0经核实吧主冰寒※若水 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 soully吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
11This title contains the plausible topic words may write in this exam.
23==================== It's not the tree that forsakes the flower Bu t the flower that forsakes the tree Someday I'll learn to love these scars Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words
10I don't know the story twists and turns I will always meet a girl whatever
3We only learn how to act in public.
1You can't have a better tomorrow if you're still thinking about yesterday.@冰寒※若水
12How dare you say that my behavior's unacceptable So condescending, unnecessarily critical I have the tendency of getting very physical So wa
1I'm Er Huo.I'm glad meet you! Can we be friend?hiahiahia~
10can't zhishi。已关注。
1Maybe you don't have it,will be isolated
4Would you wait for me to married when my hari get long enough to reach my waist.
9I just want to say good night to you~
12For the sake of the expection you may see in the few years
8It means that if anyone could not be in the progress of being friendly, or he/she may be lost the relationship
9This year I was 21. A more excellent year.
8Where is unfair case exists? Everywhere. Be aware about everything happened, what you just consider is looking into other'sdesire, that is sinister.
22Chapter 1 Initially a glace at wower bar noticed me an ID from Xinxiang which indicated much about what would happen in 3 months following. I sent a message to you for greeting that I didn't have much hope to connect with you. But the replyment and the same high school we graduated pushed me to be promising
8I am right here to see you,you all. are you be with me? xi xi shui jiao.
6Why do all good things come to an end ……
5Everyday wo dou lai qian dao ,dan shi mei tian dou zhi you wo yi ge ren qian dao ……
3Gemini,Elfin,can't congratulate to you until the day's coming.Even lost inyourself
14Members of my dormitory talked hotly about what they had done this weekend thatsome part-time job.
7What I long for is not only from the side you have seen of the station.
2The place where you are,I will be going to.For example,ZhengZhou.
31I love you,my love.
11I'm tired
1But the roof under which I have taken shelter from the rain with you
6For the soul.
2I want to try my best to make the time not to move.
0For the associator of you.
1I will tell the story.