Best Song Ever - One Direction
先引用一段Mary Jane Shanghai:"我觉得One Direction is like Beatles of our generation,只是还没有到他们的St. pepper阶段."
well.somehow I agree with him arguably,not the beatles part,the"not St pepper yet"part.
for god's sake,我从来不觉得选秀歌手能被正经称为artist,而在现在这个艺术家都不一定是褒义词的时代,就更不能认真对待了.但是他们在还保留着Smell like teen spirit的时候,翻唱了幼儿园毕业歌曲般的"one way or another",和这首展现了大英帝国最低能幼稚sex appealing(ew forgive me for using this word)OH OH OH YEAH YEAH YEAH的...BEST SONG.....EVER?不得不说,虽然他们sucks.但是至少比起扛起英伦摇滚的装逼大队们是sincere多了.
P.S. Beatles was never a good looking band.One D? might b cute enough...might b.