迪士尼公主吧 关注:5,508贴子:76,895




1楼2015-09-12 08:29回复
    Ariel: Back to school, don't know if it's good or bad? What if I won't have any friends?

    2楼2015-09-12 08:32
      Meg: Being a new kid, it's the worst thing ever keep smiling, keep be nice, keep calm and be more confident about yourself, don't know if my group is nice enough, I still miss my old one

      3楼2015-09-12 08:37
        Ariel: here I come A-3....
        Meg: it's supposed to be A-3, wow! What a mess up here

        4楼2015-09-12 08:44
          Ariel: hey! Are you new up here? I'm Ariel
          Meg: nice to meet ya, I'm Meg, this is A-3 right?
          Ariel: yeah! So...it seems that you are new too...well don't mind sit together?
          Meg: sure! (What else should I say?) lets go! (Stupid!!!)

          5楼2015-09-12 08:50
            Popular girl 1: you heard, belle and Adam had a fight again!
            Girl 2: they are always fighting I am so happy for belle
            Girl 3: yeah! That bitch deserve it
            Ariel: just few days at school, people starts to gossiping....
            Meg: hate those people...so embarrassing!

            6楼2015-09-12 09:01
              Popular girl: see! again, come here snowy
              Girl 2: what are they fighting about?
              Popular girl: shush! I can't hear them
              Belle: we are fighting over and over again, I can't even normally talk to you!
              Adam: and you can't listen to me neither! I think time has come to end this drama!
              Belle: what? Are you breaking up with me? Then screw you! Don't even think that I'll cry and begging you to make it up!
              Adam: (I didn't mean to break up with belle, what have I done?) whatever, I should go!
              Belle: go and don't you ever dare to come back! (Can't believe everything is over)
              Popular girl: what a big news! Hahahaha, finally Adam will be mine!
              Snowy: but they just broke up!
              Popular girl: I don't have any reasons to waist the time! Come on snowy!

              7楼2015-09-12 09:17
                Belle: hey! can I join you guys?
                Ariel: sure!
                Belle: thanks girls
                Meg: hey! Are you alright?
                Belle: seems you guys already heard the gossip about me and Adam
                Ariel: who's the girl with the blonde hair? She is pretty but ugly inside.
                Meg: that bitch told everyone about you and Adam!
                Belle: not a surprise, she is Aurora, rich girl from England, quite popular in our school, I heard that she is crush on Adam!
                Meg: maybe she was the one who made you guys fighting, to break you up with Adam, so that she can be with him
                Ariel: quite possible
                Belle: it doesn't matter anymore, the fact is that I'm happy to be single again, I want to make friends with you girls, I believe more in friendship than in reflation ship, you girls don't mind if I join you?
                Meg: you already asked us, and we said sure!
                Belle: this year is gonna be so different
                Ariel: hope in a good way!

                8楼2015-09-12 09:33

                  9楼2015-09-12 09:33
                    Eric: ( I heard that she is single now, it's my big chance!) hey belle!
                    Eric: (ignoring me? No way!) Belle!!!
                    Belle: o my god you scared me! What do you want Eric?
                    Eric: concentrating on your book? What are you reading?
                    Belle: "the fault in our stars" this book is so good it's about....
                    Eric: alright, wanna go out This weekend?
                    Belle: no thanks, I already have plans for the weekends
                    Eric: what a disappointment! Maybe next time?
                    Belle: Eric, I really should go
                    Eric: ok then bye! (What a fail)

                    10楼2015-09-12 09:46

                      11楼2015-09-12 09:46
                        Aurora: finally! I did it! Adam and belle broke up, now time has come , and time is not on your side belle! O, I never felt so happy! Keep reading your books bitch! Adam is mine!!! You girls hear me he's mine!
                        Snowy: calm down Aurora! What if Adam realized that you was behind this?
                        Aurora: everything is under control! Snowy don't break my mood! He will never notice that!

                        14楼2015-09-12 10:02
                          @岚仔的助理 @金の钗 @烛天5 @旧心残年 @冰玲残雪i @离心陌海0417

                          15楼2015-09-12 10:03
                            Aurora: come here girls! Let's celebrate!
                            Snowy: since you got the skirt from Gucci I never seen you that happy
                            Poca: I can't breath……

                            17楼2015-09-12 10:13
                              剧情讲一下:新来的两位同学,Ariel和Meg,很快就成为了朋友,受欢迎的女孩儿Aurora因为喜欢Adam,所以想设法让Belle和他分手,她成功了!Belle和Adam大吵了一架,立马分手了,可是心里他们还是舍不得Each other……Belle和新来的两位女孩儿成为了朋友,Eric得知Belle和Adam消息后,就设法想靠近Belle,可是Belle已经厌烦了恋情,立马拒绝了Eric的邀请,Belle想和新的朋友们提高关系,而Aurora高兴的和搭档snowy还有Poca庆祝!接下来Aurora会和Adam成功在一起吗?Belle、Ariel还有Meg会保持友好关系并找到自己的真爱吗?请敬请期待

                              18楼2015-09-12 10:26