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【January·原创】Bree found Andrew w


【January·原创】Bree found Andrew was reported as vagrant in TV before aborading plane. she canceled their trip to honeymoon.
Bree blamed Daniela not to show a ounce of passion about Andrew's situation. Daniela retorted incisively that Bree should be the one take the reponsiblity for that. Bree confessed to Orson that Andrew was not run away, she kicked he out.

IP属地:河北1楼2021-01-07 09:27回复
    for escaping from mess life, Lynetee and Gaby treated themself a massage to relax, soon it was ruined by Tom's inury.
    Suan and Ian spend weekend in cabin, they broght condomn and lust lingeries spontaneously
    Nora insist to get Kalya back with Lynette together.
    Gabby run into John accidently. Bree looking for Andrew, a transsexual guide him to a soup store.
    at night, Susan and Ian were turning on , suddenly they had a argument over the number of dates. finally they parted on bad term.
    Gabby found John were mature and grown up , he run his own company. totally changed. when Gabby told him she and Carlos are getting divorce , John gloating ,they end up in bed together again.

    IP属地:河北4楼2021-01-08 22:29
      Edit interrupted when Julie and Austin was about to second base, Eide reminded Julie stay away from bad boy,Austin, her nephew was out of her league, Julie assured Edie she was not attracted into him at all.
      after sex, John received a call that his fiancee was on her way up here. it was Gabby's turn to escape which make her other woman. John put her into suitcase and left in elevator, Gabby get out by unzipping herself.
      Ian played piano in the midnight, Susan was touched, they made up together.
      Bree was tortured with guilt for abanding Andrew.
      next day , John apologized for what happend last night, Gabby want to keep their relationship. But John refused sanely. he don't want to screw up with fiancee.

      IP属地:河北6楼2021-01-09 22:09
        on the back way home, Lynette encourage Tom to do something he interested,she tried to be a supportive wife.
        Edit went up to hospital get CD back, before leave, a mind crossed her mind, she checked Mike's penis fall sleep with coma. but his eyes opened.

        IP属地:河北7楼2021-01-09 22:27