有机农业吧 关注:3,405贴子:8,131
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The Organic logo of the EU must have a height of at least 9 mm and a width of at least 13.5mm; the proportion ratio height/width shall always be 1:1.5. Exceptionally the minimum size mabe reduced to a height of 6 mm for very small packages.
欧盟的有机标志必须有至少 9 毫米的高度和至少 13.5 毫米的宽度,高度/宽度比例应始终为1:1.5。 例外情况下,对于非常小的包装,最小尺寸可以降至 6 毫米的高度

IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-08-24 18:39回复