丑鹤吧 关注:23贴子:497



We should distinguish the square bracket from two straight bars enclosing a determinant.
Ireland, at least, has some excuses for its fiscal mess.
have excuse for something.
She has a large wardrobe.
The lower jaw is movable.
Will you have the kindness to hand me that book.
The criminal soon confessed.
Quit work when the siren sounds.
Who'll be the clerk.
It was evident that she liked him still.
A flash of lightning illuminated the house.

1楼2013-01-02 09:57回复
    Now we assemble people for a meeting to discuss the problem.
    They enroll him as a member of the club.
    People will remember the tyrannies of his reigh.
    The explosion gave forth a tremendous sound.
    We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines.
    We have to blame rather than they.
    He denied the siganature.
    His tedious speech made us doze.
    They thrilled when the Pope turned up.
    Sugar can decay the tooth.

    2楼2013-01-02 09:58
      Some accuse the court of an anti-African bias.
      There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country.
      They did it in response to external pressures.
      The path was moist with dew.
      The gorgeous girl sent him.
      You should lubricate the wheels of your bicycle once a month.
      As he was ill. he had a dull appetite.
      The soldiers came swinging down the street.
      She took down the tablets in one gulp.
      The fountain plays only at weekend.

      3楼2013-01-02 09:58
        Her account was deliberately ambiguous.
        This encyclopedia is truly a compendium of knowledge.
        She was slender and had long dark hair.
        Favorable review from him can make a play.
        Don't pretend to know what you don't know.
        She was a woman of singular beauty.
        We use the hall for multiple purposes.
        The rain was lashing hard against the door.
        The former tenants of that house have just moved away.
        Honest students despise cheeting.

        4楼2013-01-02 09:58
          The car is presently in the prototype stage.
          The hotel is famous for its entertainment.
          She was quite explicit about why she left.
          I can sniff something burning.
          He's fresh out of dental school and trying to set up a practice.
          There is a striking difference between Jane and Mary.
          This country has a high incidance of crime.
          Her leg fractured in two places.
          The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat.
          Relation between the two countries have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks.

          5楼2013-01-02 09:58
            I'll never cross the threshold of your house again.
            An international forum on economic development took place in Brussels.
            Resizes columns using the arrow and tab keys.
            Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker.
            He is eligible for a surgeon.
            To me he embodies all the best qualities of a teacher.
            The two nations signed a reciprocal trade agreement.
            The odds are five to one on that horse.
            To him she is a fairy.
            Rubber is elastic.

            6楼2013-01-02 09:59
              The young man is a bold warrior.
              She placed her card in a slot on the outside the bank.
              Please rectify the mistakes in my bill.
              Is this scarf for your mother.
              Accuracy of observation is the equivalent of accuracy of thinking.
              the freedom bell for peace of mind
              At the farm there was an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well.
              I've never heard such utter twaddle.
              The story has an underlying theme.
              In ancient Egypt, the cat is a sacred animal.

              7楼2013-01-02 09:59
                The porcelain vase is enveloped in cotton.
                He received a medal for his heroic feat.
                She was wearing a cape over her dress.
                They made elaborate costumes for the play.
                She laughed her denial.
                The seed has a hard exterior covering.
                Take off those foul clothes and let me wash them.
                This job pays well.
                The shell burst overhead.
                The company dominates this segment of the market.

                8楼2013-01-02 09:59
                  She is a woman with considerable culture.
                  She could hear the uproar in the room.
                  She leaned against his shoulder.
                  His voice quivered with rage.
                  His father-in-law is a plantation manager.
                  He is currently in therapy.
                  He managed to condense his letter of application to one page.
                  Colour the tiger lantern brown.
                  Most of the people on the island are fisher folk.
                  He is an inferior officer.

                  9楼2013-01-02 09:59
                    The project was barely in embryo.
                    They are homogeneous people.
                    The headmaster may expel the boy from the school.
                    The obscure charges against him lacked specification.
                    He is a notable lawyer.
                    The largest egg did not hatch.
                    The plane was hijacked soon after it took off.
                    She yielded her property to me.
                    He cannot write but he can dictate.
                    He spoke with emphasis.

                    10楼2013-01-02 10:00
                      The rain whipped the window.
                      It was a rational plan and bound to succeed.
                      Bees buzz.
                      Narrative makes up most of the book.
                      She always sounds abrupt on the telephone.
                      There is a gulf between the two cities.
                      I'm attending a seminal on how to make money.
                      An oil tanker caught fire and burned for a week.
                      It was not easy to drain the flooded mine.
                      Her contempt for foreigners was obvious.

                      11楼2013-01-02 10:00
                        Let's not waste more time, but plunge into action.
                        The factory had been sending out toxic fumes.
                        The paradigm is in its narrowest sense a set of rules.
                        Tomorrow he will supervise all the pupils taking the English examination.
                        The infection is transmitted by mosquitoes.
                        I acknowledge that her criticism is justice.
                        It is impolite to remark upon other's dressing.
                        The contract was declared void.
                        I dislike the sarcastic tone of his speech.
                        This is a family album.

                        12楼2013-01-02 10:01
                          Australia is in the southern part hemisphere.
                          A pink flush spread over his cheeks.
                          This culture can be led only by the culture and ideology of the proletariat, by the ideology of communism, and not by the culture and ideology of any other class.
                          We were led to a fenced enclosure.
                          The school is adjacent to the church.
                          This herb has a variety of uses.
                          Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.
                          She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.
                          Reporters and photographers were crowded into the lobby.
                          Her remarks savour of hypocrisy.

                          13楼2013-01-02 10:02
                            A cathedral is a large church.
                            She is a superb singer.
                            The film lacks a coherent story.
                            The new dance consists of a series of glides.
                            The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident.
                            You need special tools to open the valve.
                            We have to stand for the entire performance.
                            The desire for freedom is inherent in us all.
                            He lifted the lid of the box and looked inside.
                            There was a tragic accident on the highway yesterday.

                            14楼2013-01-02 10:03
                              You should learn to curb your temper.
                              Shall we fix the date for the interview.
                              We smashed his intrigues.
                              His speech ended on a note of resolution.
                              presumably coward veteran
                              She is an obedient woman.
                              A form of opaque or dark-colored diamond used for drills.
                              Please lock up these confidential reports.
                              she was nearing the climax of her speech.
                              The kitchen was compact but well equipped.
                              a garden full of wonderfully fragrant flowers

                              15楼2013-01-02 10:03