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原贴在霉吧,没啥人看就搬过来辣~ 在泰勒斯女士的歌中学英语

IP属地:四川1楼2020-01-20 12:52回复
    部分翻译来自百度 部分自翻hhh
    每一句翻译都斟酌过许久 如果有不准确之处请指出

    IP属地:四川2楼2020-01-20 12:54
      1. State Of Grace
      ——track 1 in RED
      SOG在我心中的地位不输Enchanted和ATW 歌词真的神了
      我永远爱恩皇(恩皇是自己取的哈哈哈哈哈 看到了很多种歌名翻译,有“恩宠状态”,“蒙受天恩”,我翻的是“恩泽之地”,都有一个恩字)

      IP属地:四川3楼2020-01-20 12:58

        1. We fall in love till it hurts or bleeds or fades in time
        我们坠入爱河 直至受伤流血 或在时间里慢慢消逝……
        2. You come around and the armor falls/ Pierce the room like a cannonball
        【the armor falls】卸下盔甲,卸下防备
        【Pierce the room like a cannonball】像炮弹一样瓦解我的心防
        3. Up in your room and our slates are clean/ Just twin fire signs/ four blue eyes
        【our slates are clean】石板擦净/ 忘记前尘旧事 眼中只有你
        【twin fire signs/ four blue eyes】四目相对 两簇火花
        4. And I've loved in shades of wrong
        5. Mosaic broken hearts
        6. This is a state of grace/ This is the worthwhile fight
        这是一片恩泽之地 一场值得的战争
        7. Love is a ruthless game/ Unless you play it good and right
        爱情是一场残忍的游戏 除非 你能待它 真诚而彻底
        8. These are the hands of fate
        【the hands of fate】命运之手
        9. You're my Achilles heel
        【一个典故:阿喀琉斯之踵(Achilles' Heel),原指阿喀琉斯的脚跟,因是其唯一一个没有浸泡到神水的地方,是他唯一的弱点。后来在特洛伊战争中被人射中致命,一般是指致命的弱点,要害。】
        10. This is the golden age of something good and right and real
        在最美的年华遇见你 如此好 如此幸运 如此真切

        IP属地:四川4楼2020-01-20 13:00
          2. All Too Well
          如果说Enchanted是epic love song,那ATW就是epic break-up song
          ATW = 霉之巅!!!世纪神曲!!!
          这首歌的分析,知乎“如何评价泰勒·斯威夫特的单曲All Too Well?”最高赞答案写得回超级好,大家可以去康康~(此楼的图就是这个回答里哒)

          IP属地:四川9楼2020-01-20 13:30
            All Too Well
            ——Track 5 in RED

            1. Oh your sweet disposition
            【sweet disposition】让人喜欢的性格
            2. And my wide-eyed gaze
            3. We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate
            4. Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place

            5. And I can picture it after all these days
            6. You almost ran the red cause you were looking over me
            【run the red】闯红灯
            【look over】检查、查看 ps:这里的意思应该是“仔细看着、痴迷地看着”
            7. Wind in my hair, I was there/ I remember it all too well
            微风拂发/ 我就在那里/ 这一切我都记忆犹新

            8. Your cheeks were turning red
            9. You used to be a little kid with glasses/ In a twin-sized bed
            【a twin-sized bed】双人床
            10. And your mother's telling stories/ About you on the tee-ball team
            11. You taught me about your past/ Thinking your future was me
            你讲述过去/ 认为我就是你的未来
            12. And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do
            我知道这一切已经远去/ 而我无能为力
            13. And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to...
            我努力忘记你的所有/ 都忘记了为什么需要这么做……
            14. We're dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light
            借着冰箱透出的微光/ 我们在厨房里翩翩起舞

            IP属地:四川11楼2020-01-20 13:34
              15. Well maybe we got lost in translation
              【get lost in translation】迷失在翻译中/不能理解对方的想法/交流无效
              16. But maybe this thing was a masterpiece/ Till you tore it all up
              【tear up】撕碎、撕毁
              也许我们的爱曾是完美杰作/ 直到你将它完全撕毁
              17. Running scared, I was there/ I remember it all too well
              【run scared】变得害怕、变得战战兢兢
              18. And you call me up again/ Just to break me like a promise
              【call sb up】打电话给某人
              19. So casually cruel in the name of being honest
              【casually cruel】漫不经心的残忍
              【in the name of】以……的名义
              20. I'm a crumpled-up piece of paper lying here
              21. Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
              【time won’t fly】时间不会飞逝,时间仿佛静止了
              22. I'd like to be my old self again/ But I'm still trying to find it
              23. After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own/ Now you mail back my things, and I walk home alone...
              【plaid shirt】格子花纹的衬衫
              我孤身一人 慢慢走回家

              24. But you keep my old scarf from that very first week
              【from very first week】从第一周开始 这里的“very”应该是一个强调的作用
              25. Cause it reminds you of innocence/ And it smells like me.
              【remind sb of sth】让某人想起某物
              26. You can't get rid of it/ Cause you remember it all too well
              【get rid of】去除,摆脱
              27. Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known
              28. It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
              它是那么稀有 我还在那里 我对一切记忆犹新

              IP属地:四川12楼2020-01-20 13:36
                3. Enchanted
                “An Epic Love Song“,史诗般的爱之颂歌
                Taylor所有歌中最喜欢的一首 每次听都在想“该是怎样美好的人,才能谱写出这样美好的词句和旋律呢?”
                多么美好的歌词,多么宏大的编曲啊 因为它,我永远爱泰女士

                IP属地:四川24楼2020-01-20 23:10
                  ——Track 9 in Speak Now
                  “An Epic Love Song”

                  1. there I was again tonight/ forcing laughter, faking smiles
                  【forcing laughter/ faking smiles】强颜欢笑
                  2. walls of insincerity/ shifting eyes and vacancy/ vanished when I saw your face
                  【walls of insincerity】四周的虚伪如高墙一样把我围住
                  【shifting eyes】眼神飘忽不定
                  3. All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
                  4. your eyes whispered "Have we met?"
                  【your eyes whispered...】你的眼神悄悄向我传达着……
                  5. across the room, your silhouette/ starts to make its way to me
                  穿过房间/ 你的身影慢慢向我靠近
                  6. the playful conversation starts

                  IP属地:四川25楼2020-01-20 23:12
                    8. this night is sparkling, don't you let it go
                    【sparkling】= shining and flashing with light 闪烁的、闪耀的
                    但夜晚怎么会闪光呢?所以,“this night is sparkling”可以理解为“这个夜晚繁星满天”。
                    Ps:忽然想到考拉王(Call It What You Want)里我最爱的歌词:“Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night.”
                    9. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
                    【wonderstruck】= (of a person) experiencing a sudden feeling of awed delight or wonder 因欢喜而惊讶不已
                    10. the lingering question kept me up
                    【lingering】= slow to end or disappear 缠绵的、难以消退的
                    11. I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
                    【be wide awaken】毫无睡意,完全清醒
                    12. now I'm pacing back and forth
                    【pace back and forth】徘徊,来回走动
                    Ps:联想到Clean里的“It was months and months back and forth.”感觉Taylor写歌时比较喜欢用一些表达,比如“take me home”、“so it goes”、“walk through the door”、“story、page”、“flashback”等等(就像戳爷喜欢提游泳池2333)
                    13. this night is flawless, don't you let it go
                    14. this was the very first page/ not where the story line ends
                    我们的故事才刚刚开始/ 不应该就这样结束
                    15. my thoughts will echo your name/ until I see you again
                    你的名字会在我心中一遍遍回响 直到再次相见
                    16. these are the words I held back/ As I was leaving too soon/ I was enchanted to Meet you
                    【hold back some words】隐瞒,没有说出口

                    IP属地:四川26楼2020-01-20 23:13
                      突然想起来……九月准备屠鸭的时候,写口语part2描述查到高考成绩之后的颓丧,就改写了ATW的歌词,改成“I was almost crumpled up, like a piece of paper lying on the coach”。那个时候还没理解到原句的意思啊……

                      IP属地:四川27楼2020-01-20 23:23
                        4. Cornelia Street
                        ——Track 9 in Lover

                        IP属地:四川28楼2020-01-21 11:18
                          Cornelia Street
                          ——Track 9 in Lover

                          1. We were in the backseat
                          【in the backseat】坐在后座
                          2. We were a fresh page on the desk/ Filling in the blanks as we go
                          我们的感情才翻开崭新的第一页 会慢慢地填满每一处空白
                          3. As if the street lights pointed in an arrow head/ Leading us home
                          仿佛 所有的街灯都化作 指引我们回家的箭头
                          【an arrow head】箭头
                          4. That's the kinda heartbreak/ time could never mend
                          这是一种 无法用时间修复的心碎
                          【time mends heartbreak】用时间修复破碎的心
                          5. And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name
                          【get mystified by】因……而迷惑
                          【this city screams your name】整座城市都在尖叫着你的名字
                          6. And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away
                          【so terrified of】因……而恐惧
                          7. Windows swung right open, autumn air
                          = Windows were swung right open by autumn air
                          秋风推开窗 窗框微微摇晃
                          8. We bless the rains on Cornelia Street
                          【bless the rains】祈祷大雨降临
                          9. Memorize the creaks in the floor
                          【creaks in the floor】踩在地板上 嘎吱作响
                          10. Back when we were card sharks, playing games
                          【back when...】回到……时候,记得
                          【card sharks】精通玩牌的高手
                          11. I turned around before I hit the tunnel
                          【hit the tunnel】到达隧道
                          12. Sacred new beginnings/ That became my religion, listen
                          这神圣的、崭新的开始 是我的信仰

                          IP属地:四川29楼2020-01-21 11:19
                            5.Call It What You Want
                            ——Track 14 in reputation
                            其实泰女士7张专辑在我心中的地位大致如下RED>Lover=Fearless>rep=SN=1989>TS 在更新rep的歌时还是要大喊红皇slay!

                            IP属地:四川32楼2020-01-23 11:16
                              Call It What You Want
                              “I AM DOING BETTER THAN I EVER WAS.”

                              1. My castle crumbled overnight
                              【crumble overnight】一夜之间坍塌
                              2. I brought a knife to a gun fight
                              【gun fight】枪战
                              3. All the liars are calling me one
                              我没有查到【call sb one】什么意思……
                              4. I'm doing better than I ever was.
                              Ps:我个人觉得这句很有感。每次遇到 挫折或者一些难以承受的事,我都会对自己说:“和Taylor一样,I'm doing better than I ever was.”
                              5. Cause, my baby's fit like a daydream
                              6. my baby's fly like a jet stream/ high above the whole scene
                              【jet stream】(地球高空的)急流
                              我的宝贝在我心中比一切都重要 像是高空的急流高于地景
                              7. Loves me like I'm brand new
                              【brand new】全新的
                              Ps:看到这句歌词我真的感动死……Taylor因为之前的感情和drama遍体鳞伤,身心俱疲,可是遇到了一个把她当成掌上明珠的人 在Joe面前,Taylor又找到了那个最天真最美好的自己
                              8. All my flowers grew back as thorns/ Windows boarded up after the storm
                              【thorns】pl. 荆棘
                              【board up】用木板封住、围住
                              9. He built a fire just to keep me warm
                              【build a fire】生火
                              10. All the drama queens taking swings
                              【drama queen】戏精,喜欢小题大做的人
                              【take swings】反复改变意见,墙头草
                              11. I'm laughing with my lover/ making forts under cover
                              12. starry eyes sparking up my darkest night
                              【spark up】点亮,照耀
                              他的眼中布满星辰/ 闪闪发光/ 照亮了我最漆黑的夜
                              13. I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck
                              14. I recall late November/ Holding my breath
                              【hold breath】屏住呼吸

                              IP属地:四川33楼2020-01-23 11:17