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1楼2014-08-09 11:16回复

    2楼2014-08-09 11:17
      Keep Walking in Sunshine

      Greta always said, "dear, keep walking in sunshine!" no matter how terrible my day started, i always felt sunny walking home from greta’s house-even beneath the winter starlight.
      I arrived at greta’s house today just after sunset. an ambulance had stopped a few feet from her door, it’s red lights flashing. when i ran into the old house, greta recognized me right away.
      She smiled at me with her unforgettable twinkling blue eyes. she was almost out of breath when she reached out and softly touched my arm. her last words to me were "dear, keep walking in sunshine!"

      3楼2014-08-09 11:18

        5楼2014-08-09 14:32
          A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her, She did not know she was going to make it and want to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.

            Her father, a cook, took her to the kitchen, He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire .Soon the pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the second he placed eggs, and in the last he placed ground coffee beans. He led them sit and boil, without saying a word.
            The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. In about twenty minutes he turned off the burners, He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them a bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a mug. Turning to her he asked," Darling, what do you see?"
            "Carrots, eggs, and coffee." she replied.
            He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots, she did and noted that they were soft .He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee .She smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma.
            "What does it mean, Father?" she humbly asked.
            He explained that each of them had faced the same adversity, boiling water, but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. But after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and weak. The egg had being fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water. its inside became hardened ,The ground coffee beans were unique ,however ,After they were in the boiling water ,they had changed the water .
            "Which are you?" he asked his daughter.
            When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?
          当逆境找上你时,你该如何应对呢? 你是胡萝卜、鸡蛋,还是咖啡豆?

          6楼2014-08-09 20:11

            Inside your dreams
              It*s all inside
              Inside your dreams
              You’ll be the king
              You’ll be the queen
              Your mind is free
              An open screen
              It’s all inside
              Inside your dreams
              Look inside
              Inside your dreams
              A world of love
              A world of things
              Memories of destiny
              It’s all inside
              Inside your dreams

            7楼2014-08-10 10:01
              Life Is A Test
                It makes for a lot of stress, and we tend to feel that there will be more hard lessons in life。
                Life Is An Adventure
                It orients us towards seeing the unpredictable events and circumstances as potentially fun and interesting challenges。
                Life Is A Punishment
                It is inherent in some religions, which suggest a punishing "purification" through life as a means to some great reward afterward。
                Life Is A Punishment
                It is inherent in some religions, which suggest a punishing "purification" through life as a means to some great reward afterward。
                Life Is An Opportunity
                The perspective this creates is one that encourages actions and going after your dreams and goals。
                Life Is A Waiting Room
                It is hard to imagine a more passive perspective: we wait for "our ship to come in," for example, or say, "my time will come." We wait to hear "opportunity knocking," or "my turn." Of course, none of these ideas encourage us to take action to make things happen。

              8楼2014-08-11 18:11

                10楼2015-01-23 19:29
                  英文歌曲天天唱:Love is Color Blind
                  what's up?
                  it's TQ and Sarah again
                  haha, right back at ya
                  (love is color blind)
                  that's right
                  this time we got a serious situation
                  and we're tryna do our parts to help
                  and we need your help
                  you know what I'm saying?
                  (love is color blind)
                  so come on!
                  it don't matter if you're black (yeah)
                  white, or yellow, if you're brown or red (it don't matter)
                  let's get down to that
                  love is color blind (that's right, give it to em baby)
                  I remember when
                  I was a child and couldn't understand
                  people having fun
                  discriminating all the different ones
                  mama just used to say
                  when you grow up you maybe find a way
                  to make these people see
                  that everything I do comes back to me
                  you gotta live your life
                  through all the single ones to blame
                  you gotta live that life
                  just play the game and let love reign
                  it don't matter if you're black
                  white, or yellow, if you're brown or red
                  let's get down to that
                  love is color blind
                  you're my brother, you're my friend
                  all that matters in the very end (yeah)
                  it's to understand (yeah)
                  {come on TQ}
                  love is color blind (that's right)
                  I remember as a young boy
                  I watch my neighborhood go up in flames
                  I saw the whole thing of tears and pain
                  and the situation's wack in my brain
                  I wish I could fly away and never come back again
                  we need some love ya'll
                  we need some real dip, help from above ya'll
                  I mean the kids is watching
                  and I just can't see ya stop
                  I don't understand
                  I mean we all bleed the same blood, man
                  (you gotta live your life)
                  better than a father's dead
                  let's make some love baby
                  have some kids
                  (you gotta live that life)
                  and I don't care what color they are
                  or you are or we are, it's all love baby!
                  it don't matter if you're black
                  white, or yellow, if you're brown or red
                  let's get down to that
                  love is color blind
                  you're my brother, you're my friend
                  all that matters in the very end
                  it's to understand
                  love is color blind
                  you could have been my mother
                  you could have been my brother
                  what if you are my sister
                  if you are my father
                  you could have been my feller
                  you could have been my teacher
                  but if you are my friend
                  it would be so nice to meet ya
                  you could have been my mother
                  you could have been my brother
                  what if you are my sister
                  if you are my father
                  I could have been your feller
                  you could have been my teacher
                  but if you are my friend
                  it would be so nice to meet ya
                  take it out to the world
                  tell every boy and every little girl
                  be proud of yourself
                  cause you're as good as anybody else
                  put away your prejudice
                  open your mind don't need to stick to this
                  try to make this of
                  a better place without a racial curse(?)
                  yeah time for some changes ya'll
                  (na na na na...)
                  so come on!
                  put your hands up!
                  come on!
                  put your hands up!
                  come on!
                  put your hands up!

                  本楼含有高级字体14楼2015-02-08 11:41

                    15楼2015-02-19 10:21