美服iron舰队吧 关注:112贴子:10,935
  • 7回复贴,共1
1,增加T3.5战斗 需求等级 100级,同时T4战斗提升到115级才能用,航速相当于以前的T5侦查,定位就是High-speed Interceptor(高速截击机)。吃侦查和轰炸专用

1楼2013-06-13 14:32回复
    1. EXP penatly has been reduced from 20% to 15% with Auto FCS.
    2. Transporter can be launched on IJN_Oyodo, Mogami and ISE.
    3. There is a downward adjustement on Airlift force's attack ability. It will be also reduced by 30% from the second Airlift force on slot.
    4. Purchasing panel of SN R5-T has been modified.

    2楼2013-06-13 14:32
      A. Fighters 1) USN
      - F4F Wild Cat
      Loading time = 9
      - F6F Hellcat
      Loading time = 10
      - F4U Corsair
      Loading time = 11
      - F8F Bearcat
      Level = 100
      Speed = 657
      Sight range = 845
      Offensive power = 170
      Loading time = 12
      Durability = 169
      AP defense = 25
      HE Defense = 1
      Fuel = 124
      Space = 120
      Weight = 3.5
      Cost = 475
      - P-51B Mustang
      Level increased to 115
      Speed increased to 703
      Offensive reduced to 190
      Space increased to 150
      AP def reduced to 24
      - P-55 Ascender
      Speed increased to 720
      Sight range increased to 542
      Fuel increased to 56
      Durability reduced to 170
      Space reduced to 100
      2) RN
      - Sea Gladiator
      Speed increase to 567
      Loading time = 9
      - Sea Hurricane
      Loading time = 10
      - Seafire
      Loading time = 11
      - Blackburn Firebrand
      Level = 100
      Speed = 653
      Sight range = 830
      Offensive power = 170
      Loading time = 12
      Durability = 176
      AP defense = 24
      HE Defense = 1
      Fuel = 114
      Space = 120
      Weight = 3.5
      Cost = 475
      - Tempest F.MK II
      Level increased to 115
      Speed increased to 701
      Sight range increased to 823
      Durability increased to 174
      Space increased to 150
      - F5U Mark I
      Speed increased to 715
      Sight range reduced to 527
      Fuel increased to 55
      Durability reduced to 176
      Space reduced to 100
      3) IJN
      - A5M4 Type 96
      Loading time = 9
      - 6M2 Model 21 Zero
      Loading time = 10
      - A7M3 Type 11 Sam
      Loading time = 11
      - Kawanishi N1K-J Shiden
      Level = 100
      Speed = 657
      Sight range = 805
      Offensive power = 170
      Loading time = 12
      Durability = 178
      AP defense = 21
      HE Defense = 1
      Fuel = 124
      Space = 120
      Weight = 3.5
      Cost = 435
      - Ki-84-la Hayate
      Level increased to 115
      Speed increased to 703
      Space increased to 150
      - J7W Shinden
      Speed increased from 712 to 720
      Sight range reduced from 523 to 517
      Fuel increased from 45 to 57
      Durability increased from 171 to 176
      Space reduced from 120 to 100
      4) KM
      - Ar 197
      Loading time = 9
      - BF 109T
      Loading time = 10
      - FW 190A
      Loading time = 11
      -Heinkel He100
      Level = 100
      Speed = 653
      Sight range = 845
      Offensive power = 175
      Loading time = 12
      Durability = 169
      AP defense = 25
      HE Defense = 1
      Fuel = 114
      Space = 120
      Weight = 3.5
      Cost = 435
      - TA152C-1
      Level increased to 115
      Speed increased to 701
      Space increased to 150
      AP defense reduced to 24
      - Hs-P.75
      Speed increased to 715
      Offensive increased to 390
      Sight range increased to 542
      Fuel increased to 55
      Durability reduced to 170
      Space reduced to 100
      5) MN
      - Ni-D 622
      Loading time = 9
      - MS 406
      Loading time = 10
      - D 520
      Level reduced to 75
      Loading time = 11
      - Caudron C.714
      Level = 100
      Speed = 655
      Sight range = 834
      Offensive power = 173
      Loading time = 12
      Durability = 173
      AP defense = 23
      HE Defense = 1
      Fuel = 119
      Space = 120
      Weight = 3.5
      Cost = 455
      - VB-10C
      Level increased to 115
      Speed increased to 702
      Space increased to 150
      AP def reduced to 22
      - Payen Pa22
      Speed increased to 716
      Offensive reduced to 388
      Fuel increased to 56
      Space reduced to 100
      6) SN
      - DI-6
      Speed increase to 565
      Loading time = 9
      - La-9
      Speed increased to 599
      Loading time = 10
      - MiG-3
      Speed increased to 629
      Loading time = 11
      - Lavochkin LaGG3
      Level =100
      Speed = 650
      Sight range = 830
      Offensive power = 175
      Loading time = 12
      Durability = 170
      AP defense = 25
      HE Defense = 1
      Fuel = 117
      Space = 120
      Weight = 3.5
      Cost = 455
      - Yak-9P
      Level increased to 115
      Speed increased to 700
      Space increased to 150
      AP def reduced to 24
      - SAM-13
      Speed increased to 710
      Sight increased to 523
      Durability increased to 171
      Offensive increased to 390
      Fuel increased to 55
      Space reduced to 100
      Weight increased to 3.5
      Cost reduced to 440
      7) RM
      - CR-42
      Loading time = 9
      - G50
      Loading time = 10
      - Re 2001OR
      Loading time = 11
      - Sai 207
      Level = 100
      Speed = 655
      Sight range = 840
      Offensive power = 170
      Loading time = 12
      Durability = 175
      AP defense = 24
      HE Defense = 1
      Fuel = 120
      Space = 120
      Weight = 3.5
      Cost = 455
      - MC 205V
      Level increased to 115
      Speed increased to 700
      Sight range = 830
      Weight increased to 3.7
      Space increased to 150
      AP def reduced to 23
      - SAI SS4
      Speed increased to 716
      Offensive increased to 388
      Fuel increased to 56
      Space reduced to 100

      来自Android客户端3楼2013-06-13 14:34
        Dive Bombers 1) USN
        - Dauntless
        Loading time increased to 9
        - Helldiver
        Speed increased to 575
        Loading time increased to 10
        2) RN
        - Dauntless RN
        Loading time increased to 9
        - Skua MK.II
        Speed increased to 580
        Fuel increased to 155
        Loading time increased to 10
        3) IJN
        - D1A1 Type 96
        Loading time increased to 9
        - D3A1 Type 99
        Speed increased to 565
        Loading time increased to 10
        4) KM
        - Ju87C
        Loading time increased to 9
        - Ju87E
        Speed increased to 565
        Fuel increased to 150
        Loading time increased to 10
        5) MN
        - GL 633
        Loading time increased to 9
        - Ni 140
        Speed increased to 570
        Loading time increased to 10
        6) SN
        - Su-2
        Offensive power reduced to 40
        Loading time increased to 9
        - Su-4
        Speed increased to 565
        Offensive power reduced to 40
        Loading time increased to 10
        7) RM
        - Ro 37 bis
        Loading time increased to 9
        - BA 64
        Fuel reduced to 160
        Speed increased to 575
        Sight range reduced to 555
        Loading time increased to 10
        E. Transporters
        1) USN
        - C-47 Skytrain
        Fuel increased to 480
        Launch time reduced to 13 seconds
        Sight range increased to 1400
        Space reduced to 400
        Speed increased to 440
        2) RN
        - C-47 Skytrain
        Fuel increased to 480
        Launch time reduced to 13 seconds
        Sight range increased to 1400
        Space reduced to 400
        Speed increased to 440
        3) IJN
        - C-47 Skytrain
        Fuel increased to 480
        Launch time reduced to 13 seconds
        Sight range increased to 1400
        Space reduced to 400
        Speed increased to 440
        4) KM
        - Ju52
        Fuel increased to 480
        Durability increased to 500
        Launch time reduced to 13 seconds
        Sight range increased to 1400
        Space reduced to 400
        5) MN
        - C-47 Skytrain
        Fuel reduced to 480
        Launch time reduced to 13 seconds
        Sight range increased to 1400
        Space reduced to 400
        Speed increased to 440
        6) SN
        - C-47 Skytrain
        Fuel increased to 480
        Launch time reduced to 13 seconds
        Sight range increased to 1400
        Space reduced to 400
        Speed increased to 440
        7) RM
        - Ju52
        Fuel increased to 480
        Launch time reduced to 13 seconds
        Sight range increased to 1400
        Space reduced to 400
        Speed increased to 440
        ② Bombs
        A.Aircraft Torpedo Bombs
        1) USN
        - 22.4" Mark 13a AircraftTorp
        HE Damage increase to 6,798
        - 22.4" Mark 13b AircraftTorp
        HE Damage increase to 10,196
        2) RN
        - 17.7" Mark XII AircraftTorp
        HE Damage increase to 7,106
        - 17.7" Mark XV AircraftTorp
        HE Damage increase to 10,659
        3) IJN
        - 17.7" Type91 M1 AircraftTorp
        HE Damage increase to 6,489
        - 17.7" Type91 M2 AircraftTorp
        HE Damage increase to 9,875
        4) KM
        - 17.7" F5 AircraftTorp
        HE Damage increase to 6,179
        - 17.7" F5b AircraftTorp
        HE Damage increase to 9,738
        5) MN
        - 15.75" M26DA
        HE Damage increase to 6,644
        - 15.75" M26DA
        Low/High speed increased to 62/62
        - 15.75" M26DA2
        HE Damage increase to 9,965
        6) SN
        - 17.7" TAN-12
        HE Damage increase to 5,979
        - 17.7" TAN-12
        Low/High speed increased to 63/63
        - 17.7" 45-36NU
        HE Damage increase to 8,968
        7) RM
        - 45cm (17.7") F200
        HE Damage increase to 6,983
        - 45cm (17.7") F200
        Low/High speed increased to 61/61
        - 45cm (17.7") Si 200
        HE Damage increase to 10,474
        - 45 cm (17.7") Si 200
        Low/High speed increased to 57/57 B.Aircraft Dive bombs 1) IJN
        - Type99 No80 AircraftBomb
        HE damage reduced to 2900
        2) KM
        - SC 1000 AircraftBomb
        HE damage increased to 2947
        3) RM
        - 1100 lb GP
        Equal to US Mk 84 AircraftBomb-GP
        Reduce HE damage to 2627

        本楼含有高级字体5楼2013-06-13 14:35
          Naval Mine 1) USN
          - Mark 6
          HE Damage increase to 16093
          2) RN
          - Type H Mark VA
          HE Damage increase to 16188
          3) IJN
          - Mark 6 Model 1
          HE Damage increase to 16625
          4) KM
          - EMC
          HE Damage reduced to 16594
          5) MN
          - B3
          HE Damage reduced to 16512
          6) SN
          - KB
          HE Damage reduced to 15298
          7) RM
          - P200
          HE Damage reduced to 17500

          本楼含有高级字体6楼2013-06-13 14:36
            A.SD Class CV 1) USN
            - Midway
            Aircraft space increased to 16000
            Aircraft takeoff increased to 14
            2) RN
            - Midway
            Aircraft space increased to 16000
            Aircraft takeoff increased to 14
            3) IJN
            - DeGrasse
            Aircraft space increased to 16000
            Aircraft takeoff increased to 14
            4) KM
            - DeGrasse
            Aircraft space increased to 16000
            Aircraft takeoff increased to 14
            5) MN
            - Liberte
            Aircraft space increased to 16000
            Aircraft takeoff increased to 14
            6) SN
            - Tsar
            Aircraft space increased to 16000
            Aircraft takeoff increased to 14
            7) RM
            - Bonfiglietti
            Aircraft space increased to 16000
            Aircraft takeoff increased to 14

            本楼含有高级字体7楼2013-06-13 14:36
              BB载机空间 日本BB6天城的T5侦查载机量拙计的问题缓解。
              BB Aircraft Space
              1) USN
              - Nebraska = 330
              - M.ontana = 275
              - Missouri = 220
              - Iowa = 220
              - Indiana = 180
              - North Carolina = 180
              - South Dakota = 180
              - Maryland = 175
              - Colorado = 175
              - New Mexico 1945 = 175
              - Tennessee 1945 = 175
              - Pennsylvania 1943 = 175
              - Sevastopol USN = 175
              - Mississippi = 150
              - Tennessee 1941 = 150
              - New Mexico 1930 = 150
              - Pennsylvania 1930 = 150
              - Guam = 150
              - Nevada = 150
              - Alaska = 150
              2) RN
              - Queen Victoria = 330
              - Lion 2 = 275
              - Vanguard = 220
              - Lion 1 = 220
              - Hood 1939 = 180
              - Hood = 180
              - Prince of Wales = 180
              - Valiant = 175
              - King George V = 175
              - Repulse = 175
              - Queen Elizabeth = 175
              - Dunkerque RN = 175
              - Resolution = 150
              - Revenge = 150
              - Renown = 150
              3) IJN
              - Amagi = 385
              - Super Yamato = 330
              - Hyuga = 180
              - Nagato = 180
              - Mutsu = 180
              - Fuso = 175
              - Ise 1937= 175
              - B65 Project = 175
              - Mikasa = 120
              4) KM
              - Kaiser = 290
              - H44 = 245
              - H41 = 195
              - H39 = 195
              - O Project II 1942 = 180
              - Bismarck = 180
              - O Project II = 180
              - O Project = 175
              - Gneisenau 1943 = 175
              - Gneisenau = 175
              - Andrea Doria KM = 175
              - P Project II = 150
              5) MN
              - Charlemagne = 385
              - Alsace = 330
              - Clemenceau = 220
              - Richelieu = 220
              - Strasbourg 1938 = 180
              - Strasbourg = 180
              - Provence = 175
              - Le Harve = 175
              - Lorraine = 175
              - Paris = 175
              - Normandie = 175
              - Lyon = 175
              - Dunkerque MN = 175
              - Bretagne = 150
              - Courbet = 150
              6) SN
              - Project 24 = 290
              - Soyuz = 245
              - Stalingrad 1953 = 195
              - Stalingrad = 195
              - Kronshtadt 1940
              Aircraft space = 195
              Level increased to 85
              - Izmail 1916 = 175
              - Poltava = 175
              - Izmail = 175
              - Gangut = 175
              - Sevastopol SN = 175
              - Borodino = 120
              7) RM
              - UP41 = 330
              - Vittorio Veneto = 275
              - Conte Di Cavour 1940 = 220
              - Caio Duilio 1937 = 220
              - Caracciolo 1919 = 180
              - Caracciolo = 180
              - Conte Di Cavour 1915 = 180
              - Caio Duilio 1915 = 180
              - Dante Alighieri 1914 = 175
              - Andrea Doria RM = 175
              - Regina Elena = 175
              - Dante Alighieri = 175
              - Re Umberto = 120

              本楼含有高级字体8楼2013-06-13 14:36

                12楼2013-07-21 03:49