月牙楼吧 关注:14贴子:3,024
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1楼2016-03-22 22:15回复
    // try to distinguish the difference between the following setences
    extern"C" int x; //declaration
    extern"C" {int y;} //definition
    int main()
    int x;
    return 0 ;

    3楼2016-03-28 14:43
      array in java
      int a[ ] = new int a[MAX]; // reference type , not value type , so "b = a " does not mean copy by value
      continue in java
      for(……) {
      for(......) {
      continue here;
      for each in java
      for( int k:array) { //read only
      for each in C#
      foreach(int k in array) { //read only

      4楼2016-03-28 14:49
        class A
        int i;
        A(int x = 1):i(x) { }
        void print() { cout<<i<<endl; }
        int main()
        A a;
        int *p = &a;
        *p = 16;
        we know that the private in C++ is not always true.

        5楼2016-03-28 15:01
          natural join
          unlike normal join, it's not all the possible compositions of the tuples, it only contains the mutual tuples in the common attributes.
          When we connect two tables, what we care about is : which attribute we choose to base on, and which tuple we choose as the results.
          For the former one, we have join and natural join, and for the latter ,we have inner join, left outer join, right outer join and full outer join.

          来自iPhone客户端6楼2016-03-28 15:17
            a natural join s on (condition) using (attributes)

            来自iPhone客户端7楼2016-03-28 15:21
              It's easy to understand natural(outer/inner)join
              Inner join with the equality judgement : it does not discard the duplication.
              In outer join, other attributes are null or default
              But , normal join with using, discard the duplication, it's similar to natural join.

              来自iPhone客户端8楼2016-03-28 15:30