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  • 目录:
  • 人文学科
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    看到某老师这样讲的: functional 实用的 practical 实践的 ①The furniture isn't fancy, but functional. ②Heavy boots are not practical for running. ③It's not practical working with them. 但根据ta讲解的中文意思根本是解释不通的,但不敢问,上次问了2个不同的老师,一问就拉黑,还是来吧里的大神科普下吧 我的问题很简单,为什么这3个短句子中用了functional、practical中的1个而没有用另1个,请科普
    julietibm 09:45
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    背了挺多单词了 但是除了在软件上 在其他地方见到不认识 怎么回事 !
    julietibm 09:37
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    In a land where mountains reign,Whispers of the wind sustain.A gentle rain wets the terrain,Painting fields with golden grain. Sail across the vast blue main,Chase the dreams that never wane.Beneath the moon's soft chain,Love blossoms without restrain. Seek solace in the quiet plain,Where memories never in vain.Listen to the night owl's strain,As shadows dance in the shadowed lane. With courage, face the hurricane,Embrace the challenge, don't abstain.For in the struggle, strength you'll gain,And emerge victorious, free from constrain.
    MooreYuan 09:35
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    比如He is hard studying他正在努力学习,对吗
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    It is task of grammarians to describe not to prescribe 赶紧这个句子好奇怪 这个句子应该不是 it is that 强调句吧
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    Raven didn't leave the party early because Carol was there. ['Raven left the party early, not because Carol was there, but for some other reason.'] 出自comprehensive grammar第1077页。 方括号里的是对第一句话的解释。 这样的解释有没有有道理?
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    【June·翻译】请问各位大神,为什么这里的heavy reading翻译成 心情沉重?不应该是翻译成 难读懂的文章或字数多的"重"阅读呢?谢谢!!!!!!真想不明白啊!
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    would be将会是 过去将来时,是说某人在过去对未来的打算,比如“他之前准备去美国”,属于过去对未来的打算。 他would be一个老师 那么这句“他将会是一个老师”,该怎么理解呢?过去中的他,在未来有可能成为一个老师? (will只是一种打算,并非真的一定会成为,所以我上方说的是,在未来有可能会成为一个老师,而不是一定成为)
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    鹿夊 08:20
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    有没人知道:为什么 T shirt要翻成 T恤衫? 这个恤字的任何一项意思都和衣服完全不搭噶。就算音译,为什么不用同音的其他字?比如同音的“续、绪、旭、煦”都比“恤”字好认,很多人根本不队识“恤”字,而是读成“血”字。而且从字义上来讲,“旭、煦”都比“恤”字阳光朝气,给人观感更好,而“恤”字却容易让人想到“血”字。 翻译总是往信达雅上靠,举几个明显的例子,比如:“咖啡”是因为入口能喝。“沙发”能让人联想到沙的柔软
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    Tieba of Idiots is a platform gathering quantities of funny phrases and jokes. Despite its name, there are few really silly people in Tieba of Idiots. In contrast, people there are wise enough and love to share funny and seemingly silly jokes. Thus, it has become one of the most popular platforms online.
    AJ_Rhythm 01:34
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    企鹅 01:00
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    冬时空王 00:25
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    【September·语法】Only at dinner time are we eating together anymore. 这句话是only位于句首 然后部分倒装。该如何翻译呢?
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    中文为:护脊床垫,为健康和美丽而创新 1、Spinecare mattress, innovate for health and beauty . 2、Spinecare mattress, innovation for health and beauty . 请各位老大帮我选择一下,并说明一下理由。TKS .
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    The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as_____its soil and the water of its lakes, rivers, and oceans.这里为什么是do 不是are?感谢
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    【1】Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. 如果学习是一根蜡烛,那好奇心就是烛芯。 Curiosity:kjʊəriˈɒsəti/ n.好奇心;求知欲; wick:/wɪk/ n.烛芯;灯芯
    蛰五帝 6-28
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    请看这一句: In the absence of a subject in the subordinate clause, the subject is understood as identical with that of the matrix clause. 出自comprehensive grammar第104页. 这句末尾的“as identical with that of the matrix clause”是做状语吗?
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    break away 挣脱;逃脱;摆脱(束缚或控制);离开;脱离 This love has crossed the identity and status, break away the material and money. 这种爱情跨越了身份与地位,脱离了物质与金钱。 break away from sb.脱离、离开、背弃 I broke away from him and rushed out into the hall. 我挣脱了他,冲进了大厅 break off 折断、突然中断 The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact. 飞机的两个机翼遭受撞击折断了 away和off都有离开的含义,那么为什么当away和off搭配的时候会有2种不同的含义呢?其实break away还
    julietibm 6-28
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    请结合下面几个小知短句科普下leave off、leave out 的含义区别,以及怎么从off和out的含义上理解和leave搭配后所形成词组的含义区别的本质原因 ①I decided to leave off eating meat for a while. ②You left out the best part of the story. ③Please leave out the chili. ④Will you leave off nagging? ⑤Is unfair to leave off him.
    MooreYuan 6-28
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    先说一下本人的情况吧。 本人从幼儿园就开始不停的报英语辅导班,但是收获甚微,初中连60分都考不到,初三更是放弃学习,最后喜提中专。中专上完之后走单招擦边进大专,试着重新学习英语但学不会,最后专升本的时候,英语更是直接就在答题卡上乱涂,但因为报专业时动了下脑子,不小心进了二本。 英语的状况是目前熟读音标,认识26个英语字母。 感觉自己运气挺好,有点小梦想,想考个四级,请问怎么学比较好?
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    请问最后面 ... which is almost invariably the lot of women in politics 怎么理解? 是 the rewards is alomst invariably the lot of women in politics 还是 in politics, the lot of women is almost invariably 还是这两个理解都不对
    hjz80000 6-28
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    我买了张年卡 cambly自用账号每周一小时可以自由时间,可以选择教材从2024年8月12号(周一)开始出租2025年5月25日结束一个月cambly官方分为四周可以一个月一个月租一个月为430连续租会便宜一点我只有这一个账号,本人自用的
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    我底子差 考了两次四级都没过 我发现我背了大量的单词做阅读还不能了解大意 大佬们 是不是背单词的方法有问题
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    请看这一句: Sleep has often been thought of as being in some way analogous to death. 出自牛津高阶双解词典。 这句话中的“as”是什么意思,有什么语法功能?
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    Did you ever say goodbye to someone knowing it would be forever?这句话knowing非谓语做主动的定语从句没有加逗号 是否应该将从句的主语认定为someone(即someone knows it would be forever)?还是与在knowing前加逗号一样将从句主语认定为you?
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    比如我想表达“获得政治支持” obtain political support 和 cultivate political support 里面obtain 和 cultivate 关于获取的区别在哪里呀。
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    THE COMPUTER was born in war and by war. Colossus was I built in 1944 to crack Nazi codes. By the 1950s computers were organising America's air defences. In the decades that followed, machine intelligence played a small part in warfare. Now it is about to become pivotal. Just as the civilian world is witnessing rapid progress in the power and spread of artificial intelligence (AI), so too must the military world prepare for an onrush of innovation. As much as it transforms the character of war, it could also prove destabilising. (TE, 2024-06-22)
    MooreYuan 6-28
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    其它的动词需要变成非谓语动词,求解为什么图里有谓语出现? 画线的部分是一个定语从句,它里面的词不属于非谓语动词(不定式、现在分词、过去分词),它是真的以过去完成时这种完整的结构出现,had+过去分词,过去分词在这个定语里属于实义动词。
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    周肆爻 6-28
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    学英语很久了,但总感觉差点意思。我目前学英语的方式主要是:1.抄写喜欢的英语文章,并背诵;2.听BBC,然后复述,再学原文。 因为中间间断过2年没有练习,现在英语听力、反应力都差了很多,想问下大家都是怎样快速学习的。 就想偷偷努力,然后惊艳所有人。加班是不可能的,但是加班学习完全不违背自我意志。#英语翻译##英语口译#
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    我觉得不能省略,不然应该改成"likes eating carrots" 我无法发现我自己是对是错.. 请问能省略么? 我改的正确吗。。
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    oh夜 6-28
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    Here’s a breakdown to help you understand
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    While Hitler publicly - and even to a certain degree towards his intimate entourage of military men, ministers, women, a few artists and the close colleagues- was ultimately the unapproachable and inscrutable Führer, in my presence he always acted as perhaps he secretly preferred it should be. 逗号后面的句子,翻译成“但在我面前,他私下里表现得更像是他真实的自己。”这样翻译可以吗?

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