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【英文诗与文】 reflections of times past


来自iPhone客户端1楼2013-12-10 20:07回复
    Hammer upon the iron,
    Sparks contrast against the ink black sky.
    Beads of sweat upon the grey concrete,
    Hidden upon the commotion, a silent sigh.
    Dawn breaks,
    Floods the world in amber and light.
    Hands slow, as eyes peer up,
    A chance to take a short respite.
    Looking down upon the fruits of perseverance,
    A light within the heart begins to burn away the haze
    The spreading warmth is called pride,
    A worthy prize, in the end, to face.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2013-12-10 20:08
      This life hits me,
      right in the face,
      Just wait for me to get back up,
      so it can kick me in the stomach.
      Maybe if there is no lost and pain,
      then there is no happiness and gain.
      I tried to stand up straight.
      But the wind blew all my energy away.
      It sings a song so loud,
      That's a winning rhythm.
      I still won't give up.
      I cant forget the tears that welled up in her eyes.
      And I determined to try my best so i will never see that again.
      I want to be her pride.
      So I keep my sword high,
      This battle is with myself.
      And i will never give it up.

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2013-12-10 20:10
        The grey of the morning lightens,
        Tendrils of mist encircle the ground, enveloping the tree in a tender embrace,
        The cracked and broken skin weeps and tightens,
        Only to burn and blister again in the light of day.
        The fog fades as the morning grows,
        Mist turns to dew, clinging to the grass with every hold,
        Footsteps in the mud leave their marks,
        A reminiscent memory lost in the fold.
        Through the trees, you take the journey,
        Upon life’s forever unknown trail,
        Always something new, something to catch your fancy,
        And always the chance you’ll stumble and fail.
        But like the moribund tree,
        And it’s never ending cycle of drought and tears,
        It resembles the pinnacle of tenacity,
        Telling you not to heed your fears.
        As life is a cacophony of highs and lows,
        And will bring with it experiences of happiness and sorrow,
        But like the morning and the night, the light and the dark,
        The cycle and renewal will always follow.

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2013-12-10 20:12
          A cascade of emotions overwhelm me,
          The soft touch a tingle on your skin,
          The mesmerising scent of the sea,
          Leads me to believe I’m in heaven.
          In the night, her dark eyes tingle,
          With joy, mischief, and love,
          Part the crowds to mingle,
          As the moon shines above.
          Days pass as the world grows older,
          She paints the world for me to see,
          Feelings grow stronger and bolder,
          Until a cascade of emotions overwhelm me.

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2013-12-12 19:23
            I stumble as I try to walk,
            Every day bringing a new fascination.
            I stutter as I try to talk,
            Mesmerised as reality melds with imagination.
            Remembering back to senior high,
            Every day bringing new knowledge, emotions and fear.
            Where possibilities seemed to stretch beyond the sky,
            And success within arms reach, so near.
            Time accelerates as the days become closer,
            Caught up in the frantic pace of life.
            A year passes now, in what seemed like a week before,
            Body and soul worn by stress and strife.
            A haze is all that's left now, a memory that lingers,
            And I stumble as I walk.
            "Youth taken for granted, is time lost forever",
            I stuttered, as I talked.
            But Hollow words fall upon deaf ears,
            Those who are oblivious to the past generation.
            Caught up in the frantic pace of life,
            Every day bringing a new fascination.

            来自iPhone客户端16楼2013-12-16 21:22
              @nihuanlejizhan 感谢辛苦翻译。译的好。展览。
              【The sea】
              A drop in the fathomless ocean,
              Like the trickle of endless tears,
              To fall forever - unbroken,
              A culmination of all our fears.
              一个我们所恐惧的高潮 /积聚我们全部的恐惧
              The white waves crash upon the shore,
              Realisation finally dawning,
              Everything repeating, as it had before,
              Simply a cycle, returning to the beginning.
              A drop in the endless ocean,
              Just one of many more to follow,
              To fall forever – unbroken,
              Simply a culmination of our sorrow.
              一个我们所悲伤的顶端 /积聚我们全部的悲伤

              来自iPhone客户端25楼2013-12-22 08:02

                来自iPhone客户端32楼2013-12-22 17:21
                  A constant blur of motion in our periphery,
                  As we transverse across this winding landscape,
                  The destination we can envision vividly,
                  Just not sure which road to take.
                  Landmarks and milestones sweep by,
                  Diminishing in the rear view mirror,
                  Like memories of the distant past,
                  Growing forever fainter.
                  But despite the urgency,
                  I stop to be enthralled by fascination,
                  Because deep down l know,
                  The journey is as important as the destination.

                  来自iPhone客户端34楼2013-12-22 18:50
                    The blanket of night
                    Covers the city silently
                    Lit by the ocher lamp light
                    I travel home quickly
                    A myriad of shadows dance
                    Upon the cold concrete
                    Footsteps echo against the walls
                    As I try to be discrete
                    The road stretches endlessly
                    No respite in sight
                    Wearily I travel home
                    Under the blanket of night

                    来自iPhone客户端37楼2013-12-23 21:02

                      来自iPhone客户端39楼2013-12-23 21:05
                        A fiery blade cuts through the night
                        To dispel the miasma of defeat
                        With the strength to conjure the light
                        I lay my sword at your feet
                        Screams echo, reverberating
                        Throughout the empty halls
                        Ghosts of the past haunt me
                        As visions mingle and time stalls
                        Disillusioned, I sit alone upon my throne
                        Scattered about, are my precious things
                        And the words repeat in my mind
                        They who defeat the dark are kings

                        来自iPhone客户端52楼2013-12-24 19:24
                          The future looms,
                          Possibilities branching.
                          Hesitant about the path to take,
                          Ghosts of the past forever shadowing.
                          Ambitious goals waver,
                          Competing with daily demands,
                          As life moulds me, shapes me,
                          And twists me within her hands.
                          But an element of choice will always exist,
                          Ramifications and consequences following,
                          However, always a glimmer of hope in the aftermath,
                          Possibilities branching.

                          来自iPhone客户端54楼2013-12-24 21:48

                            来自iPhone客户端55楼2013-12-24 21:49
                              Late to the party again,
                              I arrive to the sound of cheers and laughter.
                              I greet my friends,
                              And my eyes wander to the newcomers.
                              One captures my eye,
                              With brown black hair,
                              And laughter that trickles,
                              Like music to my ears.
                              We travel to the beach that day,
                              And play a game of Marco Polo.
                              In my mind that day will forever stay,
                              The first time that I said hello.
                              The day I was late to the party again.

                              来自iPhone客户端63楼2013-12-27 12:46