迪士尼公主吧 关注:5,508贴子:76,915




20楼2015-09-12 10:35
    Aurora is daydreaming......

    22楼2015-09-12 12:50
      Aurora: remember when I was young, Adam and I used to play together, we were so close, belle ruined everything! Now she should pay me back!
      Since Adam met Belle, he payed less attention to me. I miss him, miss his smile and his warm hugs. Those times were so amazing! Like in dreams

      26楼2015-09-12 21:49
        Meg: let's go Ariel.....you don't want to be late for the chemistry class right?
        Ariel: really! You've been in Greek? How was it?
        Meg: (ignoring me...?)
        Hercules: it was the best summer vacation ever! I even visited the great statue of Zeus!
        Ariel: wow!!! Where else have you been?
        Meg: anyways Ariel, I'm living!
        Ariel: unbelievable!!! How was the beach?
        Meg: screw you Ariel!!! Adiós!
        Ariel: see you around Meg! So herc, wanna spent more time together?
        Hercules: affirmative!

        27楼2015-09-12 22:04
          Chemistry class
          Meg: still didn't come, where the fuck is she!?
          Jim: excuse me, is this sit free?
          Meg: for now, yes
          Jim: ........
          Meg: .......
          Jim: hi, I am jimmy, friends simply call me Jim
          Meg: pleasure, I'm Megara, friends call me Meg
          Jim: nice to meet cha! So who is our chemistry teacher?
          Meg: have no idea, I am new
          Jim: big pleasure, me too!
          Meg: so.....Jim, in which class are you?
          Jim: A-3
          Meg: hold on, hold on! Me too!
          Jim: I know Meg, messy class isn't it?
          Meg: definitely so messy i didn't see you in A-3
          Jim: but I saw you.......
          Meg: ( what's that suppose to mean? Is he flirting?)
          Jim: here he comes
          Meg: who?
          Jim: our chemistry teacher
          Ariel: sorry!!!!! I'm late

          28楼2015-09-12 22:31
            Disney's school days

            29楼2015-09-12 22:38
              Jim: pass me the test tube Meg.
              Meg: wow, you are quite professional on chemistry
              Jim: am I? Can you hold this for me?
              Meg: sure, which one of these is ammonia?(氨)
              Jim: the one next to potassium(钾)
              Meg: ......which one is potassium?
              Jim: the comical flask with the letter K on it
              Meg: o yeah! I totally forgot, k is potassium, I definitely will fail on chemistry exam.....
              Jim: hahaha, don't worry, you won't! I'll help you improve it.
              Meg: really? I Owe you a favor Jim.
              Ariel: Meg!!! Help me, I don't know witch one of these is ammonia!
              Meg: the one next to potassium, Ariel
              Ariel: thanks a lot!
              Meg: all your job Jim
              Jim: you have a quite good memory
              Meg: ( I'm starting to like him)

              30楼2015-09-13 13:02

                31楼2015-09-13 13:02
                  Eric: (still reading? She is so damn beautiful, why she is keep ignoring me, maybe she needs time and space, she just broke up with Adam, perhaps it was hard for her, they were a great couple, what happened?
                  ..........It doesn't matter, cause it's my chance to ask belle to be my girlfriend)

                  32楼2015-09-13 13:23
                    Aurora: belle~what's up?
                    Belle: good morning Aurora
                    Aurora: still reading, nerd?
                    Belle: what do you want?
                    Aurora:I just want to tell you that Adam is my boyfriend now, you don't mind right? Cause you already broke up
                    Belle: I don't mind at all~be happy
                    Aurora: thank you belle! You are such a good friend~
                    Belle: thanks, so........I really should go now........
                    Aurora: see you around then (see me with Adam tongue kissing bitch)

                    33楼2015-09-18 19:08
                      Ariel: what's wrong with that bitch?
                      Belle: ignore her Ariel, let's go, or we will be late~
                      Ariel: if I were you I'll bit the shit out of her
                      Belle: haha, calm down and smile back~respect your enemies
                      Ariel: I'm not you belle! She freaked me out, I want to smash her face as hard as I can!
                      Belle: (then do it) tick tok Ariel, one minute left~
                      Ariel: let's go then, hey you heard the new gossip, I heard that Eric is into you~

                      34楼2015-09-18 21:34
                        X person: you heard? Eric is into belle!
                        A person: that's why he've been beaten to death!
                        Z person: by who?
                        A person: the guy with the long hair and the perfect body~
                        X person: don't tell me it was Tarzan!
                        A person: bingo~
                        Z person: where is Eric now?
                        A person: probably at home
                        Z person: is it serious trauma?
                        A person: have no idea.......
                        X person: poor Eric........it's all belle's fault

                        35楼2015-09-18 21:46
                          @岚仔的助理 @金の钗 @烛天5 @旧心残年 @离心陌海0417 @冰玲残雪i

                          36楼2015-09-18 21:49
                            Alice: hey melody! Didn't see your brother today
                            Melody: he's feeling pretty bad, he told me that he fall from stairs, I am worry about him
                            Alice: o my! But......how?
                            Melody: he didn't tell me the details, he just said don't worry and have a nice day, I have a feeling that he is trying to avoid the conversation
                            Alice: maybe he lied about the stairs......it wasn't that simple.......
                            Melody: you're right~I will talk to him later

                            37楼2015-09-18 21:58
                              belle: Eric! Open the door if you can! Or tell me where the key is!
                              Eric: ( o my its belle!!!) I'll open it, wait a second please (I should get my shirt on, and my hair, It's so awful! What a mess up here! I need to finish everything in one second!!!!!!!My Body still hurts......especially my right hand! )
                              Belle: alright then, I'm waiting!
                              Eric: (let's do it) hey belle! What's up?
                              Belle: are you ok? Can I come in?
                              Eric: sure! Please, sorry it's a big mess up here
                              Belle: please don't apologize, I'm the one who should, I brought you something, food, medicines and even books
                              Eric: why did you bring books?
                              Belle: cause I'll take care of you till you're recovery! I'll do everything to help you get better , while you'll sleep I'll read the books!
                              Eric: ( is it really happening) how did you know that I.......
                              Belle: please......now lie down, when I felt bad my mother who passed away, cooked me a soup, that made of secret ingredients, includes rose petals, I brought you some, drink it while it's hot!
                              Eric: rose petals?
                              Belle: just drink it, open your mouth, I'll feed you, I know that your right hand hurts
                              Eric: how did you know?
                              Belle: you've been holding it since I came in
                              Eric: ( omg! Belle is feeding me! I'm the luckiest men in the whole world!but......I forgot something........what a shame!!!! Belle probably knows that I had beaten to death by Tarzan!!!!!)

                              39楼2015-09-22 22:31