Android客户端2楼2025-03-06 08:30
      A sustained blast from a grav-gun is completely capable of crushing even large vehicles, from Leman Russ Battle Tanks to Ork Battlewagons. To behold such a spectacle is to witness the tank crumpling in on itself, as if the hand of the God-Emperor were closing around it, internal explosions from detonating ammunition and engines turned inward by the coalescing gravitational sphere. The death of an infantryman killed by a grav-gun is equally graphic and a degree more disturbing. At first, the gravity will push the victim’s armour in upon him, along with his weapon, wargear and any other kit he carries, crushing his flesh and forcing blood from eyes, ears and nose. Then, as the field strengthens, the victim’s own muscles will turn their mass against him, snapping bones and pulverising organs. Finally, the target will implode with a wet crimson splat, only falling into a puddle of gore when the field, its terrible work done, disperses.

      IP属地:河北来自Android客户端3楼2025-03-06 08:30
        The conversion beam projector or 'beamer’ projects a high- intensity energy beam which converts matter to energy. The denser the matter penetrated by the beam the more energy is converted, so that a particularly solid target will explode and shatter apart with a fearsome rending noise. The beamer is therefore the ideal weapon to use against vehicles, buildings or other large, solid targets. Its disadvantage is that the energy conversion takes a little time to build up, so a fast moving target may be able to escape the beam before any harm is done. The beamer itself is exceptionally large and bulky. requiring a huge power source to feed the giant capacitors which line the projector tube. To overcome this immobility conversion beamers are usually mounted on a self-propelled wheeled carriage for battlefield support. The crew of the beamer control it from a safe distance with a radio control transmitter.
        The weapon functions by converting matter into energy, creating an energy fleld to its 网页链接 energy field increases in intensity as the beam extends further, Initially, the field builds up very slowly- so that troops in the path of the beam can avoid it fairly easily. At its maximum extent the matter/energy conversion becomes so powerful so as to cause a violent explosion. Normally this will be at a range of 80 metres (40 inches). However, any solid object which is in the path of the beam will feed the energy field causing a prematureb explosion - and a good deal of damage!
        Incredibly rare pre-Heresy artefacts, conversion beam projectors fire an energy burst that induces a controlled subatomic reaction in the target, converting its mass into energy. The further away the target, the more deadly the blast, as the beam has time to grow in penetrating power and explosive potential.
        A shot from a conversion beamer has a different profile depending on how far the target is from the firer.

        IP属地:河北来自Android客户端4楼2025-03-06 08:33
          A small number of these rare and deadly archaeotech devices circulate through the hands of senior Inquisitors. A ConversionBeamer can annihilate creatures, vehicles, or anything its beam reaches, provided it is given time to build to critical 网页链接 fired, a conversion beamer expels a stream of 网页链接 particles,beginning an atomic chain reaction that converts matter to energy in a blazing beam that hurtles towards the target. As the escalating reaction travels, more and more air molecules are converted into a deadly blast that finally consumes the target in an explosive release of energy.
          Conversion Beamers are more powerful at long ranges as they can absorb more matter into the blast's strength.
          A small number of these rare and deadly archeotech devices circulate through the hands of senior Techmarines. By using the energy stored in atomic bonds, a conversion beamer can annihilate creatures, vehicles, or nearly anything its beam reaches, provided it is given time to build to critical mass. When fired, a conversion beamer expels a stream of neutron- bombarded particles, beginning an atomic chain reaction that converts matter to energy in a blazing beam that hurtles and more air molecules are converted into a deadly blast that finally consumes the target in an explosive release of energy.
          Conversion beamers are more powerful at long ranges as they can absorb more matter into the blast's strength before it hits.

          IP属地:河北来自Android客户端5楼2025-03-06 08:34
            Although many of the weapons carried by Space Marines are wonders of technology beyond the dreams of normal men, there are some machines that are so exceptional that only a Techmarine may attend them. Oneofthe most unusual of theseis the conversion beamer, a rare weapon that works by converting matter to energy in a beam that becomes stronger the further it extends and the more matter is converted, It is only by the constant ministrations o a Techmarine that such a weapon can be utilisedshould anyone else attempt to use the weapon, its war spirit might become greatly angered and turn its ire upon the wielder instead.

            IP属地:河北来自Android客户端6楼2025-03-06 08:36
              对了 这个转换光束武器在lex的描述是能将物质转化为纯能量pure energy,但我在收集的资料里没有提到这点,感觉是lex自行的加戏?

              IP属地:河北来自Android客户端7楼2025-03-06 08:39
                睡觉睡觉(。-ω-)💤翻译了一晚上战锤选集 困死了

                IP属地:河北来自Android客户端8楼2025-03-06 08:40
                  睡前再提一嘴这个转换光束武器的缺点,这玩意是重型武器,又重又大,也就铸造大师 终结者 无畏 坦克 泰坦会装备

                  IP属地:河北来自Android客户端9楼2025-03-06 08:48

                    IP属地:河北来自Android客户端10楼2025-03-06 09:02

                      IP属地:河北来自Android客户端11楼2025-03-06 09:17

                        IP属地:河北来自Android客户端12楼2025-03-06 09:17

                          IP属地:河北来自Android客户端13楼2025-03-06 09:17

                            IP属地:河北来自Android客户端14楼2025-03-06 09:18

                              IP属地:河北来自Android客户端15楼2025-03-06 09:18