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≮Nightfall≯ Past--Middle School


1楼2015-05-23 13:39回复
    Mr.Summer gathered us to tell us we are the half left that will join the training.There will be training everyday from now till the race.Ms.Shen gave us a lesson about using time.

    2楼2015-05-28 20:52
      We had a mocking disaster today on math class,have to say,that was pretty fun.Our training started today,Qinyu Lan didn’t bring his supplies so he used mine.

      3楼2015-05-28 20:52
        I got 118 in the math test today,the top grade.Alarm rang tonight,don’t what does that mean.

        4楼2015-05-28 20:52
          Not much happened today.Jianan Jin borrowed my harmonica score and took it home.Parents-meeting is at tonight.Mom left for Thailand.

          5楼2015-05-28 20:53
            I asked my group members about the alarm.They say they didn’t hear anything.I’m so sure I heard it! And dad,too.Mr.Summer came and asked me for the money,and of course I didn’t have it.Ms.Shen saw Yi Jiang,who sneaked away from P.E. class and got caught by Mr.Chen and was doing his science homework on Yuxuan Wang’s sit.She cried and scolded him.The reward for the best-group-of-the-term is a large bag of laundry detergent! Crazy,isn’t it?It rained cats and dogs this afternoon on English class,and school was off early.I met grandma on the way home.It feels kind of weird to not have dad or mom around,but I can play a lot.Dad came back at night when he was suppose to be back on Sunday.The sail was canceled because of the storm.

            6楼2015-05-28 20:53
              Mulan was sleeping on the sofa when dad shouted at her to get off. Then Mulan went to sleep on the chair,and dad threw her a slipper when he saw her and shut her out afterward.Poor cat! We went to Zhejiang University for supper this evening.

              7楼2015-05-28 20:54
                Dad went to a classmate-meeting today,so I can play as much as I want.I tried to give myself an elvish name,and I found an alphabet of elven language.Interstellish.

                8楼2015-05-28 20:54
                  The teacher of English-movie-watching club told us to think some activities for Children’s Day. I finished my homework at school but I didn’t tell dad so I can read.Yi Jiang didn’t come to school.I lost my pencil box.

                  9楼2015-05-28 20:58
                    We had a terrible terrible language art class about why Kuafu went chasing the sun.Because he was stupid! The English test is on the last class today.Yi Jiang didn’t come.

                    10楼2015-05-28 20:58
                      Nothing interesting happened today.I heard somebody saying that Zeyuan Wu got the top score in the English test.If that’s true,I’ll feel really bad because I already am. Tommorrow will be the social study test.Yi Jiang didn’t come.

                      11楼2015-05-28 20:59
                        It turned out to be I’m the one who got the top score in the English test,119.I had a terrible headache today so I came home early after social study(Ms.Cao canceled the test cause there was one more lesson to go).Well,actually,I was okay,but I simply don’t wanna have music or art class and I wanna practice for the electron race(can’t find any better word).Yi Jiang come and had a quarrel with Ms.Shen about going out during self-study class,and Ms.Shen told him to go out.I wasn’t there to see because of the training but I made it out by Ms.Cao’s speech about what not to do and Yuxuan Wang’s words.Yang Zhang told me he heard Ms.Shen saying she will not continue to teach Class3 if Yi Jiang doesn’t leave,and Yi Jiang’s mother changed her mind about sending Yi Jiang to a new school by Yi Jiang’s “Ms.Shen hates me”.Have to say,Ms.Shen is a really responsible teach and I like her.I met Yi Jiang in the classroom alone before art class when I’m preparing to go home.I asked him why he didn’t come these days and he simply shook his head.I turned to see Ms.Cao standing outside.Whatever Yi Jiang is like now,I’m sure he wasn’t bad before.He can’t be joining the underground gang of our school just for fun.Something caused him to do that,and I bet it has something to do with his family.His grade,too,but only a tiny part of something.Grade can be a source,but none of these will happen if his family encourage him and tell him they will love him,not his grade.Poor kid.I wish he well,at least I used to know him and he wasn’t half as bad then.

                        12楼2015-05-28 20:59
                          They began picking a student from each class every morning exercise to test their gymnastic skills.Since I didn’t train with the others because of my bad leg,It send my heart racing like a rabbit every morning exercise cause the students who didn’t pass the test are gonna be scolded in front of the whole school.On P.E. class,when I was doing my work alone in the classroom,Mr.Chen came in with a girl in Class4 named Xuan Liu and her mother.They had a long long talk about Xuan Liu’s study at the back of the classroom.The test of the training this noon was terrible.I got passed,but it was l lot harder than last year’s.

                          13楼2015-05-28 21:01
                            I joined the chess race today and lost the first round.Wasn’t in it,I guess,cause I won the later three round. Yicheng Wang taught me about plane rectangular coordinate system on the way back.

                            14楼2015-05-28 21:01
                              I forgot to do my social study homework,which got me in big trouble.Ms.Cao says according to our messy messy homework,she decided to give us homework in June.Then we had the social study test.
                              Ms.Shen went out,so Ms.Zhang was in charge.She also gave us a lesson about concentrating while having class.What a waste of time!Most of all,her breath stinks.
                              We talked about what to show on Children’s Day and decided to draw a big Baymax,write the rules on his belly,and that’ll be the girls’ job.The game we’ll play in our club will be hoop.We’ll separate into to groups of two girls and three boys to take turns to be the workers.

                              16楼2015-05-28 21:14