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包括果果 日日 麻辣鸡 贾老板 碧波的表演
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IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-11-19 14:01回复

    IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端2楼2014-11-19 14:01


      IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端3楼2014-11-19 14:02
        Victoria’s Secret announced yesterday that Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande will perform at the annual VS Fashion Show, which airs Dec. 9 on CBS. So will Hozier and Ed Sheeran. The annual extravaganza is more than a lingerie fashion show. It’s more of a glitzy spectacle for its own sake than serious catwalk business, with a dash of old-school showgirl camp crossed with the best parts of MTV’s VMAs. A memorable musical appearance in the show depends on a few variables: a song with a driving beat, a fashion-forward outfit, and most important, chemistry with the models. It’s hard to imagine Swift and Grande, with their perky charisma and penchants for show-stopping outfits, not knocking it out of the park. But a survey of recent Victoria’s Secret shows suggests that the men of the evening, Sheeran and Hozier, might want to study up on the finer points of musical guesting. The VS Fashion Show is a consummate ladies’ night, and — just to wildly generalize for a moment — the guys often seem to miss the point.
        2014年维多利亚的秘密时尚秀表演嘉宾公布:Taylor Swift、Ed Sheeran、Ariana Grande和Hozier



        IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端9楼2014-11-19 14:06
          Swift is a VS Fashion Show veteran. She opened last year’s show with Fall Out Boy, sporting a tongue-in-cheek sequined Union Jack ensemble in a nod to the London venue, and then reappeared solo later in the show in an icy cocktail dress. Like the best musical guests, Swift interacts with the models, but only on their terms. She lets them acknowledge her on the catwalk and she responds.


          IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端11楼2014-11-19 14:07
            But watching Justin Timberlake perform “Sexyback” in 2006 is just frustrating. He emerged from underneath the stage and immediately ended up in the way and underfoot. This is the most common mistake dude singers make at the VS show. Many of them don’t seem to be able to wrap their heads around the idea that we came to watch

            但是看看贾老板2006年维密表演的“sexy back”,他有时会在T台的后面表演移动然后突然停下来又走到T台上挡路。这是最常见的维密表演嘉宾共同犯的错误。当贾老板走上T台对迎面过来的模特靠近唱着自己性感的歌曲时,衣着暴露的模特们却尽量不踩到他的脚(不被他绊到)也尽量避免与他目光的对视以免影响走步。

            IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端13楼2014-11-19 14:09
              Even worse than Timberlake is Usher in 2008, who upstages the models by actually moonwalking in front of them. He’s so far up in their path the models are practically forced to interact with him in a series of goofy little improvised dances. At one point, an angel wing nearly knocks his hat off.


              IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端17楼2014-11-19 14:12
                There’s a way to do this that doesn’t look creepy or desperate. Who knew Adam Levine would be the one to show the way? (Not so surprising: He knows these ladies better than anyone, having dated many of them.) Too bad he’s wearing a dingy tank top. But “Moves Like Jagger” is a great song for the catwalk, and the models definitely have an extra strut in their hips for this number

                音乐好 但是不足是骚当的背心

                IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端20楼2014-11-19 14:13
                  The most egregious upstaging comes from Jay Z and Kanye West performing “Niggas in Paris” in 2011. Between their egos, there’s no room for models on the stage. Even if the director couldn’t make Hova take a back seat to a team of winged supermodels, or even wear something fun, on the catwalk, the show definitely missed an opportunity to make the most out of this number, like flying the angels over the stage or something.


                  IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端22楼2014-11-19 14:14
                    Justin Bieber commits a double foul in his first 2012 set of no models and a mopey acoustic ballad, but at least he’s dressed like Barbarella’s little cousin.
                    萌萌身高差 穿的像个小弟弟一样

                    IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端23楼2014-11-19 14:15
                      Here’s how it’s done. In 2012, Rihanna, glammed up in pearls and black silk like Holly Golightly-meets-Willy Wonka, demonstrates an easy chemistry with the models during “Diamonds,” her mannered poses framing the models rather than getting in their way. The set is sexy, adult, romantic — the epitome of the Victoria’s Secret Angels theme.

                      穿着好 她的pose也与模特很搭 增色不少
                      整个布景很好 性感 浪漫 合主题

                      IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端24楼2014-11-19 14:16
                        But the show has its silly moments, too. Bringing the high energy, Nicki Minaj (in pink wig and Technicolor dress) pumps up the crowd and the models, making the VS show look like the most fun ladies’ night ever. Even the angels are singing along, and the whole scene devolves into a massive dance party at the end.

                        但有时女歌手表演也会出现有趣的时刻。例如打扮喜庆多彩的麻辣鸡使show变得十分有趣,甚至模特也唱起来 最后整个变成了舞会

                        IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端26楼2014-11-19 14:17
                          Katy Perry’s 2011 “Teenage Dream”/ “California Gurls” medley delivered a seriously cohesive theme, from clothing to props to sound. The outfits all channel a grown-up My Little Pony aesthetic, and the models are smiling and clearly having a blast. Listening to the stage manager call the show is the best: Now the balloons! Cue the bubble gun! Perry strikes the right balance onstage, neither losing herself in the background nor stealing too much of the focus from the models.

                          果果2011的维密表演主题十分鲜明 无论是音乐还是服装都与主题贴切的天衣无缝 现场的经理称之为best 果果在舞台也很好的把握
                          既没有让自己失彩 也没有抢模特的风头 。

                          IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端27楼2014-11-19 14:18
                            the end

                            IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端34楼2014-11-19 14:21

                              IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端35楼2014-11-19 14:22