0RT 提前谢谢了
0At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down (终于有一个家伙肯花时间把下面这些写下来了) Finally , the guys’ side of the story.(
0[老美原创] Why I’m Coming Back to China Dec 5, 2012 Two months ago I decided, like countless expats before me, that it was time to leave China. Well, after spending two months home in America, I’ve decided to come right back. Now I know what you’re thinking: Didn’t I just go to this guy’s going-away party? How the hell did he get his old job back? Didn’t he just sell me his bookcase? I don’t have time to explain all that right now, but whoever bought my bookcase: I’m going to need that back. Since arriving back here, I’ve had many people ask me, “I thought you were sic
0[ZT] 不提拔你,就因为你只想把工作做好 我有个朋友,他30出头,在500强公司做技术经理。他戴无边眼镜,穿一身土黄色的夹克,下面是一条常年不洗的牛