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「摘星小筑」English Creativity and Culture



1楼2014-12-08 16:58回复
    1. A Modest Proposal, Swift Jonathen, 1729.
    -Satire: Satire is protest become art.
    -Satirist: The Satirist is a guardian of standards, ideals, and truths; of moral and aesthetic values. A satirst is one who takes it upon him- or herself to correct, censure and ridicule the follies and vices of society and thus bring about contempt and derision upon aberrations from a desirable and civilized norm. The satire is a kind of protest, a sublimation and refinement of anger and indignation.
    -Satire is protest become art.The satirist is a guardian of standards, ideals, and truths; of moral and aesthetic values. A satirist is one who takes it upon him- or herself to correct, censure and ridicule the follies and vices of society and thus bring about contempt and derision upon aberrations from a desirable and civilized norm. The satire is a kind of protest, a sublimation and refinement of anger and indignation.

    2楼2014-12-08 17:09
      Irony- The intended meaning is the opposite of the exact literal meaning.
      Tone- The authors attitudes towards the subject. (Angry)
      Swift wants people to change. Stands for themselves.
      Mood/Atmosphere- Audience's/ Readers' attitude towards the subject, and inclusion in the text. (Ridiculous, anger...)
      Plot development: Freitag's Triangle. (Introduction- Rising Action- Climax- Cliffhanger or Falling Action- Dinouement.)
      Fictionality and Discursiveness
      Conflict / Tension: Political context and Comment
      Literary/ Conventions: Ironic critique of restraint and politesse.
      Point of View: Critique of Imperialism (lingusitic and religious)

      3楼2014-12-08 17:29
        2. The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, first version 1798; second version 1817 featured with a gloss.
        1) The 17th C to Late 18th C
        The Age of Reason-----The Enlightenment.
        -Enlightenment: A scienetific revolution challenging institutionalized region and biblical legitimacy.
        -Form, Balance, Restraint, Harmony, Decorum, and Order are the chief characteristics of the literature of the Enlightenment.
        2)The Late 18th C to mid 19th C
        The Romantic Period
        -The Romantism: Fired by ideas of personal and political liberty and of the energy and sublimity of the natural world.
        -Artists and intellectuals sought to break the bonds of the 18th-Century convention.
        -Poetry: "The spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions recollected in tranquility." (Wordsworth)

        4楼2014-12-08 19:58
          Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
          An English poet, Romantic, literary critic and philosopher who, with his frined William Wordsworth, was a founder of the Romantic Moverment in England. He is probably best known for his poems " The Rime of The Ancient Mariner" and "Kubla Khan".
          Coleridge suffered from crippling bouts of anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, poor health and was treated for these concerns with laudanum, which fostered a lifelong opium addiction. so sadddddd.
          And Swift Jonathan, was an Irish, and though he much preferred living in England, he resented British policies toward the Irsih. Best known for his novel Gulliver's Travels, and his satires, which he orginally published pseudonymously or anonymously.

          5楼2014-12-08 20:21
            A good composition is the work that be always questioned.
            There comes the criticism from various critic.
            For Readers:
            It's a dialectical text, rather than presenting an opinion as if it were truth, challengers readers to discover the truths on their own. so, the reader is active.
            The literature reprensents, reproduces, and/or resists prevailing ideologies of gender, class and race.
            For Marxism:
            Aesthetic matters fuelled by politics, economics, and history. Consciousness is not the source of social forms and economic conditions: it is their product.----Social forms and economic conditions produce consciousness.经济政治(和社会历史)决定文化w
            Works as collective, not individual, products of power relations. Totalizing, De-mystifying.“揭秘”
            For New Historicism:
            首先使用这个词的是美国加州大学伯克莱分校英文系的教授史蒂芬·格雷布拉特(Stephen Greenblatt),在1982年的《文类》杂志第一期专刊打出这个旗号。之后通常用这个词来形容当前文艺的动向。葛林伯雷使用的另一个词是“the poetics of culture”,即“文化诗学”。
            forget of it.lets do what we have to do next....
            New Historicism always historicize.使历史资料化,运用史实。Cultural products are not teleological目的论的。 Decentralizing. Referentiality-- Literature refers to and is referred to by things outside itself.
            Teleology: 用目的或目的因解释世界的哲学学说。在如何解释世界的事物和现象以及它们之间关系的问题上,目的论认为某种观念的目的是预先规定事物、现象存在和发展以及它们之间关系的原因和根据。目的论的根本点是把自然过程拟人化,把目的这个只为人的活动所固有的因素强加给自然界。目的论有两种主要的表现形式,即外在的目的论和内在的目的论。
            what an amazing ideology- -
            For Deconstruction解构主义(后结构主义):
            Text can be used to support seemingly irreconcilable positions. Undermine either/or logic. Questions so-called assumptions, defferance, undecidability/unreadability. Dismantling of repressive hierarchical values.
            0 0这些真的要考吗?

            本楼含有高级字体6楼2014-12-08 20:41
              3. Rand, Ayn. Anthem, 1938. Dystopia Period & Dystopian Fiction.反乌托邦~
              Eutopia- Utopia -Dystopia.
              Utopia: ou(not)+topos(place)=no place
              Eutopia:eu(good, well)+topos(place)=ideal place
              Dystopia: dys(bad)+utopia(no place)=a corrupted or dysfunctional perfect society.
              Ego, Individualism, Collectivism, freedom...

              7楼2014-12-08 21:40
                I must be cruel to be kind. ---ANTHEM
                Equality 7-2521----anathema
                Ego-literal meaning, man's self.
                -individuality /"ego"
                -love: rediscovery
                -friendship, trust and considence, confidante
                Ignorance is Strength.
                War is Peace.
                Slavery is Freedom.---1984
                Sharing is caring.
                Secrets are lies.
                Privacy is theft.----The Circle.

                8楼2014-12-08 22:00
                  4. The Beat Generation and Institutional Madness.
                  -Ginsberg, Allen. "Howl".1956.
                  -"Howl" combined the dull apocalyptic criticsm of the Eisenhower years with exuberant celebration of an emerging counterculture.
                  -Part of the history of publicity as well as the history of poetry.
                  -Whitman and Poe his early influences.
                  -"Howl" and On The Road the pocket bible of the beat generation.
                  -Since art is merely and utimately self-expressive, we conclude that the fullest art, the most individual, uninfluenced, unrepressed, uninhibited expression of art is true expression and the true art.
                  -educated at Columbia University
                  -His NY career has passed into mythology for a generation of poets and readers.
                  -Wobbly early radical labour movement sympathizer
                  -"Howl": An experiment of what could be done with the long line. A reproduction of our mental thought--and picture--processes: visual images and words present a different prosody 韵律学(rhythm, stress, intonation声调)than slow talking
                  1. Outcastes: drug addicts; the insane; homosexuals; jazz musicians; the underprivileged -- as the best minds of his generation
                  - Sexual acts and experimentation
                  2. Moloch, the fire god to whom the Canaanites sacrificed their children.
                  -Moloch preys on the lambs, the best minds who are sacrificed to him by conforming, repressive culture
                  3. Affirming the lamb, the sacrifice, the downtrodden everyday, in its glory.
                  Ginsberg blamed conformism/conservatism and material gain for the destruction (symbolic and literal) of outcastes.
                  Offers the perspectives of the other, of the outcastes, of the under/other world.
                  The clash of suffering and brilliance
                  Includes biography: A break from literary norms.
                  Sexaul/religious experimentation: a homosocial break from socio-cultural norms
                  "Eyeball Kick".
                  --contrast of images: Paul Cezanne: "buried alive in their innoccent flannel suits" " their shoes full of blood on the snowbank docks" "truly bald except for a wig of blood"
                  A wildness that is controlled, understood, real: "Madison Ave" "Brooklyn Bridge" "Wailing Wall"
                  Break all the rules. Pyramidal free verse, long lines, voice, breath, control
                  Aftermath of Howl: After its banning, it was canonized a work of unquestionable social import

                  9楼2014-12-08 22:43
                    Ai weiwei: If you dont act against the fair, the fair will become stronger.

                    10楼2014-12-08 22:45

                      11楼2014-12-08 22:48
                        How to Analyze Language?
                        In order to analyze language systematically, we need to organize language into different layers:
                        由内而外:Graphology/Multimodality---sounds and words---Grammar---Discourse
                        A. Multimodality:
                        the study of signs or the visual aspects(graphology) of communication. Multimodality also has the graphic elements, such as use of fonts.
                        Examples: layout, typeface字形, punctuation标点, spelling, abbreviations缩写, images, and other artwork such as logos.
                        1. Layout -Different types of layout demonstrate different types of texts.
                        2. Icon and Symbol---2 types of signs.
                        Icon is the direct representation of sth./ An icon physically resembles what it stands for.
                        Symbol is a reference to sth. by another (by association)
                        -Only humans can use symbols. Non-humans rely on icons.
                        -Most words are symbolic.
                        -Words are not neutral and trasparent because they loaded of the assumptions and other cultural bias.
                        3. Fonts / Typography --Diffenrent Functions:
                        -Conveying Information
                        -Interpersonal function
                        -Organizational function
                        B. Phonology:
                        The study of sound: rhyme, alliteration and use of puns.
                        C. Semantics:
                        The study of meanings: level of farmality, field of reference, connotation, use of idiomatic expression(惯性表达)for example, metaphors.
                        -Formality: The different levels of formality in English are often related to foreign loan words: French- or Latin- based words are usually more formal than Anglo-Saxon words.
                        D. Grammar:
                        The study of structual patterns: features of verbs ( tense/modality/voice), sentence types, word order,modification, omission of items, pronouns and grammatical ambiguity.
                        -Sentence Structure:
                        1. Declarative陈述:Subject+ends with a full stop
                        2. Imperative祈使:Subject omitted
                        3. Interrogative疑问:Finite+subject+?/Question word+Finite+subject+?
                        Dealing with how people use language in real context.

                        本楼含有高级字体12楼2014-12-09 00:48
                          Language at Play 1.
                          1. Functions of language:
                          -Transactional functions: the language to get a task done.
                          eg: What time is it now?
                          Then a task need to be accomplished.
                          -Interactional functions: The language to negotiate relationship and identity.
                          eg: Greetings
                          Then it will negotiate the relationship between the speaker and make a good identity?
                          2. Language at play or verbal art based on interactional functions:
                          Creative use of interactional functions can establish and negotiate social relationship nad identities.
                          3. Humours as an example of language play
                          -Why do we find sth. humorous?
                          -There is a conflict between what is expected and what actually occurs in the joke.
                          -Types of humours:
                          a. Situational Humour
                          b. Teasing 戏弄 and self-deprecation自嘲
                          c. language-based humour (i.e. word play & punning)
                          d. Amusing narratives, funny anecdotes or joke-telling
                          -Humours' interactional functions:
                          a. Establishing a positive identity of wittness and intelligence.
                          b. Showing solidary and in-group membership: convergence.
                          c. Mitigating a statement, request or complaint.
                          d. Criticizing: Showing divergence.
                          -Linguistic-based humour and language-based humour.
                          Language-based humour related to the special features or ambiguity such as sounds, words, grammars and discourse.

                          13楼2014-12-09 01:20
                            Language at Play 2.
                            1.Phonology (Sounds)--Sound Play
                            a. Repetition
                            b. Rhyme
                            c. Alliteration
                            d. Word pun --similar sound but different meaning
                            2. Semantics (words) --Figurative Language
                            Metaphors暗喻,这里取总的比喻义: A metaphor is a linguistic device through which a person, process, entity or state of affair is represented us sth. it does not literally resemble.
                            Metaphors can frame and condition our mind easily because we use it without being aware that we are doing so.
                            Simile明喻:A type of metaphor in which the comparison is made with the use of "like " or its equivalent.
                            How to use metaphors?
                            We analyze metaphorical langauge by using so-called metaphorical root.
                            Metaphorical root is consists of 2 part:
                            a. Target domain: The conceptual domain that we try to understand. It is always abstract, complex and new. eg.: love.
                            b. Source domain: The conceptual domain from which we draw metaphorical expressions, which is more common, old, prototypical, simple, concrete and transparent. eg.: journey.
                            Love is a journey.

                            14楼2014-12-09 01:45
                              Language and Technology.
                              1.Features of Texting:
                              a. Initialism and acronyms "btw"
                              b. Shortened forms and clipping
                              c. Less attention to capitalization and punctuation
                              d. Letter/ Number homophones "u=you,4=for"
                              e. Spelling based on sound "cooool"
                              f. Creative use of punctuations !!!
                              g.Lexicalization of vacal sounds "ummmmm" "uh" "haha"
                              h.Pictograms, emoticons and other keyboard generated praphics "=v="
                              i.Creative use of typographical space and layour
                              j. Non-standard spellings
                              a. Speed up
                              b. Brevity because limited space
                              c. Paralinguistic substitution to find a way replace the aspects of physical communication such as body language
                              d. Phonological approximation builds ways for readers to "hear" their voice.
                              3,Functions of texting
                              a. Informational/ practical function--its about asking for information or negotiating practical issues.
                              b. Socail planning function--its about planning activities
                              c. Friendship maintenance functon--its about keeping in touch with people,and showing interest in them and concern about them
                              d. Phatic/ salutation function--its like a reminder, telling people you are there (招呼,问候)
                              e. Romantic/ sexual function--it expresses romantic emotion and sexual interest
                              f. Chian/ corporate/ advertising function--relates to commercial base of texting
                              4.Online language
                              a. Jargons & texting features to build solidarity
                              b. More creative use of grammar and shift from form to meaning
                              c. Every page is a new page--more textual signals on every page besides the use of hyperlinks
                              d. Reduced length of sentences and paragraphs
                              e. Third medium--between written and spoken language
                              f. Increasing use of humour, parody and satire
                              g. Stream of consciousness
                              h. Values and ideologies of English and American culture from which most new media tools are exported
                              I. Credibility and solidarity at hte expense of logic. More lateral and concrete thinking style instead of linear and abstract thinking style

                              15楼2014-12-09 02:18