Kenny is going to test the closing lineup. Netsdaily and NY media want D-Lo to be the face of franchise. I don't care. He can share the ball in first 3Qtr, However, Lin should dominate the ball in 4thQtr and take the last shot. ------------------------------------------ I prefer Lin to be on the court as long as the Nets need him to win games, not a minute more or less. When Lin's on the court in crunchtime, his teammates make good plays off him. Or he does something good himself. It doesn't really matter as long as Lin is on the court. -------------------------------------- I agree with you. It's not the stat but wins. ----------------------------------- Jeremy is beyond stats.... its all about winning ----------------------------------- Time Left in Quarter< 3 minutes, 2016-17 eFG Lin, 61.7%, D-Lo 47% ---------------------------------------- Let the clutch guy do what he does best at 4Q!