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Chapter 180: the king vessel called ren kouha\\
inserted text: what will titus do?\\
sche: aladdin, titus has only few days of life left. Right now he is trying to accept this truth with all himself.\\
sche: that’s the reason why at least I want to let him spend his last moments in peace. Together with that little girl called malga…\\
ti: sorry…\\
ti: aladdin…\\
ti: I…\\ would like to go together with you to fight against the threat sleeping in Magnostadt…\\
ti: or…\\ to fight against the kou empire together with the magicians and the people of Magnostadt…\\
ti: or even\\ to stay together with lady Scheherazade and to fight in order to protect reim’s fleet…\\
ti: I think I have to make a choice, but…\\
ti: I cannot decide… so I want a little of time to think…\\
ti: about what should I do in the time remaining to me…\\
al: ok…\\
al: I understand.\\
al: titus.\\
ti: hum…\\ but if I…\\
ti: I decide to use my staff in order to help you, then…\\
al: at that time\\ we will be waiting for you\\
ti: thanks aladdin.\\
sche: aladdin! That’s…\\
al: the chancellor, he did it… after all…!\\
mage: what is that…!?\\
mage: m-monsters!!\\
mage: are they from the reim’s army!?\\
mage: no, you are wrong!\\
mage: those are the artificial life forms created by the dark rukh… the “black djiin”.\\
mage: this is something that only a few people know even among the high level magicians in the academy. 12 years ago, chancellor mogamett completed this technique after making a joint research with a certain organization.\\
Irene: d-did you say black djinn?\\
Irene: if we have such strength, why didn’t we use it to fight against reim…!?\\
Mage: that’s…\\
Mage: chancellor mogamett…\\
Box: before the war, “5th level authorization district” deepest sector\\
moga: in order to obtain black rukh…\\
moga: we force our criminals, war prisoners and the 5th level authorization citizens who are on the verge of death to fall into depravity…\\
moga: we forcefully dye their boy in the black rukh and make it change… this technique bears the same results of the curse used by ithnan, although we are just able to deceive them by using a spirit perturbation spell from the 8th type of magic*. We dye people’s spirit with desperation\\
TLN: that is life magic.\\
Moga: but… when I will create the black djinn with the black rukh gathered here, it will be the end for me…\\
Mage: !?\\ w-why are you saying such a thing, chancellor mogamett?\\
moga: in order to manipulate the black djinn, I need to use that same spell and make myself fall into depravity.\\
moga: and after my role will be finished, this body will be dried completely by the black rukh and die out. The rukh must return to the great white flow. Probably my consciousness will continue to be consumed by hatred for all eternity.\\ … and I will not be able to meet you again.\\
mage: i-impossible… c-chancellor mogamett.\\

1楼2013-04-06 22:35回复

    4楼2013-04-06 22:36
      ha: ok, let’s go!! We almost arrived to Magnostadt!\\
      sol: yes!!!\\
      ha: eh?\\
      guy: what is that…?\\
      inserted text: a merciless attack!!

      23楼2013-04-07 00:26
        lera: maybe he cannot become the king of this world.\\
        lera: probably almost all the people who live bathed in the sun will not choose a man like kouha as a king…\\
        guy: and yet for us…\\
        guy: for us, there is no one better than prince kouha…\\

        26楼2013-04-07 00:35
          moga: in order to obtain black rukh…\\
          moga: we force our criminals, war prisoners and the 5th level authorization citizens who are on the verge of death to fall into depravity…\\
          moga: we forcefully dye their boy in the black rukh and make it change… this technique bears the same results of the curse used by ithnan, although we are just able to deceive them by using a spirit perturbation spell from the 8th type of magic*. We dye people’s spirit with desperation\\

          27楼2013-04-07 00:59