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【剧本】《战争之歌》Songs of War



IP属地:江西1楼2020-06-20 20:34回复
    Songs of War
    an original minecraft animation series
    Arbiter 617
    Sam Small
    Arbiter 617
    Edwin Chun
    Gecko Order

    IP属地:江西2楼2020-06-20 20:35
      A low bass rumbles as the scene slowly fades in.
      The camera moves along the ground revealing dead bodies and what appears to be the aftermath of a battle, then tilts up to show the battle still raging in the distance. It is dark and raining lightly.
      A figure stands on a rock− his outline clear. He holds up his sword as the music rises to a climax.
      Cut to black.
      They called him: Deathsinger.
      Fades back in and shows scenes accompanying the narration.
      Our world, Ardonia, is a vast land, home to many diverse people, strange creatures, and dangerous monsters. Hidden among the shadows of dense forests… beneath the sands of treacherous deserts… and frozen within the ancient mountains of the north… are secrets and mysteries which have eluded our comprehension throughout the ages. Few of these mysteries, however, have attracted such fascination as the Ardoni species, for which the land shares its name.
      Focuses on the Ardoni specifically here, showing the Songs and different clans.
      The Ardoni possess the unique ability to wield great powers known as Songs. The strongest of these powers were referred to as Prime Songs, and were deemed too powerful for the Ardoni to wield freely. Thus, they were given to the masters of the four Ardoni clans as a sign of peace and unity.
      Shows the four different clans and their marking colors. Slowly fades out. Mood shifts to feeling a bit darker.
      Because of this, the clans were blinded to a great danger.
      Hard cut into the Nether.
      From within the fires of the Nether realm, an army set out to conquer the Overworld. They vanquished the kingdoms and people of Ardonia as they spread across the land.
      A few shots of the Nether attacking and destroying parts of the Overworld.
      But they were not to remain unchallenged.
      In a dark room, we see the glowing purple armor and swords of the Enderknights light up as they become visible.
      The Enderknights returned during these dark times, long having been guardians of the Overworld. The two opposing realms clashed with a fury of inconceivable power.
      We see the Enderknights and their dragons going up against the Nether and their Withers. The fighting is very intense, and one of the more fantasy-heavy scenes shown so far.
      The Nether King is shown again killing an Enderdragon as some Enderknights flea.
      Yet the Nether had prepared well for this invasion- and even the legendary Enderknights could not stop them. With no other hope of victory, the kingdoms called upon the Ardoni to wield the Prime Songs.
      Leaders from the six kingdoms are shown meeting with the Ardoni.
      Reluctantly, the clans agreed, and held a tournament to determine which Ardoni would become their champion and wield all four Prime Songs.
      Shows some of the tournament.
      One rose above the rest- persistent, cunning, and powerful. The champion had been found.
      Shows a specific Ardoni excelling at various challenges, such as sword fighting and wielding Songs.
      When presented with the Prime Songs however, he revealed himself as Ingressus− leader of the long-forgotten and dreaded Voltaris clan.
      Ingressus changes from a Nestoris yellow to a Voltaris red.
      Outraged, the masters refused to give Ingressus the Prime Songs… for it was due to their misuse of such power that they had been banished long ago.
      The four masters turn away from Ingressus, the Nestoris master turning last.
      That night, while the clans debated their next course of action, Ingressus set out alone to reclaim the Prime Songs. One by one he slayed the masters of the Kaltaris, Sendaris, and Mendoris clan. Through these dark deeds, he became known as the Deathsinger.
      Shots of Ingressus fighting and killing the masters, then holding the Prime Songs as the villages around him are burning.
      The fourth and final master, Aegus Nestoris, survived the massacre, thus protecting the last and most powerful Prime Song.
      Shows Aegus with a few other Ardoni around him. Achillean is there, although not revealed to the audience who he is at this time.
      The Ardoni mourned the tragedy. They vowed to hunt down the Deathsinger and to prevent him from obtaining the final Prime Song.
      Back to the Deathsinger.
      It was at this time that the Voltaris clan returned from exile and joined the Deathsinger in his revenge. However, even with their support he knew that he was outmatched. With all of Ardonia now his enemy… there was only one place to turn.
      Cuts to the Nether city, the Deathsinger walking up to the Nether King.
      The Deathsinger met with King Chronos of the Nether and formed the most powerful alliance ever known.
      Shot of the Deathsinger in the Nether with Withers in the background.
      And thus began the Great War.
      Shots of the War and the armies involves.
      The Enderknights rallied under King Rendor and fought the Nether head on. The Ardoni clans wielded their Songs of old. The humans reassembled their armies, the Magnorites came from the South, and the Felinas from the West. Some even say… he was there.
      Shows two glowing white eyes in the mist.
      But despite everything… the Deathsinger and the Nether armies could not be stopped.
      Shots of the Deathsinger and Nether armies winning.
      The tides of this conflict turned after a young Ardoni joined the fight. Skilled with the Songs, Achillean Nestoris was able to unite and lead the armies to victory, which earned him the name Tidesinger. With his leadership and the Enderknight forces, the nether army was forced to retreat back into the Nether.
      Nether retreating.
      With no allies, the remaining Voltaris fell back to Mount Velgrin. Here the Tidesinger fought the Deathsinger alone, and both were defeated.
      The Ardoni arrive after the fight is over and find the three Prime Songs as well as the Tidesinger’s songs.
      The Prime Songs were recovered and distributed amongst the clans once more, signaling an end to the Great War.
      The music rises and crescendos as the title of the series appears, and then fades out.
      The scene transitions to present time at the Walls of Time, a large interior cave in the snowy mountains of Northwind. On the walls are cryptic writings which tell the tales of the most significant epics of Ardonia’s history.
      The camera moves down the corridor between the walls as Thalleous’ voice becomes louder and clearer.

      IP属地:江西3楼2020-06-20 20:37
        Peace was restored to Ardonia, and a time for rebuilding and healing began. The wounds caused by the Deathsinger, however, will be felt forever. The Great War, 11th Wall of Time.
        Thalleous finishes reading off the Wall and turns towards Hawken, who appears to be dozing off while standing.
        Hawken, I fail to see- Hawken…?
        Hawken wakes up abruptly and returns to his normal vigor.
        *waking back up, startled* Ah yes yes exactly! So you see what this means Thalleous?
        Hawken… were you sleeping through-
        Hawken zips over to the wall and points to the writing.
        Look here! Where do the Walls of Time say the final duel took place?
        *confused and curious* Mount Velgrin.
        Indubitably! Most legends, including these bungled Walls of Time, fail to state that the final duel took place on the mountain’s peak.
        Alright… so what does this mean?
        Hawken composes himself, hands behind his back.
        I’ve heard rumors of a presence on the peak of Mount Velgrin. Being the naturally curious scholar that I am, I sent a few scouts to transform those rumors into facts. That was two weeks ago.
        And what was their report?
        There was no report! None ever returned! Why do you think that is?
        I am not entirely sure-
        The Voltaris, Thalleous, the Voltaris!
        Thalleous raises an eyebrow, intrigued.
        You think the Voltaris are at Mount Velgrin?
        Indubitably! I’m aware you’ve been hunting Voltaris ever since the Great War ended, so I brought you here to inform you of this lead.
        Thalleous gazes back to the Wall.
        It has been years since I lost the trail of the Voltaris. I should ride to Mount Velgrin and see for myself.
        *getting Thalleous’ attention* A-a-a-a. Hold up there Thalleous. Although I’m no Chronicler, I feel it my duty to accompany you and record what information we find. I would… also like to discover the fate of those I sent to investigate.
        *stares* There’s a chance we’ll encounter the Voltaris, and who knows what other perils.
        Hawken raises his hand to stop him.
        Fear not Thalleous, for I am prepared to fight!
        Hawken draws his weapon, which is an uncooked fish. He looks down at it, and pulls out a stick then tosses it over his shoulder and continues shuffling through his inventory.

        IP属地:江西4楼2020-06-20 20:39
          *quietly and distracted* Watch the entrance eh Grim?
          Grim covers the entrance as Jalkar approaches the egg, and he carefully picks it up.
          A redstone click noise is heard.
          Despite the problem, Jalkar keeps surprisingly calm for the first half of his next sentence as if he is almost laughing at his own failure to check for redstone, but then begins yelling at the end.
          A pressure plate… it’s redstone wired… it’s- IT WAS WIRED, RUN!
          Jalkar runs to the back of the room and slides down a chandelier, landing on a lower portion of the castle. Grim follows, and they continue running through the castle and the crowds of confused citizens.
          Suddenly a small crowd of guards blocks their way.
          Grim charges through past Jalkar and begins taking them out. Jalkar then heads off the road and begins hurrying down the mountain.
          Cut to slightly later, Jalkar has made it fairly far around the side of the mountain, and stops to catch his breath.
          *catching breath* We did it Grim… I’m gonna be rich- *grunt as you’re bumped*
          His sentence is cut off as Grim comes tumbling into him from behind. Jalkar loses the egg which falls over the side of the small cliff.
          The egg lands at the bottom and teleports away with a loud boom. A trail of energy can be seen pointing in the direction the egg went.
          Oh… Grim… YOU IDIOT!
          *defensive grunt*
          Now we have to find it again before someone else does!
          *disappointed growl*
          Jalkar sighs and takes a moment to collect himself.
          *sigh* The energy trail pointed north… towards Underwood.
          You’re right, it is heading away from Etherea, so let’s get moving.
          They move off towards Underwood.
          Cuts to Sendaria. Many Ardoni are peacefully working. Music reflects the serene mood. Camera moves over a hill and on the other side two younger Ardoni are sparring with wooden swords.
          Suddenly one knocks the other backwards into a small pond with a splash.

          IP属地:江西7楼2020-06-20 20:40
            *worried* Oh! Are you alright Senn?
            Senn struggles back up out of the water. A lily pad slides off his head.
            Yeah… yeah I’m fine.
            Ria reaches her hand down to help Senn out of the pond. After grabbing her hand, he yanks her and pulls her into the pond beside him.
            Ha ha!
            Senn climbs out of the pond. Ria gets back up in the pond looking angry but also smiling.
            *friendly* That’s not fair…
            Do you think the undead fight fair, or the Nether, or the many other dangers out in the world?
            Ria climbs out of the pond.
            And how are we going to get out there?
            They engage a bit more. Senn holds his ground better now.
            One day we will… somehow.
            Music raises a bit. Cuts to a shot of horse feet galloping along. Camera shows a wide angle of an unidentifiable horse rider approaching the area. He rides up and stops on a low hill, looking down at Senn and Ria. His face is still not revealed.
            Back to Senn and Ria. More clashing. Suddenly Senn pulls back. Ria charges forward, sword raised high.
            She stops suddenly as Senn stoops down passively, hands on his knees.
            Ria Sendaris?
            Ria is a bit shy, wondering what Senn is about to say next.
            I made you something. It’s not the most beautiful weapon in Sendaria but…
            Senn draws a long wooden pole with a thin iron blade at the end.
            Senn, this is incredible, I love it!
            Ria twirls the sword around getting a feel for its balance.
            If father sees this he’s going to take it away.
            Then I’ll make you another one.
            Senn smiles, and Ria smiles back. She continues twirling it.
            Wanna try it out?
            Of course… but now I’m going to destroy you with a weapon like this.
            Senn raises his sword defensively. Ria moves in to attack, but another sword blocks the attack. A familiar voice speaks to them.

            IP属地:江西8楼2020-06-20 20:41
              Our strength comes not from the power of our weapons, but rather how we choose to wield what power we have been given.
              Ria draws back, surprised.
              Thalleous is interested in the weapon Ria’s holding.
              Is this weapon your handiwork, Senn?
              Thalleous reaches for it, and she hands it over obediently.
              *surprised* Yes… yes it is. Your arrival is most welcome Ky’Thalleous… but unexpected all the same.
              He bows to him lightly, and he turns to address them both.
              It was unexpected events which have lead me here. It’s good to see you both. Is Ria still besting you?
              Thalleous turns to Senn at this question. They respond at the same time.
              Thalleous smiles. He hands the weapon back to Ria.
              It is a fine blade, Senn.
              Ria takes the blade back as Thalleous’ horse, Timber, approaches. Senn pets Timber, too humble to discuss the compliment further.
              Thank you. Hello Timber.
              Thalleous turns back to Ria, who holds the weapon, wondering what he’ll say next.
              Your father would not approve of this training.
              I know…
              And he definitely would not want you to have what I am about to give you. You cannot tell anyone about this.
              They both hurry forward to him, excited.
              What’d you bring us?
              Thalleous reaches into his inventory, and in each hand pulls out a Song.
              Both Senn and Ria look surprised as they see them.
              *surprised* Songs?! For us?
              In the old days it was common for Ardoni of your age to wield Songs. It is our unique ability to harness their power… to deny their usage is to deny the very thing that makes us Ardoni.
              Thalleous hands them each their Song.

              IP属地:江西9楼2020-06-20 20:41
                Will you teach us how to use them?
                Patience, young ones. First I have some important business to take care of. Now remember, you cannot let Osivian know about-
                Osivian’s voice is heard approaching.
                Thalleous?! Is that you?
                Thalleous turns towards Osivian. Senn and Ria hide their Songs.
                *friendly* Osivian! Apologies for arriving uninvited.
                *warm* Thalleous! Sendaria is your home, you are always welcome here.
                Then Osivian turns towards Senn and Ria and drops his friendly demeanor.
                But you two! I specifically told you to stay away from each other. Ria, you have too many responsibilities to go gallivanting off seeking danger!
                I know, because “I’m one of few surviving female Ardoni.” You’ve told me before.
                And Senn, I wish you would respect my wishes. I raised you as a member of this clan, even though by blood you are not.
                Thalleous tries to help out.
                Alright Osivian I think they’ve heard enough for today. I have matters of great urgency to discuss with you.
                Then best we head indoors. You two, go back to your rooms and remain there until I summon you.
                Osivian motions towards Senn and Ria, who give each other one final glance. Osivian and Thalleous walk off together.
                Cut to Senn’s room. He climbs up onto his bed and waits for a moment, then pulls out his Song and holds the mysterious object.
                A faint humming can be heard from the Song as the scene cuts to a shot of iron bars, a figure stands behind facing away from the camera.
                The warden, Marcus, walks by and bangs on the bars. The figure turns around to face the camera, revealing Lucan.
                Cut to the warden’s office. Lucan sits on one side of the chair, Marcus on the other leafing through a book. A cake is on the table.
                While Marcus is sitting up straight and appears very uptight and official, Lucan is reclined in his chair and fidgeting around more so.

                IP属地:江西10楼2020-06-20 20:41
                  Ria, what are you doing?
                  Ria puts away her Song quickly.
                  What? Nothing. What are you doing here?
                  Senn quickly puts his Song away as well that he was holding.
                  They both smile.
                  Senn… Osivian is right about some things…
                  What do you mean?
                  I’m one of the few remaining female Ardoni… and you’re clanless. We’ll never be going on crazy adventures like the stories Thalleous tells.
                  Ria draws the spear that Senn made for her and tries to hand it to him.
                  Here, you’ll probably want this back.
                  It was meant for you, Ria. Keep it.
                  Senn pushes it back towards her. She looks up at him, then hugs him.
                  Cut to a bit later, Senn is walking back towards his room. He stops and turns as he sees a light still on in the main hall, and raises an eyebrow inquisitively.
                  Cut to inside the hall, Osivian and Thalleous are talking.
                  They were Voltaris, at least seven of them. I have reported this to the masters but they refuse to take action.
                  And why would they listen? You have spoken about the Voltaris and their return for the last hundred years. Without evidence, your words can only fall on deaf ears.
                  I understand, which is why I am not here to raise an army. *sigh* If I cannot convince you, all I can do is prepare.
                  Suddenly Osivian and Thalleous stop and look towards the doorway. Thalleous speaks a bit more quietly to Osivian.
                  Someone is listening.
                  Cuts to Senn outside, he hears this and begins slowly sneaking away. Thalleous’ teleportation Song can be heard faintly, then Senn bumps into Thalleous.
                  *surprised* Thalleous!
                  Osivian walks outside angrily.
                  Senn? This is the second time today you’ve disobeyed me. How much did you overhear?
                  *defensive* Nothing, I was just passing by.
                  You were supposed to stay in your room. I believe a stricter punishment is in order.
                  Thalleous intervenes.
                  That will not be necessary, Osivian. I will take him with me on my journey, and discipline him myself.
                  Thalleous winks at Senn, who smiles slightly in return. Osivian waits a moment, then concedes.
                  Hmph. I expect an improvement in your attitude when you return, Senn.
                  Osivian motions to Thalleous.
                  Take him back to his room… and make sure he gets there this time.
                  Cuts to Thalleous walking Senn back to his place. Senn is excited.
                  I’m really going to travel with you? How far are we going? What should I bring?
                  Senn stops as he realizes something.
                  Ria would have wanted to come…
                  Perhaps another time. Now get some sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us. Ardonia is a large world, and full of surprises.
                  As he says this, scene fades to Underwood, early morning. Camera lowers down under the trees.
                  A pig is eating a patch of wild carrots as the camera rolls back to reveal a hunter preparing a bow to fire.
                  Just before the hunter fires, a wolf begins barking which scares the pig away.
                  The hunter lets down her bow and turns around, revealing Abbigail.
                  Cuts to Sam still barking, Abbigail walks up behind it.

                  IP属地:江西12楼2020-06-20 20:42
                    *friendly* What is it Sam? I hope it’s better than tomorrow’s breakfast, because you just-
                    Abbigail stops and her eyes widen. Camera slides back to reveal the Enderdragon egg in a small clearing, marred by endstone.
                    To be continued.

                    IP属地:江西13楼2020-06-20 20:42
                      SEASON 1, EPISODE 3
                      Lucan is traveling towards the Basalt Coast, talking out loud to himself a bit as he travels.
                      A miner… of course they need more miners. There’s no shortage of quilters or bakers, nope- just miners. Hmph.
                      Lucan walks into the building at the coast.
                      Hello? Another legally obligated miner here to do service!
                      A guard is sleeping on the ground. There are bottles of an unknown beverage laying around the room.
                      *frustrated sigh* You’ve gotta be kidding me…
                      *snoring lightly*
                      Lucan walks over to the guard.
                      Anyone awake around here?! Yo!
                      Lucan kicks the guard.
                      *waking* Hm? What?
                      I’m here for mining duty. I’m looking for my guard, Eddy.
                      The guard stands up, he appears largely drunk.
                      *drunk* That’s me! Eddy at your service!
                      Eddy bows and nearly falls over. Lucan just has a very dull look on his face.
                      *drunk* I prepared some beverages but I- *hic* I drank most of them.
                      Lucan just continues his stare.
                      *drunk* Potato?
                      Eddy holds up a poisonous potato. Fly sounds can be heard. Lucan motions it away.
                      Er, no thanks… I ate on the way here. The name’s Lucan by the way.
                      Lucan holds his hand out for a handshake.
                      Nice to meet ya, Lucan, my name’s Eddy! Let’s get started!
                      Eddy puts a pickaxe in Lucan’s hand instead of shaking it.
                      Cuts to them walking towards the mines, fades into Eddy rambling on about different things.

                      IP属地:江西14楼2020-06-20 20:43
                        I’ve been a guard here at the Basalt Mines all my life and boy I’ll tell you *takes a drink* I have guarded like you’ve never seen…
                        …my father was a guard, my *hic* brother was a guard, my sister was a guard- wait I don’t have a sister…
                        …and I’m telling him “No, you shouldn’t eat spider eyes, they’re poison in one bite,” but he eats it anyway…
                        …uncle was riding a *takes another drink* pig off a *drink* cliff and landed without a scratch. I think he was trying to achieve something… but I’m not sure. The pig was fine, but my uncle on the other hand-
                        *trying to keep quiet* Wait, stop- would you be quiet for a second!
                        Lucan stops Eddy suddenly as they’re entering the mine. A faint mysterious noise can be heard.
                        Oh… you get used to hearing strange sounds down here, Lucan! I hear them all the time now.
                        Lucan still looks concerned, but continues into the mine.
                        We’ll be working over there on our left- I mean uhh… right.
                        Lucan stops, and is still looking very concerned.
                        Suddenly a Wither sound is heard and a small dark object lands near their feet and starts rolling. Lucan jumps for it and grabs the object just before it rolls off the edge of their catwalk.
                        Lucan turns the object around and sees it is a Wither skeleton skull. The camera focuses behind it to below the catwalk as undead are swarming into the mine.
                        *gasps* Zombies! I’ll- I need to… hold them off! Go raise the alarm!
                        Eddy draws his sword and runs towards a crowd of zombies.
                        Eddy swings, loses his balance, and drops his sword as he falls off the catwalk as a zombie grabs him.
                        Lucan drops his pickaxe and dashes towards Eddy’s sword. He picks it up and slays the zombie and is about the engage the next. The camera slides out as more zombies and undead flood the mines.
                        Cut back to Abbigail, she puts her bow away and approaches the Enderdragon egg.

                        IP属地:江西15楼2020-06-20 20:43
                          What is this thing…?
                          Sam looks at her and woofs quietly as she walks towards the egg and stoops down. Sam growls.
                          Sam, shush!
                          She places her hands on it. The egg had been previously entirely black, but suddenly little purple specks appear on it.
                          Sam cocks his head. Abbigail back at him.
                          See? Nothing happened. Come on. Let’s take it back with us.
                          Abbigail starts rolling the egg out of the ditch and back towards her house.
                          Cut to her house, a nice quaint place to live with another house across the fence. There is a fair amount of farmland and gardens.
                          A voice calls out as she rolls the egg into her yard.
                          MR FINCH
                          *voice slightly raised due to the distance between them* Abbigail?! Were you out hunting again?!
                          Abbigail looks up surprised. She fumbles as she pushes the egg behind a log so Mr. Finch might not see it.
                          Mr. Finch! Sam and I went out early to catch something for dinner.
                          MR FINCH
                          Did you at least harvest the sugar cane before you left?
                          Yeah I got it-
                          Abbigail turns towards the sugar cane which is still growing tall. She lets out a sigh as she realizes she forgot it.
                          *sigh* I’m sorry Mr. Finch… I was going to get it this morning.
                          Mr. Finch walks over to the fence.
                          MR FINCH
                          Alright… so did you catch anything?
                          Well we would have got a pig if it weren’t for someone.
                          Sam looks away innocently.
                          MR FINCH
                          Well I imagine you both are hungry. See that pack over there?
                          Mr. Finch points to a pack leaning to the side nearby.
                          MR FINCH
                          It’s full of fresh meat, fruit, bread, and all other sorts of food. Bought it all in Oakendale during my last trip- didn’t need to hunt for it. On top of that, we’ve got a whole season of crops of our own ready for harvest. We’re farmers Abbigail, just like your parents were.
                          When Mr. Finch mentions the pack, Sam hurries off camera. In the background he can be seen grabbing the pack and sliding it away. Abbigail’s eyes widen a bit but she tries not to make it obvious that she’s witnessing it.
                          MR FINCH
                          Now you go get that sugar cane before it gets dark. I’ll be enjoying a nice dinner in the meantime.
                          Abbigail turns and starts walking away, until Mr. Finch continues.
                          MR FINCH
                          And what’s this you were rolling up to the house?
                          Abbigail stops and her face looks worried as she had hoped he hadn’t noticed.
                          *trying to avoid subject* Oh, that? Nothing much. It was just a big… purple stone.
                          She turns around and sees Mr. Finch approaching the egg.
                          MR FINCH
                          “Nothing much?” This is a dragon stone Abbigail.
                          Sam runs over to it and begins barking.
                          MR FINCH
                          Hey you keep that animal away from me!
                          Sam! Cut it out!
                          Sam growls and hurries off. Mr. Finch picks up the dragon stone.
                          MR FINCH
                          Things like this are beyond you, Abbigail.
                          Mr. Finch carries the egg into his house. Abbigail enters hers, hangs her bow, and drops down onto her bed, tired.
                          *tired sigh*
                          Sam walks up beside her and sets the pack of food down. They both smile, and she pets Sam.
                          Transitions back to Sendaria, sunrise. Senn and Thalleous are talking to Osivian. Ria stands by, but avoids eye contact with Senn. A few other Ardoni from the family are nearby as well.

                          IP属地:江西16楼2020-06-20 20:43
                            Safe travels to you both. Thalleous, I shall await your return so that we may have ourselves a proper reunion. Senn! I expect more from you when I next see you.
                            As Osivian says this, Senn stops trying to catch Ria’s eye, and looks up at Osivian.
                            I will do better, I promise.
                            Farewell Osivian. Climb on up Senn.
                            Thalleous and Senn get up on Timber behind Thalleous. Senn looks back once more, and Ria is looking him in the eye, and accidentally lets out a small smile.
                            Come on Timber, we ride south with all haste.
                            Music rises and becomes very adventurous as they set out.
                            A montage ensues of them traveling across different environments at different times of day, conveying the passage of time. Music finally ends and Senn and Thalleous are camped out at night by a fire. It is dark, and a thunderstorm lurks in the distance with occasional rumbles and flashes of light.
                            Senn is writing in his book. He looks up at Thalleous who is watching out for signs of the undead.
                            Are the undead out every night?
                            Not every night- not anymore. Their presence has diminished greatly over the past few generations. But you can never be too careful.
                            Senn stops writing and looks up at Thalleous.
                            Thalleous, what brought you back to Sendaria?
                            Thalleous turns around slowly.
                            Events long passed, forgotten by many.
                            The Great War?
                            Yes, the Great War…
                            Thalleous waits a moment, then turns around and faces Senn.
                            I came back to Sendaria for this.
                            Thalleous pulls out a Prime Song. Senn sits up surprised.
                            *awe* A Prime Song!
                            One of the four.
                            Osivian had it all this time? But, he isn’t a master…
                            After the masters were targeted by the Deathsinger before The Great War, it was decided the Songs were too dangerous to remain with the masters. Osivian’s family has kept the Mobilium Prime secure ever since.
                            Senn seems drawn in by the Prime Song during this scene. He is slowly leaning towards it as the sound begins feeling a bit muffled. When Thalleous puts the Prime away after finishing, Senn snaps back to reality. He waits a moment as he determines what just happened, then resumes talking to Thalleous.
                            So where are we taking it?
                            I have reason to believe that the Voltaris clan will return, and when they do… they will hunt down the Prime Songs and destroy everything in their path. I can’t let that happen- not to the Ardoni… not to you. I’m moving the Song to a safer place.
                            Senn waits for Thalleous to continue.
                            Get some sleep Senn, our destination is close now.
                            Senn puts the book down and lays down. Thalleous continues watching.
                            Cuts to Riverstead, people are out working and at their usual routine. One of them stops and looks down the road which comes to Riverstead.
                            Lucan is limping towards Riverstead, two arrows are in his back. He falls over, exhausted.
                            Cuts to Felora, the capital of Felden. Lucan is looking better and is standing in front of the three Felden leaders.

                            IP属地:江西17楼2020-06-20 20:44
                              FELDEN OFFICIAL 1
                              This is… some grave news you’ve brought us. Can you describe in detail what happened in the mines?
                              First… I saw this.
                              Lucan reaches into his inventory and pulls out the wither skeleton skull.
                              And then they came from the tunnels. Undead… using weapons and wearing armor.
                              The Felden Officials look at each other worriedly.
                              FELDEN OFFICIAL 2
                              *reluctantly* There have been rumors of… Necromancers, who seek to control the undead and use them as an army.
                              FELDEN OFFICIAL 1
                              I’ve heard similar stories. The undead have been attacking strategically and in greater numbers. Lucan, you owe the Kingdom of Felden further service, so I am tasking you to investigate the situation.
                              What? Me?! I can’t, I’m not… I just got lucky… you want me to fight Necromancers now?
                              FELDEN OFFICIAL 2
                              Investigate. You will report back to us with your findings.
                              Lucan frowns, then looks down at the wither skeleton skull he’s still holding.
                              Cuts back to Abbigail. She grabs her farming tools, some of which Sam fetches for her, then does the farming and her chores. Pretty music plays as the set fades between different times. Crops are all harvest and replanted, camera pans up as the music settles back down.
                              After her chores she rests and stares down the road, longing to be free and explore, just like Senn and Ria have been.
                              A horse rider approaches from the opposite road and Abbigail turns around. The rider speaks to Mr. Finch.

                              IP属地:江西18楼2020-06-20 20:45