Sounds logical enough, right? Well, what if, instead of Jeremy Lin, the Lakers have someone like Dragic (or insert ANY PG not named “Jeremy Lin” that’s better than Price) as the Point Guard. Do you think there would be ANY discussion about whether or not Dragic should start? Of course there wouldn’t. And you know why? Well, because Dragic is a starting point guard, of course. It’s obvious! Dragic doesn’t belong with the second unit. Are you out of your mind?!
So how come with Dragic on the team instead of Lin, the Lakers’s second unit suddenly don’t need any help? Suddenly, Price is more than capable of running the second unit? Isn’t Dragic better than Price? I thought we wanted the better point guard to run the second unit, since the second unit needs SO much help. At least that was the case when it was Lin on the team, instead of Dragic. So how come it’s no longer the case now? And don’t we need Dragic to be with Davis so he can run PnRs with Davis? Also, suddenly with Dragic on the team, Kobe is no longer a ball-dominant guard?