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    1,Environmental impact and bioremediation of seleniferous soils and sediments 2,Role of nano-selenium in health and environment 3,Interaction between zinc and selenium bio-fortification and toxic metals (loid) accumulation in food crops 4,Selenium removal from mining and process wastewater: a systematic review of available technologies 5,Roles of selenium in mineral plant nutrition: ROS scavenging responses against abiotic stresses 6,Cadmium uptake and translocation: selenium and silicon roles in Cd detoxification for the production of low Cd crops: a critical review 7,Agronomic
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    Small Molecule Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9(PCSK9) Inhibitors: Hit to Lead Optimization of Systemic Agents
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    -60 degrees C solution synthesis of atomically dispersed cobalt electrocatalyst with superior performance -60℃溶液合成原子分散的钴电催化剂,具有优越的性能 Huang K, Zhang L, Xu T, Wei H, Zhang R, Zhang X, Ge B, Lei M, Ma JY, Liu LM, Wu H abstract:Temperature can govern morphologies, structures and properties of products from synthesis in solution. A reaction in solution at low temperature may result in different materials than at higher temperature due to thermodynamics and kinetics of nuclei formation. Here, we report a low-temperature solution synthesis of atomically
    medpeer 7-19
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    -60 degrees C solution synthesis of atomically dispersed cobalt electrocatalyst with superior performance -60℃溶液合成原子分散的钴电催化剂,具有优越的性能 Huang K, Zhang L, Xu T, Wei H, Zhang R, Zhang X, Ge B, Lei M, Ma JY, Liu LM, Wu H abstract:Temperature can govern morphologies, structures and properties of products from synthesis in solution. A reaction in solution at low temperature may result in different materials than at higher temperature due to thermodynamics and kinetics of nuclei formation. Here, we report a low-temperature solution synthesis of atomically
    medpeer 7-19
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    Targeting immune cell circuits and trafficking in inflammatory bowel disease 针对免疫细胞回路和炎症性肠病的贩运 摘要: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are characterized by uncontrolled activation of intestinal immune cells in a genetically susceptible host.Due to the progressive and destructive nature of the inflammatory process in IBD, complications such as fibrosis, stenosis or cancer are frequently observed, which highlights the need for effective anti-inflammatory therapy.Studies have identified altered trafficking o
    bvvuco 7-11
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    The role of short-chain fatty acids in microbiota-gut-brain communication 短链脂肪酸在微生物 - 肠 - 脑通讯中的作用 摘要: Short- chain fatty acids (SCFAs), the main metabolites produced by bacterial fermentation of dietary fibre in the gastrointestinal tract, are speculated to have a key role in microbiota-gut-brain crosstalk. However, the pathways through which SCFAs might influence psychological functioning, including affective and cognitive processes and their neural basis, have not been fully elucidated. Furthermore, research directly exploring the role of SCFAs as pote
    medpeer 7-9
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    1. 浅谈高校音乐专业学生应具备的综合素质 2. 自弹自唱是课堂教学不可缺少的基本功 3. 中学音乐教育与流行歌曲的探析 4. 浅谈少儿钢琴教育中情感的辅导 5. 关于高师音乐专业学生素质培养的再思考 6. 谈歌唱心理素质的训练 7. 浅谈唱歌时的气息及实践 8. 对高师声乐教学形式的再思考 9. 浅谈声乐演唱中的咬字吐字 10. 中小学音乐教师所具备的基本素质 11. 即兴演奏应符合音乐教育自然规律 12. 中小学音乐教学应突出“音乐性” 13. 论音乐教学与学生创
    l丶哲 7-5
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    Regulatory cells in the skin: Pathophysiologic role and potential targets for anti-inflammatory therapies 皮肤中的调节细胞:抗炎治疗的病理生理学作用和潜在靶点 摘要: Inflammation is a fundamental defense mechanism to protect the body from danger, which becomes potentially harmful if it turns chronic. Therapeutic strategies aimed at specifically blocking proinflammatory signals, particularly cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-6, IL-13, IL-17A, or TNF-α, have substantially improved our ability to effectively and safely treat chronic inflammatory diseases. Much less effort
    medpeer 7-5
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    Epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in China: current features and implications 中国心血管疾病流行病学:现状及意义 摘要: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in China. To develop effective and timely strategies to cope with the challenges of CVD epidemics, we need to understand the current epidemiological features of the major types of CVD and the implications of these features for the prevention and treatment of CVD. In this Review, we summarize eight important features of the epidemiology of CVD in China. Some features indicate a transition in CV
    medpeer 7-4
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    毕业论文开题报告的写作流程 不管是写什么样类型的论文,首先就是要考虑论文开题报告的撰写了,开题报告大部分院校也需要进行答辩。开题报告也就是对你自己的研究内容做一个大概的说明,对论文的进度安排作出详细的解说。然后经过专家组来判别是都论文的研究工作具有可行性。 1、开题报告的第一页就是封面,封面就是对你自己和老师以及论文题目等信息做一个说明。 2、第一部分内容就是选题的目的和意义,说明这个论文研究工作会带来
    l丶哲 7-3
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    New roles for B cell receptor associated kinases: when the B cell is not the target B细胞受体相关激酶的新作用:当B细胞不是靶标时 摘要: Targeting of B cell receptor associated kinases (BAKs), such as Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) or phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) delta, by specific inhibitors has revolutionized the therapy of B lymphoid malignancies. BAKs are critical signaling transducers of BCR signaling and seem relevant in B cell lymphoma pathogenesis. The functional relevance of BTK for lymphoid malignancies is strongly supported by the observation that resis
    medpeer 7-3
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    硕士论文写作的基本步骤和规范 多数读文科研究生的人,都有过写作数千字文章的经验。而从写作数千字的文章到写作二三万字的论文,中间隔着一道较为艰难的“坎”。一旦顺利地跃过这道坎,会有一种登上一个较高的山峰、一览众山小的感觉。为什么呢?因为此前写作的文章,第一是字数有限,在结构和逻辑的把握上较为容易;第二是文章并非真正意义上的学术论文。本科毕业时写作的论文可能是最大的,一般谈一个较小的话题,可以重复已有
    l丶哲 7-2
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    Pervasive H3K27 Acetylation Leads to ERV Expression and a Therapeutic Vulnerability in H3K27M Gliomas 普遍的H3K27乙酰化导致ERK表达和H3K27M胶质瘤中的治疗脆弱性 摘要: High-grade gliomas defined by histone 3 K27M driver mutations exhibit global loss of H3K27 trimethylation and reciprocal gain of H3K27 acetylation, respectively shaping repressive and active chromatin landscapes.We generated tumor-derived isogenic models bearing this mutation and show that it leads to pervasive H3K27ac deposition across the genome. In turn, active enhancers and promoters are not created de
    medpeer 7-2
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    The role of 3D genome organization in development and cell differentiation 三维基因组组织在发育和细胞分化中的作用 摘要: In eukaryotes, the genome does not exist as a linear molecule but instead is hierarchically packaged inside the nucleus. This complex genome organization includes multiscale structural units of chromosome territories, compartments, topologically associating domains, which are often demarcated by architectural proteins such as CTCF and cohesin, and chromatin loops. The 3D organization of chromatin modulates biological processes such as transcription, DNA
    medpeer 6-28
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    The role of 3D genome organization in development and cell differentiation 三维基因组组织在发育和细胞分化中的作用 摘要: In eukaryotes, the genome does not exist as a linear molecule but instead is hierarchically packaged inside the nucleus. This complex genome organization includes multiscale structural units of chromosome territories, compartments, topologically associating domains, which are often demarcated by architectural proteins such as CTCF and cohesin, and chromatin loops. The 3D organization of chromatin modulates biological processes such as transcription, DNA
    medpeer 6-27
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    Pathophysiological role of respiratory dysbiosis in hospital-acquired pneumonia 呼吸道失调在医院获得性肺炎中的病理生理作用 摘要: Hospital-acquired pneumonia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia remains high globally and treatment can often be ineffective. Here, we review the available data and unanswered questions surrounding hospital-acquired pneumonia, discuss alterations of the respiratory microbiome and of the mucosal immunity in patients admitted to hospital, and explore potential approaches to stratify patients
    medpeer 6-26
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    Integrated molecular and clinical staging defines the spectrum of metastatic cancer 综合分子和临床分期定义了转移性癌症的范围 摘要: The elimination of metastases remains one of the major challenges in the curative treatment of patients with cancer.Therefore, most patients with metastatic disease typically receive systemic agents, which prolong survival and alleviate symptoms but are rarely curative.The oligometastatic paradigm challenges the prevailing view of metastasis as a disseminated process and proposes the existence of a spectrum of biological virulence within met
    medpeer 6-20
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    Neuron-glia interactions in the pathophysiology of epilepsy 神经元 - 神经胶质相互作用在癫痫的病理生理学中 摘要: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder afflicting ~65 million people worldwide. It is caused by aberrant synchronized firing of populations of neurons primarily due to imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission. Hence, the historical focus of epilepsy research has been neurocentric. However, the past two decades have enjoyed an explosion of research into the role of glia in supporting and modulating neuronal activity , providing compelling evi
    medpeer 6-25
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    Small vessel disease: mechanisms and clinical implications 小血管疾病:机制和临床意义 摘要: Small vessel disease is a disorder of cerebral microvessels that causes white matter hyperintensities and several other common abnormalities (eg, recent small subcortical infarcts and lacunes) seen on brain imaging. Despite being a common cause of stroke and vascular dementia, the underlying pathogenesis is poorly understood. Research in humans has identified several manifestations of cerebral microvessel endothelial dysfunction including blood-brain barrier dysfunction, impaired vasodi
    medpeer 6-24
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    Mitochondrial proteins: from biogenesis to functional networks 线粒体蛋白:从生物发生到功能网络 摘要: Mitochondria are essential for the viability of eukaryotic cells as they perform crucial functions in bioenergetics, metabolism and signalling and have been associated with numerous diseases. Recent functional and proteomic studies have revealed the remarkable complexity of mitochondrial protein organization. Protein machineries with diverse functions such as protein translocation, respiration, metabolite transport, protein quality control and the control of membrane archit
    medpeer 6-21
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    Neonatal cholestasis: emerging molecular diagnostics and potential novel therapeutics 新生儿胆汁淤积:新兴的分子诊断和潜在的新疗法 Neonatal cholestasis is a group of rare disorders of impaired bile flow characterized by conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia in the newborn and young infant. Neonatal cholestasis is never physiological but rather is a sign of hepatobiliary and/or metabolic disorders, some of which might be fatal if not identified and treated rapidly. A step-wise timely evaluation is essential to quickly identify those causes amenable to treatment and to offer accur
    medpeer 6-19
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    Regulation of UCP1 and Mitochondrial Metabolism in Brown Adipose Tissue by Reversible Succinylation 可逆琥珀酰化对棕色脂肪组织中UCP1和线粒体代谢的调节作用 摘要: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is rich in mitochondria and plays important roles in energy expenditure, thermogenesis, and glucose homeostasis. We find that levels of mitochondrial protein succinylation and malonylation are high in BAT and subject to physiological and genetic regulation. BAT-specific deletion of Sirt5, a mitochondrial desuccinylase and demalonylase, results in dramatic increases in global prote
    medpeer 6-18
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    Tubular cell and keratinocyte single-cell transcriptomics applied to lupus nephritis reveal type I IFN and fibrosis relevant pathways 应用于狼疮性肾炎的管状细胞和角质形成细胞单细胞转录组学揭示了I型IFN和纤维化相关通路 摘要: The molecular and cellular processes that lead to renal damage and to the heterogeneity of lupus nephritis (LN) are not well understood. We applied single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to renal biopsies from patients with LN and evaluated skin biopsies as a potential source of diagnostic and prognostic markers of renal disease. Ty
    medpeer 6-17
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    T Follicular Helper Cell Biology: A Decade of Discovery and Diseases T**辅助细胞生物学:发现和疾病的十年 摘要: Helping B cells and antibody responses is a major function of CD4^+ T cells.It has been 10 years since the publication of Bcl6 as the lineage-defining transcription factor for T follicular helper (Tfh) differentiation and the requirement of Tfh cells as the specialized subset of CD4^+ T cells needed for germinal centers (the microanatomical sites of B cell mutation and antibody affinity maturation) and related B cell responses.A great deal has been learned about Tf
    medpeer 6-14

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