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来源Yugioh wikia

IP属地:上海1楼2012-01-02 03:29回复

    IP属地:上海2楼2012-01-02 03:56
      好吧我码的字被度娘吞了= =。。。算了不翻译了。。喵喵的。。。
      Most fake boosters and booster boxes have the following tell-tale signs:
      Bad picture quality (Duel Terminal cards are often blurred because of their parallel coating and are much darker than other cards; as such, their artworks should not be confused with this)
      Reversed Konami logo or incorrect spelling of "Konami" (e.g. Konaini) or even a lack of a Konami logo.
      Incorrect Format
      The use of profanity or improper grammar
      Wrong card name, effect, Level, artwork, or stats (the name is often the translated Japanese name)
      Brightly Colored pictures
      Oddly colored borders
      White bordered text
      Incorrect terminology in card descriptions (e.g. one of the cards in the example pictures below uses "Adversary"/"Rival" instead of "Opponent", "Life score" instead of "Life Points", and "bout" instead of "Phase")
      On boosters, the seals at the top and bottom should be vertical, not horizontal.
      No "English Edition" sign on top of the booster.
      No Eye of Anubis, or the Eye of Anubis is not reflective (though OCG cards with the original layout all lacked the Eye of Anubis).
      Incorrect Type or Attribute
      Incorrect ordering of card type. Normally, the Monster's Type is listed first, followed by any subtypes, e.g. "Machine/Effect", "Warrior/Synchro/Effect", or "Dragon/Spirit".
      Rarity that is not holographic (e.g. a card has gold letters that are not reflective).
      Strange logo, as in "New Yu-Gi-Oh!" or both "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX" AND "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's" logo in one pack/box/tin.
      Card Number/Limitation Text missing from the lower left corner. However, do note that there are some real cards, such as "Labyrinth Wall", which do not have a Card Number.
      Sound, God or Land as an attribute. Also, some Spell cards will say "Devil" in the attribute symbol where it would normally say Magic or Spell.
      Copyright text (©1996 KAZUKI TAKAHASHI) missing from the lower right corner next to the Eye of Anubis.
      On boxes, the Cover Card does not match the set, or the set name given does not match any officially released set.
      On a character's Starter or Structure Deck, the featured cover card is not related to the character (e.g. "Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon" as cover card for a supposedly Jaden-based Deck)
      Decks in tins (note that there ARE real Yu-Gi-Oh! tins, but they are much bigger than the fake "deck tins", and always shows the cover card that match the tin. The real tins also contain only booster packs, not full decks.).
      Counterfeit cards sometimes feel waxy or have a thin layer of plastic over the card's surface.
      Lack of the "Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game" logo on the card's backing (the Egyptian God Cards are the only exception; they have no logos on the back and have red, yellow, or blue-tinted backing designs. On that note, fake God Cards may have the normal coloring and logos on the back that all the normal cards have).
      "Machine" almost always written as "Maching", "Warrior" almost always written as "Fighter" and "Fiend" almost always written as "Insect". Some fake cards also has "Dinosaur" written as "Dragon" instead.
      Incorrect writing of Type as well as Attribute (Attributes not written in capitals such as "fire" instead of "FIRE", or a type written with no capital such as "beast-type" instead of "Beast-type").
      Monster Cards which read "Family", "Junta", or "Race" after their Type (for example, "Dragon Family", "Warrior Junta", "Fighter Race").
      Spell Cards or Trap Cards have ATK/DEF or which have levels.
      Cards that claim to be Exodia in a single card (except "Exodia Necross" or "Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord").
      Incorrect fonts.
      Card types which feature the type and sub-type being separated by a period rather than a slash (e.g. "Fighter.Effect").
      Fusion Monsters which list "Melting", "Mix" or "Combination" rather than "Fusion" in the type. Likewise, Ritual Monsters which list "Ceremony" instead of "Ritual". Synchro Monsters are often called "Homogenity" also the Tuner Monsters are called "Adjuster".
      Attribute symbols which do not feature the kanji symbol for the appropriate attribute, instead just having the word, such as "Light" or "Fire".
      Most counterfeit cards have strange reflective star designs on them, somewhat similar to Duel Terminal cards.

      IP属地:上海3楼2012-01-02 04:51

        IP属地:上海5楼2012-01-15 06:21
          改天给河马看收藏~~(喂!给我好好复习去啊= =。。。

          IP属地:上海7楼2012-01-15 16:39
            我是在吐槽我自己= =(扶墙

            IP属地:上海9楼2012-01-17 02:56