It’s a double course on the menu!

New Troop: Dragon Cruncher
We ALL know that Ogres like to eat things, so there’s no surprises what Dragon Cruncher’s favorite meal is. He is the Gordon Ramsay of Draconic Dinners, the Jamie Oliver of Lizardly Lunches, and the Ronald McDonald of Drake-away food.Now, you might say that there aren’t any Dragons IN the Drifting Sands, and you’d be right! But there used to be a lot before Dragon Cruncher got there. So now he’s looking for a new dragon-infested home, and maybe YOU can help him find it.
我们都知道食人魔们均为老饕,所以不难猜测餮龙魔最爱的菜肴是什么。他是龙类饮食界的戈登·拉姆齐(出生于格拉斯哥,堪称英国乃至世界的顶级厨神,因其在各种名人烹饪节目的粗鲁与严格,以及追求完美的风格,而被媒体称为“地狱厨师”),是蜥蜴午餐界的杰米·奥利弗(以原味主厨(The Naked Chef)之名更广为人知,是一位知名的英国厨师),是龙兽快餐界(Drake-away food,意指外卖take-away food)罗纳德·麦当劳(麦当劳的创始人)。如今,你可能会奇怪,流砂古漠里明明没有任何龙类啊,你说的没错。不过在餮龙魔到来之前这里可是有很多龙类的。所以他现在需要去找一个巨龙滋生的新家,而你或许可以帮他找到这个地方。

New Troop: Mad Prophet
The Mad Prophets are holy men who have wandered into the Drifting Sands from the Leonis Empire, seeking inspiration and guidance from their god, Anu. It’s uncertain if any of them ever find it there, but they certainly DO manage to find madness, thirst, blisters, and a lot of hungry monsters who like snacking on crazy old holy men.

It’s a double course on the menu!

New Troop: Dragon Cruncher
We ALL know that Ogres like to eat things, so there’s no surprises what Dragon Cruncher’s favorite meal is. He is the Gordon Ramsay of Draconic Dinners, the Jamie Oliver of Lizardly Lunches, and the Ronald McDonald of Drake-away food.Now, you might say that there aren’t any Dragons IN the Drifting Sands, and you’d be right! But there used to be a lot before Dragon Cruncher got there. So now he’s looking for a new dragon-infested home, and maybe YOU can help him find it.
我们都知道食人魔们均为老饕,所以不难猜测餮龙魔最爱的菜肴是什么。他是龙类饮食界的戈登·拉姆齐(出生于格拉斯哥,堪称英国乃至世界的顶级厨神,因其在各种名人烹饪节目的粗鲁与严格,以及追求完美的风格,而被媒体称为“地狱厨师”),是蜥蜴午餐界的杰米·奥利弗(以原味主厨(The Naked Chef)之名更广为人知,是一位知名的英国厨师),是龙兽快餐界(Drake-away food,意指外卖take-away food)罗纳德·麦当劳(麦当劳的创始人)。如今,你可能会奇怪,流砂古漠里明明没有任何龙类啊,你说的没错。不过在餮龙魔到来之前这里可是有很多龙类的。所以他现在需要去找一个巨龙滋生的新家,而你或许可以帮他找到这个地方。

New Troop: Mad Prophet
The Mad Prophets are holy men who have wandered into the Drifting Sands from the Leonis Empire, seeking inspiration and guidance from their god, Anu. It’s uncertain if any of them ever find it there, but they certainly DO manage to find madness, thirst, blisters, and a lot of hungry monsters who like snacking on crazy old holy men.