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回复:【理查三世吧】理查三世戏剧分析(Cliffs Note)



IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端21楼2018-06-18 17:35

    IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端23楼2018-06-18 18:00

      IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端25楼2018-06-18 18:01
        The history of this period dating from the reign of Richard Il to the defeat of Richard III at Bosworth Field in 1485 was dramatized in two tetralogies. The first includes Richard Il (1595), the two Henry IV plays (1597-98), and Henry V(1599)(Here and elsewhere the generally accepted dates of composition are given.) In these plays Shakespeare presented the tragic fortunes of Richard Il which culminated in his deposition and murder: the rebellions which harassed the reign of the usurper and regicide, Henry IV; and the triumph of Henry V, who escaped punishment in this world for the sins of his father because he engaged English forces in a war against a foreign enemy, France, winning his famous victories. The second tetralogy includes the three Henry VI plays (1590-92)(Whether Shakespeare was actually the sole author of the Henry VI plays is still disputed, but there is little doubt that they are substantially his works.) and Richard III ( 1593). Obviously, the latter plays predate those comprising the first tetralogy, but there is sufficient evidence, external and internal, that Shakespeare, like his contemporaries,saw in the deposition of Richard Il, a lawful anointed ruler, the source of England's troubles during the entire period. This is a point worth keeping in mind because it makes understandable why the descendants of Lancastrian Henry IV as well as the members of the Yorkist party should be made to suffer grievously.

        IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端26楼2018-06-19 00:27

          IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端27楼2018-06-19 00:28
            The first Quarto of Richard III (1597) provides the only external evidence for dating the play, but internal evidence is suffciently great to point to the earlier date of composition cited above. Certainly the close relation to Henry VI, Part Three, wherein the character of Richard of Gloucester is fully established, indicates that the play was written soon after that chronicle history reached an appreciative public. The style is unmistakably that of early Shakespeare-the poet-dramatist who was still under the influence of his predecessors. As Sir Edmund K. Chambers pointed out (William Shakespeare, Vol. I. 1930, p. 302), it is a highly mannered, rhetorical style marked by frequent exclamations, violent and vituperative speeches, cumulative passages of parallel lines with parisonic endings and beginnings, as in these lines spoken by Queen Margaret:
            I had an Edward, till a Richard kill'd him;
            I had a husband, till a Richard kill'd him:
            Thou hadst an Edward, till a Richard kill'd him;
            Thou hadst a Richard, till a Richard kill'd him.

            IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端28楼2018-06-19 00:28

              IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端29楼2018-06-19 00:29
                The elaborate imagery, repetitions, quibbles, and conceits in the wooing scene (I.ii) provide good examples of the early playwright who is rather pleased with his cleverness rather than wholly concerned with character portrayal. All of these stylistic devices may be found in later Shakespeare, to be sure, but never in such abundance. Significant also is the fact that the blank verse in this play is largely end-stopped- that is, there is a grammatical or rhetorical pause at the end of most lines rather than an overrunning of sense from one line to another, which gives a more naturalness to the discourse. The student will find it useful to read aloud and to compare Richard's opening soliloquy with any of those in the late tragedies to appreciate the stylistic difference.

                IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端30楼2018-07-14 22:01

                  IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端31楼2018-07-14 22:02
                    Certain elements of style in Richard III are to be traced to the Roman dramatist Seneca, and these merit notice here. The ten tragedies attributed to Seneca were available in translation by 1581; indeed the first dates from 1559. These had great influence upon many of Shakespeare's predecessors and contemporaries. The tone and temper of the Roman's works, his sensationalism and moralizing, his stress on the tragedy of the individual had wide appeal. Comparatively ignorant of the Greek tragic writers, Shakespeare's generation found in Seneca inspiration and, to an appreciable extent, the model for their own tragedies. As for style, the self-revealing soliloquy, the long speeches characterized by full-blown rhetoric, the often epigrammatic alternating lines of speech and reply called stichomythia (as in the dialogue between Richard and Anne beginning "1 would I knew thy I.ii.193 ff.) all found a place in Elizabethan tragedy, including Richard III. Likewise with reference to the sensationalism in developing the theme of murder and revenge. Indeed Elizabethans went beyond Seneca, in whose plays violence is reported or described, not presented onstage. More often than not, such violence was depicted before the eyes of Elizabethan audiences. Among the Senecan trappings of tragedy are ghosts, foreboding dreams, signs and omens of impending catastrophe - all of which appear in Richard III.

                    IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端32楼2018-07-14 22:02

                      IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端33楼2018-07-14 22:03
                        With the stress on the individual, Seneca pointed the way to the one-man play, the drama in which the protagonist almost completely dominates the action. Because Shakespeare followed this lead he achieved a unity theretofore unknown in chronicle history plays. The Henry VI plays, for example, are notably epic in structure. The shifted emphasis to the titular hero makes justifiable the title The Tragedy of Richard III. This brings us to the hero-villain and the second line of influence, a knowledge of which adds appreciably to an understanding of the play. The reference is to the stage Machiavel. It has been argued that Machiavelli, author of The Prince (1513), was actually an early political idealist seeking to unify Italy by appealing to the ambitions of the Renaissance princes. But for most Elizabethans the Machiavellian was practically equated with the Devil. Political cunning, overreaching by diplomacy and intrigue came to be known as Machiavellianism, the philosophy of which seems to have been that the end justified the means, however cruel they may be. Christopher Marlowe brought the Machiavellian villain to the stage in his The Jew of Malta and The Massacre of Paris. In Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part Three (Ill.iii. 124-95), Richard of Gloucester soliloquizes, identifying himself as one whose criminal ambitions will lead him to "set the murderous Machiavel to school." He thus early emerged as the complete Machiavellian villain hero. The specific characteristics of this type must await our comments on Richard himself.

                        IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端34楼2018-07-18 21:23

                          IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端35楼2018-07-18 21:23
                            The dramatized story of Richard had wide appeal, and Shakespeare's play was not the only one based upon his career. Other versions were per formed in the public theaters and at Cambridge University. As late as 1602 Ben Jonson started to write a play entitled Richard Crookback. It is not only the fact that the evil character of Richard was bound to be fascinating for so many and that the accompanying sensationalism had quite as great an appeal; English history had its special attraction for the Elizabethans.
                            And was not the queen's grandfather the man who defeated Richard and established the Tudor dynasty? Most Englishmen were deeply interested in plays which dealt with the dynastic question, for Elizabeth I never had named her successor. Dissension and civil war, it was feared, might well follow the death of the aging queen.

                            IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端36楼2018-07-18 21:24

                              IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端37楼2018-07-18 21:24