MCPE 1.0.2已更新!更新内容主要为BUG修复。由于楼主这两天在外面玩耍,没空翻译,大家暂时凑合凑合吧。
Bug Fixes:
Endermites will now attack from 8 blocks away
The "/locate" command will now work for Strongholds
Fixed an issue with Lingering Potions not being able to be poured into or scooped out of Cauldrons
Fixed the item swing animation occurring when the inventory is closed
Horses can once again climb up blocks in every direction
Using Lingering Potions to craft Tipped Arrows now creates the correct Tipped Arrow
Fixed a crash when attempting to download music (Android only)
The Achievements screen layout will now display properly (Fire TV only)
Fixed a rare crash that could happen if a large chest changed size as someone else was opening it
The Enderman will no longer teleport after death
Skeletons and Strays will now deal damage based on difficulty level
Skeletons and Strays will now avoid Wolves
Fixed an issue when touch controls would suddenly look down
Fixed a crash when spawning a Villager using an egg and wearing enchanted armor
Projectiles now work properly in multiplayer games
Item frames can no longer be used to duplicate items
Mobs will no longer become invulnerable when hit with an invisibility potion
Players will no longer fall when re-entering a game after using Elytra
Fixed a crash when dyeing Sheep on Realms
Fixed losing an empty bucket when milking a cow in multiplayer
Skull projectiles can now be deflected back at the Wither
The Wither will now face the player it has targeted
Fixed missing End Crystals in some imported worlds
Fixed the time it takes for chickens to lay eggs
Mobs can no longer be hit after they die
Fixed an issue when '.mctemplate' and '.mcaddon' files were not associated with Minecraft during import (iOS only)