素霓裳吧 关注:59贴子:2,667
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好吧,我猜你没怎么看E3 MGS5的预告片
尤其是主题曲Sins of the father听着好震撼,我在合金装备吧看到一位朋友通过技术手段消去了预告片里的杂音,人物对话,后期还有Snake的枪声,很短没消,估计是故意的,推荐你听听

IP属地:湖北1楼2013-07-04 21:48回复
    另外一首就是同样MGS系列里的《和平行者》的主题曲heavens divide

    IP属地:湖北2楼2013-07-04 21:55
      Petals of white
      Cover fields flowing in grieving tears
      And all the hearts once new,old and shattered now
      Love can kill, love will die
      Give me wings to fly
      Fleeing this world so cold
      I just wonder why
      Cold as the dark
      Now my words,are frosted with every breath
      Still the hate burns wild,growing inside this heart
      When the wind changes course when the stars align
      I will reach out to you and leave this all behind
      When heavens divide
      When heavens divide
      I will see the choices within my hands
      How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls
      Let me shine like the sun through the doubts and fear
      Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near
      When heavens divide
      Time will come to softly lay me down
      Then I can see a face that I long to see
      And for you,only you I would give anything
      Leaving a trace for love to find a way
      When heavens divide
      I will dive into the fire
      Spilling the blood of my desire
      The very last time
      My name scorched into the sky
      When heavens divide
      I will see the choices within my hands
      How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls
      Let me shine like the sun through the doubts and fear
      Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near
      When heavens divide
      Time will come to softly lay me down
      Then I can see a face that I long to see
      And for you,only you I would give anything
      Leaving a trace for love to find a way
      When heavens divide
      And for you, only you I would give anything
      Leaving a trace for love to find a way
      When heavens divide

      IP属地:湖北5楼2013-07-04 22:07