保护动物吧 关注:17,022贴子:239,774
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@兰迪的Vlog主持 一而再,再而三的造谣,证据如下


本来不想再搭理这个兰迪的Vlog主持 ,但是这个兰迪造谣中伤好似有瘾似得,就在刚才,再次拿出所谓维基百科的所谓证据,造谣中伤本人,所以只能再次做出还击,证据如下


自1822以来,当英国国会议员李察马丁把"牛残酷的治疗法1822 "通过议会提供从牛,马,羊,残酷的保护,福利方法就有了人类的道德和人道的行为为中心的问题。
厚颜无耻的 兰迪的Vlog主持 继续造谣中伤,截图时删除重要信息,更是不敢给出中文资料。

1楼2014-07-30 11:06回复
    Systematic concern for the well-being of other animals probably arose in the Indus Valley Civilization as religious ancestors were believed to return in animal form; therefore animals must be treated with respect. This belief is exemplified in the existing religion, Jainism, and in varieties of other Indian religions. Other religions, especially those with roots in the Abrahamic religions, treat animals as the property of their owners, codifying rules for their care and slaughterintended to limit the distress, pain, and fear animals experience under human control.
    Early legislation which formed the impetus for assessing animal welfare and the subsequent development of animal welfarescience include the Ireland Parliament (Thomas Wentworth) "An Act against Plowing by the Tayle, and pulling the Wooll off living Sheep", 1635, and the Massachusetts Colony (Nathaniel Ward) "Off the Bruite Creatures" Liberty 92 and 93 in the "Massachusetts Body of Liberties" of 1641.[35]
    Since 1822, when British MP Richard Martin brought the "Cruel Treatment of Cattle Act 1822" through Parliament offering protection from cruelty to cattle, horses, and sheep, the welfare approach has had human morality and humane behaviour as its central concerns. Martin was among the founders of the world*s first animal welfare organization, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or SPCA, in 1824. In 1840, Queen Victoria gave the society her blessing, and it became the RSPCA. The society used members* donations to employ a growing network of inspectors, whose job was to identify abusers, gather evidence, and report them to the authorities.
    One of the first national laws to protect animals was the UK "Cruelty to Animals Act 1835" followed by the "Protection of Animals Act 1911". In the US it was many years until there was a national law to protect animals—the "Animal Welfare Act of 1966"—although there were a number of states that passed anti-cruelty laws between 1828 and 1898.[36] In India, animals are protected by the "Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960".

    3楼2014-07-30 11:11