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【December·原创】episode1 season3


housewives, Alma decide to leave her husband, when she hurriedly packaged, Orson returned because of a stain in his sleeve , witnessed scene, Orson closed the door.
A neighbourhood visite Alma next day, Orson told her that Alma left because they had a fight. suddenly the parrot spoken 'Orson, no' , suspicous raised from neighbourhood. then Orson dumped the cage in gabage bin.
Edit are tring to sell Paul's house, But old woman were describing the detail of murder which happened in this house to clients. Edit drove her away.
Noah sat in the family photo, Lynette complain with this, Noah said if she go , she have to take Kyla away. Tom don't want to hurt Kyla, Tom got stuck in the middle . Lynette made concession. but worse is Noah lying in the center of photo before the snap. .

IP属地:河北1楼2020-12-26 15:55回复
    Gabby service XiaoMei before labour, But XiaoMei always play hard on Gabby,
    Susan help Mike shoving in hosipital , but alway cut his face, doctor said he didn't get any better, but Susan hold a faith that Mike could come out one day.
    Orsan brought the ring after dinner , he proposed to Bree, and Bree accept.
    Susan met a guy named Ian in the hospital who had experienced same miserablel with Susan, love spark between them.

    IP属地:河北2楼2020-12-26 19:16
      Bree was glowing when she arrived th dinner, she even wear a white gloves, she can't help smiling from ear to ear. she annouced she and Orson engaged. Gabby suprisely to found she and Orson hadn't having sex.
      Tome worried Nora gonna be blow off becase Lynette didn't tell her they are gonna have a party, Lynette are not happy, because he concentrate Nora's feeling ahead of her.
      Suan and Ian move further, Ian bring out a date, Susan was so shocked that spilt the ice cream on the Jane,in panic, she covered Jane with a blanket
      Nora called in the middle of party, she suspected from the background noise, to shileld from conflict with Nora, Lynette moblized kids to clean the party.

      IP属地:河北3楼2020-12-28 13:45
        Edid just said to clients that this is a quite community, ironically, when she slightly open the door, she saw a bunch of kids runing and screaming across the door.
        Nora sniff around the house, she didn't find the evidence that they are having a party. but a left out boy who was playing hide-and-seek when they are moving let the cat out of the bag, Lynette refused to tell Noah where the party is , sudden they saw a ballon float into sky from a yard across the street. two woman put them in a race immediately , Tom explain to Nora in panic , Lynette disappointedly walk away when she saw Tom so much concern about Nora's feeling. that encourage Tom not to succumb to Nora's threaten

        IP属地:河北4楼2020-12-31 13:43
          XiaoMei run away from Gaby's, Gabby track down to chinatown, but she got conflict with XiaoMei's friend, end up with getting a huge stain in his clothes, Eide found XiaoMei hiding in the storage room when she show clients house.
          Bree and Orson resist their craving for tempation.
          Susan confessed to Mike that he plan to accept Ian's date, because her was lonely .
          Gabby and Carlos had a bicker after Edie notified that XiaoMei was found.
          Orson gave Bree orgasm, Bree had no clue what it is , she visited the doctor immediately . doctor said it was orgasm.
          a woman named Carolyn arrived in Bree's enagement party, droped a bomb that Orson killed his wife. everyone was shocked, Bree chosen to believe Orson.

          IP属地:河北5楼2021-01-02 20:45