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)~★↘↘_【老婆】45°____________ 联合国至人妻的一封信


Linkin Park 日前收到来自联合国秘书长潘基文的感谢信,感谢 Linkin Park 和 Music For Relief 为海地等受灾地区的赈灾义举。以下是信件原文:
Dear Linkin Park,
            I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your work in support of the people of Haiti. In particular, I thank you for continuing to seek ways to hightlight the continuous needs on the ground and bring the public's attention back to the tragedy of this country. Your commitment in that regard is impressive.
            I was excited to learn about your desire to support the efforts of the United Nations to protect the environment and fight climate change. My team will work with you to find ways to work together on that front as well.
            Both your international and local commitments are a valuable contribution to our global efforts to build a better world. What you do through your music, your fans, your entrepreneurial spirit, and most importantly your passion, is commendable.
            I truly enjoyed meeting you, sharing the work of United Nations with you and the Facebook community, and hearing your views and aspirations. Keep up the good work. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with you.
                                                                                          Yours sincerely,
                                                                                          Ban Ki-Moon
This week, we got an amazing letter from the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, acknowledging Music For Relief and Linkin Park’s ongoing efforts in Haiti & environmental protection. It read “Both your international and local commitments are a valuable contribution to our global efforts to build a better world. What you do through your music, your fans, your entrepreneurial spirit, and most importantly your passion, is commendable.” I wanted to share that thought with you, because I want you to feel the same pride we do–the good feeling that comes from making an effort to help someone else who needs it.
With that said, I’m asking all readers of this blog to act, and get something in return.
We are thrilled to announce that the NEW www.downloadtodonate.org Japan site is up now. Donate $10 or more, and get access to great music. We intend to add more tracks in the coming months; anyone who donates will have access to these tracks PLUS future tracks that get added. Right now, we have new recordings from Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Angels & Airwaves, B’z, Hoobastank, Sara Bareilles, Flyleaf, Staind, Slash + Myles Kennedy, Counting Crows, Plain White T’s, Elliott Yamin, Enrique Iglesias, and Linkin Park.
The Linkin Park song is entitled “Issho Ni,” meaning “we’re in this together.” It’s an instrumental song that I cooked up this week to benefit the cause.
100% of donations benefit www.savethechildren.org. Please help the kids affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan by donating today! Go here, donate, get music, and spread the word:

1楼2011-04-04 13:36回复

    2楼2011-04-04 14:55