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美国红十字会(American Red Cross)经常献血者铁元素补充指南



IP属地:美国1楼2023-01-06 04:32回复
    IP属地:美国2楼2023-01-06 07:14
      Donating blood and platelets removes iron from your body. Iron is an essential mineral that is a part of hemoglobin which helps maintain your strength and energy. Your body needs iron to make new blood cells, replacing the ones lost through blood donations.
      To help maintain healthy iron levels, the American Red Cross recommends that individuals who donate blood and platelets frequently should take an iron supplement or a multivitamin with iron. Before taking an iron supplement or multivitamin, you should consult with your health-care provider.

      IP属地:美国3楼2023-01-06 07:19
        If you fall into one of these groups, you should consider yourself a frequent donor:
        1. Women under the age of 50 who have donated two or more units of red blood cells or made 10 or more platelet donations in the past year
        2. Women ages 50 and older who have donated three or more units of red blood cells or made 15 or more platelet donations in the past year
        3. Men who have donated three or more units of red blood cells or made 15 or more platelet donations in the past year
        Each blood donation is the equivalent of one unit of red blood cells, while each Power Red donation is the equivalent of two units of red blood cells. For example, a male who gives two Power Red donations in a year is considered a frequent donor.
        1. 50岁以下,过去一年献全血2个或2个单位以上,或10次/10次以上血小板的女性。(原文未提及献血小板是是1单位还是2单位)
        2. 50岁及50岁以上,过于一年献大于等于3个单位全血,或大于等于15次血小板的女性
        3. 过去一年献大于等于3个单位全血,或大于等于15次血小板的男性。

        IP属地:美国4楼2023-01-06 07:23

          IP属地:美国5楼2023-01-06 07:32
            Normal hemoglobin ranges are different for males and females. The normal range for men is 13.5 to 17.5g/dL. For women, the normal range is 12.0 to 15.5g/dL. African American men and women will have a normal range that varies by 0.7g/dL at the low end of the range.

            IP属地:美国6楼2023-01-06 07:34
              To help ensure that it is safe for you to donate, females must have a minimum hemoglobin level of 12.5g/dL and males must have a minimum level of 13.0g/dL. A donor’s hemoglobin level cannot be higher than 20.0g/dL to donate.
              女性: ≥12.5g/dL且≤20.0g/dL

              IP属地:美国7楼2023-01-06 07:39
                Foods have two types of iron: heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is most easily absorbed by your body. It is found in meat and animal products such as beef, turkey (especially dark meat), chicken, lamb, pork and liver.
                Non-heme iron is not as easily absorbed by your body, but is still a good source of iron and essential if you don’t eat meat. Examples of foods high in non-heme iron are breakfast cereals fortified by iron, breads and pasta (whole grain and enriched), tofu, beans, lentils, peanuts, dried fruits like raisins and eggs.

                IP属地:美国9楼2023-01-06 07:45
                  Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, which is why we recommend eating foods high in vitamin C. Foods such as tomatoes, oranges and other citrus fruits, and bell peppers have high levels of vitamin C. In addition to having high levels of heme iron, red meats can also help the body absorb non-heme iron.
                  Yes, some foods and beverages can decrease the amount of iron that your body absorbs. Some examples are:
                  Coffee or tea
                  Red wine
                  High fiber foods
                  Some medications like antacids
                  High calcium foods (like milk or cheese)
                  This doesn’t mean that you have to remove these foods and drinks from your diet, but you should consider avoiding eating these items with your iron-rich meals or iron supplements. For example, have your coffee or tea before or after your meal instead of with your meal.

                  IP属地:美国10楼2023-01-06 07:49
                    铁元素过量摄入的风险:本段不构成医学建议, 有疑问请进行医疗咨询。
                    Most people cannot get too much iron from food they choose to eat, which is why a balanced diet is important. Some people may already have a condition called hereditary hemochromatosis, which is an overload of iron that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. People with hemochromatosis should check with their health-care provider to find out how much iron in their diet is allowable.
                    大部分人不会从食物中过量摄入铁,这也说明了营养均衡的食谱很重要。但有些人可能有一种叫遗传性血色素沉着症(hereditary hemochromatosis)的疾病,如果不加以治疗,可能会影响健康并危及生命。患有此病的患者应该咨询医师,来制定合理的食谱控制铁元素摄入。

                    IP属地:美国11楼2023-01-06 07:53
                      Iron supplements are available over-the-counter at a variety of retail locations including drug stores, health food stores and grocery stores. Supplements are available without a prescription. Prices and dosages will vary.
                      Iron supplements come in a variety of dosages and formulations, with different characteristics. Some examples are ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate and carbonyl iron. It is important to look at the amount of elemental iron available for absorption.
                      The Red Cross recommends that you discuss which option and dosage is best for you with your health-care provider.

                      IP属地:美国13楼2023-01-06 08:01

                        IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端14楼2023-01-06 08:03
                          Prior to donating, the Red Cross checks your hemoglobin level, which is a measure of the protein in your blood that carries oxygen to help nourish tissues throughout your body. Iron is a part of hemoglobin.
                          Hemoglobin does not measure whether or not the iron stores in your body are healthy. If you were recently asked not to donate due to your hemoglobin level, you may want to speak with your health-care provider.

                          IP属地:美国15楼2023-01-06 08:03
                            It is normal for iron levels to fluctuate, even in those individuals who don’t donate blood and platelets. Many people who have low iron feel fine and have no symptoms. Symptoms may change from mild to more serious and can include: anemia, tiredness and irritability, reduced endurance during physical activity, difficulty concentrating or a craving to chew things such as ice or chalk (pica).

                            IP属地:美国16楼2023-01-06 08:08
                              有几层楼没有了, 百度真的好烦。

                              IP属地:美国17楼2023-01-06 08:12