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IP属地:上海1楼2017-03-31 09:52回复

    IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-03-31 10:00
      #Remus Lupin
      By the time that Remuswas four years old, the amount of Dark magical activity across the country wasincreasing steadily. While few yet knew what lay behind the mounting attacksand sightings, Lord Voldemort’s first ascent to power was in progress and DeathEaters were recruiting all kinds of Dark creatures to join them in their questto overthrow the Ministry of Magic.
      The Ministry called inthe services of authorities on Dark creatures – even those as minor as Boggartsand poltergeists – to help it understand and contain the threat. Lyall Lupinwas among those asked to join the Department for the Regulation and Control ofMagical Creatures, which he did gladly. It was here that Lyall cameface-to-face with a werewolf called Fenrir Greyback, who had been brought infor questioning about the death of two Muggle children.
      魔法部寻求黑魔法生物(甚至包括博格特和恶作剧鬼)专家的帮助来理解和控制它们。Lyall Lupin是它们叫去加入魔法生物管控司的人之一,他也愉快地答应了。在这里Lyall和一个叫Fenrir Greyback的、被带来因两个麻瓜孩子的死亡接受问讯的狼人打了个照面。
      The Werewolf Registrywas badly maintained. Werewolves were so shunned by wizarding society that theygenerally avoided contact with other people; they lived in self-described‘packs’ and did all they could to avoid being registered. Greyback, whom theMinistry did not know to be a werewolf, claimed to be nothing more than aMuggle tramp who was utterly amazed at finding himself in a room full ofwizards, and horrified by the talk about the poor, dead children.
      Greyback’s filthyclothing and lack of wand were sufficient to persuade two overworked andignorant members of the questioning committee that he was telling the truth,but Lyall Lupin was not so easily fooled. He recognised certain telltale signsin Greyback’s appearance and behaviour and told the committee that Greybackought to be kept in detention until the next full moon, a mere twenty-fourhours later.
      Greyback衣服肮脏又没有魔杖,两个超量工作又不了解情况的委员会委员认为这足以证明他的话了。但Lyall Lupin可没那么容易愚弄。他从Greyback的样貌和行为中发现了狼人的特征,告诉委员会他应该被扣留下来,直到24小时后的满月。
      Greyback sat insilence while Lyall was laughed at by his fellow committee members (‘Lyall, youjust stick to Welsh Boggarts, that’s what you’re good at’). Lyall, generally amild-mannered man, grew angry. He described werewolves as ‘soulless, evil,deserving nothing but death’. The committee ordered Lyall out of the room, thehead of the committee apologised to the Muggle tramp and Greyback was released.
      The wizard whoescorted Greyback out of the inquiry was intending to place a Memory Charm uponhim, so that he would forget having been inside the Ministry. Before he had achance to do so, he was overpowered by Greyback and two accomplices who hadbeen lurking at the entrance, and the three werewolves fled.
      Greyback lost no timein sharing with his friends how Lyall Lupin had just described them. Theirrevenge on the wizard who thought that werewolves deserved nothing but death wouldbe swift and terrible.
      Greyback赶紧告诉朋友们Lyall Lupin是怎么描述狼人的。他们对于那个认为狼人该死的巫师的复仇将会迅速而又可怕。
      Shortly before RemusLupin’s fifth birthday, as he slept peacefully in his bed, Fenrir Greybackforced open the boy’s window and attacked him. Lyall reached the bedroom intime to save his son’s life, driving Greyback out of the house with a number ofpowerful curses. However, henceforth, Remus would be a fully-fledged werewolf.
      Remus Lupin五岁生日快到了,Greyback在他在床上熟睡时砸开了他的窗户、袭击了他。Lyall及时赶到他的房间,挽救了儿子的生命,用一大串强大的咒语将Greyback赶出了房子。但因为这次袭击,Remus会成为一个彻头彻尾的狼人。
      Lyall Lupin neverforgave himself for the words he had spoken in front of Greyback at theinquiry: ‘soulless, evil, deserving nothing but death’. He had parroted whatwas the common view of werewolves in his community, but his son was what he hadalways been – loveable and clever – except for that terrible period at the fullmoon when he suffered an excruciating transformation and became a danger toeveryone around him. For many years, Lyall kept the truth about the attack, includingthe identity of the attacker, from his son, fearing Remus’s recriminations.

      IP属地:上海4楼2017-03-31 11:20
        Lyall did all he couldto find a cure, but neither potions nor spells could help his son. From thistime onwards, the family’s lives were dominated by the need to hide Remus’scondition. They uprooted themselves from village to town, leaving the instantthat rumours of the boy’s odd behaviour started.
        Fellow witches andwizards noticed how peaky Remus became as new moon approached, not to mentionhis monthly disappearances. Remus was not allowed to play with other children,in case he let slip the truth of his condition. In consequence, and in spite ofhis loving parents, he was a very lonely boy.
        While Remus was small,his containment during his transformation was not difficult; a locked room andplenty of silencing spells usually sufficed. However, as he grew, so did hiswolfish self, and by the time he was ten years old, he was capable of poundingdown doors and smashing windows. Ever more powerful spells were needed tocontain him and both Hope and Lyall grew thin with worry and fear.
        They adored their son,but they knew that their community – already beset with fears at the mountingDark activity around them – would not be lenient on an uncontrolled werewolf.The hopes that they had once had for their son seemed in ruins, and Lyall educatedRemus at home, certain that he would never be able to set foot in school.
        Shortly before Remus’seleventh birthday, no less a person than Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster ofHogwarts, arrived uninvited on the Lupins’ doorstep. Flustered and frightened,Lyall and Hope tried to block his entrance, but somehow, five minutes later,Dumbledore was sitting at the fireside, eating crumpets and playing Gobstoneswith Remus.
        Remus十一岁生日刚过,Albus Dumbledore——霍格沃茨的校长毫无预兆地造访了他们家。Lyall和Hope感到慌乱而害怕,就试图阻拦他。但不知怎的,Dumbledore还是在五分钟后坐在了炉火边,一边吃小圆脆饼一边和Remus一起玩高布石。
        Dumbledore explainedto the Lupins that he knew what had happened to their son. Greyback had boastedof what he had done and Dumbledore had spies among Dark creatures. However,Dumbledore told the Lupins that he saw no reason why Remus should not come toschool, and described the arrangements that he had made to give the boy a safeand secure place for his transformations.
        Due to the widespreadprejudice around werewolves, Dumbledore agreed that for Remus’s own sake hiscondition should not be broadcast. Once a month, he would leave for a secureand comfortable house in the village of Hogsmeade, guarded by many spells and reachedonly by an underground passage from the Hogwarts grounds, where he couldtransform in peace.
        Remus’s excitement wasbeyond anything he had known before. It was the dream of his life to meet otherchildren and have, for the first time, friends and playmates.

        IP属地:上海5楼2017-03-31 11:20
          Sorted into Gryffindor house, Remus Lupin was swiftly befriended by twocheerful, confident and rebellious boys, James Potter and Sirius Black. Theywere attracted by Remus’s quiet sense of humour and a kindness that theyvalued, even if they did not always possess it themselves. Remus, always theunderdog’s friend, was kind to short and rather slow Peter Pettigrew, a fellowGryffindor, whom James and Sirius might not have thought worthy of theirattention without Remus’s persuasion. Soon, these four became inseparable.
          Remus被分到了格兰芬多,迅速就和两个快乐、自信、叛逆的男孩交上了朋友:他们分别是James Potter和Sirius Black。他们被Remus安静的幽默和值得珍视的善良所吸引了,尽管他们自己倒是并不总是那么善良。Remus永远都是落魄者的朋友,他对Peter Pettigrew这个格兰芬多同学就非常友好(尽管如果没有他的劝服,James和Sirius本不会注意到Peter)。很快,他们四个就形影不离了。
          Remus functioned as the conscience of this group, but it was anoccasionally faulty conscience. He did not approve of their relentless bullyingof Severus Snape, but he loved James and Sirius so much, and was so gratefulfor their acceptance, that he did not always stand up to them as much as heknew he should.
          Remus是这个小团体的良心所在,但这个良心也偶有不完美。他不赞成对Severus Snape不断的霸凌,但实在太感激他们对自己的接纳,就并不总是会在自己认为应当阻止的时候站出来阻止他们。
          Inevitably, his three best friends soon became curious as to why Remus hadto vanish once a month. Convinced by his lonely childhood that his friendswould desert him if they knew that he was a werewolf, Remus made up ever moreelaborate lies to account for his absences. James and Sirius guessed the truthin their second year. To Remus’s astonished gratitude, they not only remainedhis friends but thought up an ingenious method of easing his monthly isolation.They also gave him a nickname that would follow him all through school:‘Moony’. Remus finished his school career as a Prefect.

          IP属地:上海6楼2017-03-31 11:48
            Return to Hogwarts(重返霍格沃茨)
            Once again, Albus Dumbledore changed the course of Remus Lupin’s life whenhe tracked him down to a tumbledown, semi-derelict cottage in Yorkshire.Delighted to see the Headmaster, Remus was amazed when Dumbledore offered himthe post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. He was only persuaded toaccept when Dumbledore explained that there would be a limitless supply ofWolfsbane Potion, courtesy of the Potions master, Severus Snape.
            再一次,Dumbledore改变了Remus Lupin的生活。他跟踪Remus去了一个约克郡里破败的小屋。Remus十分开心能见到校长,更惊讶地发现校长给他提供了一个黑魔法防御术教师的植物。在Dumbledore向他解释说他可以无限量地使用魔药大师Severus Snape配制的狼毒药剂后,他才接受了职务。
            At Hogwarts, Remus revealed himself to be a gifted teacher, with a rareflair for his own subject and a profound understanding of his pupils. He was,as ever, particularly drawn to the underdog, and both Neville Longbottom andHarry Potter benefited from his wisdom and kindness.
            在霍格沃茨,Remus证明了他是一个很有天资的教师。他有很罕见的本学科的天分和对学生的深刻了解。他关心弱者,Neville Longbottom和Harry Potter都从他的智慧和善良中有所收获。
            However, Remus’s old flaw was at work. He had grave suspicions about oneof his old friends, a known fugitive, but did not share them with anyone atHogwarts. His desperate desire to belong and to be liked meant that he wasneither as brave nor as honest as he ought to have been.
            An unfortunate combination of circumstances arose that resulted in Remusundergoing a true werewolf’s transformation in the grounds of the school.Severus Snape’s resentment, never abated by Remus’s subsequent respectfulpoliteness, made sure that it was widely known what the Defence Against theDark Arts teacher was. Remus felt obliged to resign and departed Hogwarts oncemore.
            最终因为种种机缘巧合,Remus在校园变成了真正的狼人。Severus Snape对Remus的恨意并没有因为Remus的礼貌所减轻,他让大家都知道了黑魔法防御术教授是个狼人。Remus认为自己有义务辞职,就再次离开了霍格沃茨。

            IP属地:上海8楼2017-04-02 10:22
              As Lord Voldemort once again gained ascendancy, the old resistanceregrouped and Remus found himself once more part of the Order of the Phoenix.
              This time, the group included an Auror who had been too young to belong tothe Order during its first incarnation. Clever, brave and funny, pink-hairedNymphadora Tonks was a protégée of Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody, the toughest andmost grizzled Auror of them all.
              这一次,凤凰社迎来了一位上次因为太年轻未能加入的傲罗。聪明、勇敢、滑稽的Nymphadora Tonks是疯眼汉Alastor Moody,他们中最严厉的、头发花白的傲罗的徒弟。
              Remus, so often melancholy and lonely, was first amused, then impressed,then seriously smitten by the young witch. He had never fallen in love before.If it had happened in peacetime, Remus would have simply taken himself off to anew place and a new job, so that he did not have to endure the pain of watchingTonks fall in love with a handsome, young wizard in the Auror office, which waswhat he expected to happen. However, this was war; they were both needed in theOrder of the Phoenix, and nobody knew what the next day would bring. Remus feltjustified in remaining exactly where he was, keeping his feelings to himselfbut secretly rejoicing every time somebody paired him with Tonks on someovernight mission.
              It had never occurred to Remus that Tonks could return his feelingsbecause he had become so used to considering himself unclean and unworthy. Onenight when they lay in hiding outside a known Death Eater’s house, after a yearof increasingly warm friendship, Tonks made an idle remark about one of theirfellow Order members (‘He’s still handsome, isn’t he, even after Azkaban?’).Before he could stop himself, Remus had replied bitterly that he supposed shehad fallen for his old friend (‘He always got the women.’). At this, Tonksbecame suddenly angry. ‘You’d know perfectly well who I’ve fallen for, if youweren’t too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice.’

              IP属地:上海9楼2017-04-04 00:02
                Remus’s immediate response was a happiness he had never experienced in hislife, but this was extinguished almost at once by a sense of crushing duty. Hehad always known that he could not marry and run the risk of passing on hispainful, shameful condition. He therefore pretended not to understand Tonks,which did not fool her at all. Wiser than Remus, she was sure that he lovedher, but that he was refusing to admit it out of mistaken nobility. However, heavoided any further excursions with her, barely talked to her, and startedvolunteering for the most dangerous missions. Tonks became desperately unhappy,convinced not only that the man she loved would never willingly spend time withher again, but also that he might walk to his death rather than admit hisfeelings.
                Remus and Tonks both fought Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters in theDepartment of Mysteries, a battle that resulted in the public exposure ofVoldemort’s return. The loss of the last of his school friends during thisbattle did nothing to soften Remus’s increasingly self-destructive attitude.Tonks could only watch in despair as he volunteered to spy for the Order,leaving to live among fellow werewolves to try to persuade them to Dumbledore’sside. In doing this, he was exposing himself to the possible reprisals of thewerewolf who had changed his life forever, Fenrir Greyback.
                Remus和Tonks一起在神秘事务司与伏地魔和食死徒搏斗,而这场战役也向外界暴露了伏地魔的回归。在这场战役中他失去了学生时代最后一个朋友,也没能纾解Remus越发强烈的自毁情绪。Tonks也只能绝望地看着他主动提出去做凤凰社的间谍,离开她去其他狼人那里劝他们加入Dumbledore一边。在此过程中,他甚至可能把自己暴露于被一位狼人复仇的险境之中,这位狼人就是改变他一生的Fenrir Greyback。
                Remus came face-to-face with both Greyback and Tonks at Hogwarts barely ayear later, when the Order clashed with Death Eaters within the castle. Duringthis battle, Remus lost yet another person he had loved: Albus Dumbledore.Dumbledore had been adored by every member of the Order of the Phoenix, but toRemus, he had represented the sort of kindness, tolerance and understandingthat he had received from nobody in the world outside his parents and his threebest friends, and had been the only man ever to offer him a position withinnormal wizarding society.
                Remus和Greyback以及Tonks在仅仅一年后在霍格沃茨见面了,那时凤凰社和食死徒在城堡内交锋。在这场战役里,Remus又失去了一个所爱的人:Albus Dumbledore。Dumbledore是凤凰社每个人所敬爱的人,但对于Remus,他代表着一份善良、包容和理解,这些是除了三个挚友和父母以外没有其他人给过的。他也是唯一一个提供给他正常魔法界工作的人。
                In the aftermath of the bloody fight, inspired by Fleur Delacour’sprotestation of enduring love for Bill Weasley, who had been savaged byGreyback, Tonks made a brave, public declaration of her feelings for Remus, whowas forced to admit the strength of his love for her. In spite of continuingmisgivings that he was acting selfishly, Remus married Tonks quietly in thenorth of Scotland, with witnesses taken from the local wizarding tavern. Hecontinued to fear that the stigma attached to him would infect his wife andwished for no fanfare around their union; he swung constantly between elationthat he was married to the woman of his dreams and terror of what he might havebrought upon them both.
                这场血腥搏斗的结果是,Tonks被Fleur Delacour对于她永远爱被Greyback袭击的Bill Weasley的声明激励了,她勇敢地当众向Remus表达了她对Remus的感情,也让他被迫承认了他对她的爱之深。尽管Remus一直对他是否过于自私而怀有疑虑,他还是在北爱尔兰一家小旅馆与她结婚了。他一直害怕跟自己紧密相连的那份耻辱会传递到妻子身上,也不希望他人知道他们的每次相聚;在的心情一直处于摇摆之中,一方面欣喜自己娶了梦想中的女人,另一方面却害怕自己把恐怖带到两人身边。

                IP属地:上海10楼2017-04-07 10:57
                  Within a few weeks of their marriage, Remus realised that Tonks waspregnant and every fear he had ever had surfaced. He was convinced that he hadpassed on his condition to an innocent child and that he had condemned Tonks tothe same life as his mother, forever moving around, unable to settle, having tohide her increasingly violent child from sight. Full of remorse andself-recrimination, Remus fled, leaving the pregnant Tonks, seeking out Harryand offering to accompany him on whatever death-defying adventure awaited.
                  To Remus’s shock and displeasure, the seventeen-year-old Harry not onlydeclined his offer but became angry and insulting. He told his ex-teacher thathe was acting selfishly and irresponsibly. Remus responded withuncharacteristic violence and stormed out of the house, taking refuge in acorner of the Leaky Cauldron, where he sat drinking and fuming.
                  However, after a few hours’ reflection, Remus was forced to accept thathis ex-pupil had just taught him a valuable lesson. James and Lily, Remusreflected, had stuck with Harry even unto their own deaths. His own parents,Lyall and Hope, had sacrificed their peace and security to keep the familytogether. Bitterly ashamed, Remus left the inn and returned to his wife, wherehe begged her forgiveness and assured her that, come what may, he would neverleave her again. For the rest of Tonks’s pregnancy, Remus eschewed missions forthe Order of the Phoenix and made it his first priority to protect his wife andunborn child.
                  The Lupins’ son, Edward Remus (‘Teddy’), was named for Remus’s recentlydeceased father-in-law. To both parents’ relief and delight, he showed no signof lycanthropy when born, but inherited his mother’s ability to change hisappearance at will. On the night of Teddy’s birth, Remus briefly left Tonks andhis son in the charge of his mother-in-law, so that he could go and find Harryfor the first time since their angry confrontation. Here, he asked Harry to beTeddy’s godfather, feeling nothing but forgiveness and gratitude towards theperson who had sent him home to the family that gave him his greatesthappiness.
                  Lupin一家的儿子,Edward Remus (Teddy)是用Remus刚去世的岳父的名字命名的。让父母双方心安且惊喜的是,他出生时没有表现出狼人的症状,却继承了母亲随意变换容貌的能力。Teddy出生的那晚,Remus短暂地离开了Tonks和岳母照顾下的儿子,在他们争执之后第一次去找了Harry。这一次,Remus邀请他做Teddy的教父,对于那个把他赶回家,给他最大幸福的人充满了谅解和感激。

                  IP属地:上海11楼2017-04-10 23:17
                    Both Remus and Tonks returned to Hogwarts for the final battle againstVoldemort, leaving their tiny son in the care of his grandmother. The coupleknew that if Voldemort won this battle, their family was sure to be eliminated:both were notorious members of the Order of the Phoenix, Tonks was a markedwoman in the eyes of her Death Eater aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, and their sonwas the very antithesis of a pure-blood, having many Muggle relatives and adash of werewolf.
                    Remus和Tonks都在最终与Voldemort的大战中回到了霍格沃茨,将年幼的儿子留给了他的外婆。夫妻俩知道如果Voldemort赢得了这场大战,他们的整个家庭都会消失:夫妻俩都是臭名昭著的凤凰社成员,Tonks又是她的食死徒姨妈Bellatrix Lestrange所痛恨的人。而他们的儿子是一个纯血统所痛恨的人,他有着许多的麻瓜亲戚,还有狼人的血统。
                    Having survived numerous encounters with Death Eaters and fought his wayskillfully and bravely out of many tight corners, Remus Lupin met his end atthe hands of Antonin Dolohov, one of the longest-serving, most devoted andsadistic of all Voldemort’s Death Eaters. Remus was no longer in prime fightingcondition when he rushed to join the fight. Months of inactivity, using mostlyspells of concealment and protection, had blunted his duelling capabilities,and when he ran up against a dueller of Dolohov’s skill, now battle-hardenedafter months of killing and maiming, his reactions were too slow.
                    尽管Remus Lupin在与食死徒的多次交手之后都能凭借精湛的技艺和勇气生存下来,他还是死于为Voldemort服务时间最长、最忠诚狂热的食死徒之一Antonin Dolohov之手。Remus冲去加入战斗的时候已经不在最佳的作战状态。他数月没有作战,主要使用的都是隐藏和保护的咒语,这让他的决斗能力有所下降。而当他面对像拥有Dolohov这样水准的、数月里一直杀戮和折磨他人的对手时,他的反应还是太慢了。
                    Remus Lupin was posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class, thefirst werewolf ever to be accorded this honour. The example of his life anddeath did much to lift the stigma on werewolves. He was never forgotten byanyone who knew him: a brave, kind man who did the best he could in verydifficult circumstances and who helped many more than he ever realised.
                    Remus Lupin死后被授予梅林一级勋章中心,他是第一个获此殊荣的狼人。他的生死故事让人们对狼人的歧视大大缓解。任何知道他的人都没有忘记他:他勇敢、善良、在艰难的境遇里尽全力帮助过比他自己意识到的多得多的人。

                    IP属地:上海12楼2017-04-21 00:33
                      J.K. Rowling's thoughts
                      Remus Lupin was one of my favourite characters in the entire Potterseries. I made myself cry all over again while writing this entry, because Ihated killing him.
                      Remus Lupin是整个HP系列中我最喜欢的人物之一。我在写这篇文章的时候又哭了,因为我并不愿意让他死。
                      Lupin’s condition of lycanthropy (being a werewolf) was a metaphor forthose illnesses that carry a stigma, like HIV and AIDS. All kinds ofsuperstitions seem to surround blood-borne conditions, probably due to taboossurrounding blood itself. The wizarding community is as prone to hysteria andprejudice as the Muggle one, and the character of Lupin gave me a chance toexamine those attitudes.
                      Remus’s Patronus is never revealed in the Potter books, even though it ishe who teaches Harry the difficult and unusual art of producing one. It is, infact, a wolf – an ordinary wolf, not a werewolf. Wolves are family-orientatedand non-aggressive, but Remus dislikes the form of his Patronus, which is aconstant reminder of his affliction. Everything wolfish disgusts him, and heoften produces a non-corporeal Patronus deliberately, especially when othersare watching.

                      IP属地:上海14楼2017-05-02 14:25
                        In the late twentieth century, the Nimbus Racing Broom Company dominatedits competition. The Nimbus Two Thousand and Two Thousand and One modelsoutsold all other top-class brooms combined by a factor of three to one.
                        Little did theNimbus designers realise that a racing broom was in development that wouldknock them from their number one spot within twelve months of its release. Thiswas the Firebolt, a top-secret project developed by Randolph Spudmore (son ofAble Spudmore of Ellerby and Spudmore, who produced the Tinderblast in 1940 andthe Swiftstick in 1952, both serviceable brooms, but never achieving greatpopularity).
                        光轮的设计者们几乎没有意识到,一种竞技扫帚正处于发展中,它将在发布的一年内将他们挤下第一的位置。它就是火弩箭,这是RandolphSpudmore(他是来自Ellerby andSpudmore的Able Spudmore的儿子,他的父亲于1940年生产了Tinderblast,又于1952年生产了Swiftstick,两种都是耐用的扫帚,但都没有大红大紫)的绝密项目。
                        A skillful andinnovative broom designer, Randolph was the first to use goblin-made ironwork(including footrests, stand and twig bands), the secrets of which are not fullyunderstood, but which seem to give the Firebolt additional stability and powerin adverse weather conditions and a special non-slip foot grip that is ofparticular advantage to Quidditch players. The handle is of polished ebony andthe twigs of birch or hazel according to personal preference (birch is reputedto give more ‘oomph’ in high ascents, whereas hazel is preferred by those whoprefer hair-trigger steering).
                        The Firebolt isa costly broom and Harry Potter was among the first to own one. It continues tobe made in relatively small quantities, partly because the goblin workersinvolved in the patented ironwork are prone to strikes and walkouts at thesmallest provocation.
                        火弩箭非常贵,而Harry Potter是最早拥有它的人。它一直是小批量生产,部分原因在于那些参与妖精工作生产铁制品的妖精经常为一点小事就选择罢工。

                        IP属地:上海16楼2017-05-08 13:15